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O controle da torrefação dos grãos de café é feito normalmente pelo operador segundo a informação da temperatura do equipamento. Os equipamentos usados no processo de torrefação têm pelo menos um sensor de temperatura que serve para identificar, registrar a temperatura do torrefador e controlar o processo final de torrefação do café. Objetivou-se com este trabalho correlacionar as temperaturas do torrefador, com a temperatura da massa de grãos e com o tempo de torrefação. Para atingir determinados graus de cor nos grãos. Foram utilizadas amostras de 350 g de café arábica classificadas como estritamente mole, com tamanho acima da peneira n.° 17, com índices da cor médio claro, médio, moderadamente escuro e escuro, o processo de torrefação deu-se em um torrefador rotativo perfurado de combustão direta a gás, e às temperaturas de 255, 285, 305 e 355 C do torrefador. Adaptaram-se experimentalmente equações potenciais para representar satisfatoriamente a relação entre o tempo de torrefação e a temperatura do torrefador. Equações lineares, representaram adequadamente a interação da temperatura do torrefador com a temperatura da massa dos grãos. Observou-se que há um perfil de aquecimento dos grãos, correspondente para cada temperatura no torrefador, que permite ser utilizado como um dos principais parâmetros da torrefação associado ao índice da cor nos grãos.
The control of roasting coffee is made by the operator, following the equipment temperature information. Roasting equipments have at least one temperature sensor that function to identify, register or control the final process in roasting coffee. The main objective in this work was to associate temperatures equipment to grain mass temperature, with the roasting time. It was used a perforated rotating roaster of gas flaring straight and Arabic coffee samples of 350 g classified as strictly soft, bean size with oversized 17 sieve number, submitted to 255, 284, 305 and 355°C of roasting process, and roasting degree medium light, medium, moderately dark, and dark. It was adapted potential equations to represent the interaction of the variables of roasting time and roaster temperature. It was adapted linear equation to represent the interaction of roaster temperature and grains temperature. It was determined that there is a heating profile of the grains corresponding to each temperature in the roaster, it allows to be used as a main parameter of roasting coffee and associated with color roasting degree.
The control of roasting coffee is made by the operator, following the equipment temperature information. Roasting equipments have at least one temperature sensor that function to identify, register or control the final process in roasting coffee. The main objective in this work was to associate temperatures equipment to grain mass temperature, with the roasting time. It was used a perforated rotating roaster of gas flaring straight and Arabic coffee samples of 350 g classified as strictly soft, bean size with oversized 17 sieve number, submitted to 255, 284, 305 and 355°C of roasting process, and roasting degree medium light, medium, moderately dark, and dark. It was adapted potential equations to represent the interaction of the variables of roasting time and roaster temperature. It was adapted linear equation to represent the interaction of roaster temperature and grains temperature. It was determined that there is a heating profile of the grains corresponding to each temperature in the roaster, it allows to be used as a main parameter of roasting coffee and associated with color roasting degree.
Trabalho apresentado no Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (7. : 2011 : Araxá, MG). Anais Brasília, D.F: Embrapa - Café, 2011
Medição da temperatura, aquecimento dos grãos, processo de torrefação, cor dos grãos, Coffea arábica., Temperature measurement, grains heating, roasting process, roasting color degree, Coffea arábica.
Elías, Guillermo Asdrúbal Vargas; Corrêa, Paulo César; Baptestini, Fernanda Machado; Paixão, Aline Almeida da; Freitas, Rafael Leite de. Temperatura da massa dos grãos de café ao atingir os diferentes graus de torrefação. In: Simpósio de Pesquisa dos cafés do Brasil (7. : 2011 : Araxá, MG). Anais Brasília, D.F: Embrapa - Café, 2011 (1 CD-ROM), 6p.