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O objetivo do presente trabalho foi demonstrar a utilidade da técnica do código de barras do DNA na diagnose de 12 subpopulações de Pratylenchus spp. coletadas principalmente em cafezais do estado de São Paulo. O DNA genômico foi extraído de um único espécime de Pratylenchus spp. oriundos de raízes de café, Aglaonema, braquiária e citros. Através do uso de PCR, amplificou-se a região D2/D3 rDNA das subpopulações de Pratylenchus spp. Os fragmentos de DNA amplificados de cada população foram purificados e seqüenciados diretamente em ambas as direções. A seguir, as seqüências consenso de Pratylenchus spp. foram comparadas às seqüências de outras espécies de nematóides depositadas no banco de dados (GenBank) para a identificação da porcentagem de homologia. O uso da técnica do código de barras mostrou-se eficiente na identificação de Pratylenchus brachyurus, P. jaehni e pelo menos duas espécies provavelmente ainda não descritas.
The objective of the present work was to demonstrate the usefulness of DNA barcode methodology to diagnose 12 root lesion nematode populations mainly from coffee plantations. The genomic DNA was extracted from one individual Pratylenchus spp. from Coffeae Arabica, Aglaonema, Brachyaria or Citrus sp. roots. The D2/D3 region of rDNA of each Pratylenchus populations were amplified by PCR. Purified DNA fragments were sequenced directly in both directions using each primer pair. Thereafter the consensus sequences of Pratylenchus spp. were compared with other nematode species sequences deposited in the on line data base (GenBank) to identification of percentage of homology. The use of DNA barcode technology provided an accurate identification of the plant-parasitic nematode P. brachyurus, P. jaehni and at least two undescribed Pratylenchus species from coffee.
The objective of the present work was to demonstrate the usefulness of DNA barcode methodology to diagnose 12 root lesion nematode populations mainly from coffee plantations. The genomic DNA was extracted from one individual Pratylenchus spp. from Coffeae Arabica, Aglaonema, Brachyaria or Citrus sp. roots. The D2/D3 region of rDNA of each Pratylenchus populations were amplified by PCR. Purified DNA fragments were sequenced directly in both directions using each primer pair. Thereafter the consensus sequences of Pratylenchus spp. were compared with other nematode species sequences deposited in the on line data base (GenBank) to identification of percentage of homology. The use of DNA barcode technology provided an accurate identification of the plant-parasitic nematode P. brachyurus, P. jaehni and at least two undescribed Pratylenchus species from coffee.
Trabalho apresentado no Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (6. : 2009 : Vitória, ES). Anais Brasília, D.F: Embrapa - Café, 2011
Coffeae arabica, diagnose molecular, identificação de nematóide, nematóide das lesões radiculares, Coffeae arabica, molecular diagnostic, nematode identification, root lesion nematodes.
Oliveira, Claudio Marcelo G. de; Kubo, Roberto K.; Harakava, Ricardo. Diagnose de Pratylenchus spp. de cafezais paulistas pela aplicação da tecnologia do código de barras no DNA. In: Simpósio de Pesquisa dos cafés do Brasil (6. : 2009 : Vitória, ES). Anais Brasília, D.F: Embrapa - Café, 2011 (1 CD-ROM), 5p.