Eficiência de campo em diferentes operações mecanizadas na cafeicultura
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O café é uma cultura de destaque no Brasil, tanto que, nos últimos anos, passou por grandes modificações, com a utilização intensa da mecanização, que se tornou uma alternativa viável para grande parte dos produtores, possibilitando aumento da capacidade operacional e redução dos custos de produção. Atualmente, em áreas totalmente aptas à mecanização, todas as operações durante o ciclo da cultura são realizadas, mecanicamente, por diferentes máquinas e implementos. Conduziu-se, o presente estudo, no município de Alfenas-MG, para determinar a capacidade de trabalho e a eficiência de campo de máquinas utilizadas nas diferentes operações da lavoura cafeeira. Os dados de desempenho obtidos foram tratados estatisticamente pela correlação de Pearson (p), o que permitiu determinar a influência da velocidade operacional e comprimento médio das entrelinhas, nos parâmetros de desempenho. Com base nos resultados, os parâmetros de desempenho operacional, capacidade de campo efetiva e tempo demandado apresentaram alta correlação com a velocidade operacional dos conjuntos mecanizados. As operações de preparo de covas, varrição e recolhimento apresentaram os menores resultados de eficiência de campo, enquanto as demais operações avaliadas apresentaram valores acima de 70%, considerados aceitáveis.
Coffee is a prominent culture in Brazil, so much that in recent years the coffee crop has passed major changes, such as the intensive use of mechanization that has become a viable alternative for most producers, enabling increased capacity and reduction production costs. Currently in areas totally suitable for mechanization, all operations during the crop cycle are performed mechanically by different machines and implements. This experiment was carried out in Alfenas-MG, in order to determine the work capacity and efficiency of field machines used in different mechanized operations in the coffee crop. The performance data were treated statistically by Pearson correlation (p), wich allowed to determine the influence of operating speed and average length of streets in the performance parameters. Based on the results the parameters of operating performance, effective field capacity and time required were highly correlated as the operating speed of mechanized sets. The holes preparation, raking and gathering showed the worst results of field efficiency, while other operations evaluated showed values above 70%, considered acceptable.
Coffee is a prominent culture in Brazil, so much that in recent years the coffee crop has passed major changes, such as the intensive use of mechanization that has become a viable alternative for most producers, enabling increased capacity and reduction production costs. Currently in areas totally suitable for mechanization, all operations during the crop cycle are performed mechanically by different machines and implements. This experiment was carried out in Alfenas-MG, in order to determine the work capacity and efficiency of field machines used in different mechanized operations in the coffee crop. The performance data were treated statistically by Pearson correlation (p), wich allowed to determine the influence of operating speed and average length of streets in the performance parameters. Based on the results the parameters of operating performance, effective field capacity and time required were highly correlated as the operating speed of mechanized sets. The holes preparation, raking and gathering showed the worst results of field efficiency, while other operations evaluated showed values above 70%, considered acceptable.
Operações agrícolas, Capacidade de trabalho, Desempenho operacional, Coffea arabica
CUNHA, J. P. B.; SILVA, F. M.; DIAS, R. E. B. A. Eficiência de campo em diferentes operações mecanizadas na cafeicultura. Coffee Science, Lavras, v. 11, n. 1, p. 76-86, jan./mar. 2016.