Nutrição nitrogenada e potássica afetando crescimento, produção, composição química e qualidade da bebida do Coffea arabica L.
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
O nitrogênio e potássio são os nutrientes de maior exigência pelo cafeeiro, sua deficiência pode causar distúrbios metabólicos e afetar o desenvolvimento das plantas de café e consequentemente a produção e características físicas e químicas dos grãos, uma vez que são nutrientes minerais envolvidos na biossíntese e metabolismo de compostos relacionados à qualidade química dos grãos crus do café. Este trabalho objetivou avaliar o efeito do nitrogênio (N), potássio (K) e da relação N:K no crescimento vegetativo, produção e características físicas dos grãos beneficiados de café, bem como o efeito sobre os principais atributos químicos relacionados à qualidade da bebida dos grãos crus do café. Os tratamentos consistiram de quatro relações N:K na solução nutritiva, obtidas mantendo-se constante a concentração de N e variando a concentração de K, mais um tratamento controle com menor concentração de N. Empregaram-se as concentrações 1,08, 2,15, 3,23 e 5,38 mmol/L de K combinados com a dose de 6 mmol/L de N, obtendo-se as relações N:K(p/p):1,0:0,5; 1,0:1,0; 1,0:1,5; 1,0:2,5. Empregou-se um tratamento controle com as doses de 3 e 1,61 mmol/L de N e K, respectivamente resultando a relação N:K(p/p) de 1,0:1,5. Empregaram-se mudas de café da variedade Catuaí Vermelho IAC 99 germinadas em substrato convencional e com um par de folhas definitivas, as quais foram transferidas para o sistema hidropônico de cultivo por sub-irrigação tendo como substrato a argila expandida. Para o referido estudo foram realizadas análises dos seguintes atributos químicos relacionados à qualidade da bebida: atividade da polifenoloxidase, cafeína, fenóis totais, açúcares totais, redutores e não redutores, acidez total titulável, índice de coloração, lixiviação de potássio, condutividade elétrica e pH. Além disso, foram realizadas análises das seguintes variáveis do crescimento vegetativo: altura, número de nós do ramo ortotrópico, número de nós do oitavo ramo plagiotrópico contado a partir da base (Ramo índice), diâmetro do caule, número de frutos do ramo índice, a cada duas semanas após a queda das flores, análise química de folhas e grãos, clorofila total, produção por planta e classificação dos grãos quanto ao tamanho. A relação N:K influenciou a qualidade da bebida avaliada pela prova de xícara. O potássio influenciou todas as variáveis analisadas exceto a atividade da polifenoloxidase. O alto N não influenciou a produção de café cereja e restringiu a qualidade da bebida. A qualidade da bebida foi proporcional a atividade da polifenoloxidase, cafeína, índice de coloração e açúcares redutores e inversamente proporcional a acidez total titulável, lixiviação de potássio, pH e condutividade elétrica. O efeito da relação N:K foi observado nas seguintes variáveis de crescimento vegetativo: altura, número de nós dos ramos plagiotrópicos e diâmetro do caule , no entanto, não foi importante na definição da produção de café cereja e na classificação dos grãos beneficiados quanto ao tamanho. O teor de N nos tecidos das plantas foi proporcional ao N da solução nutritiva, contudo, não foi acompanhado de maiores médias das variáveis analisadas. O K influenciou o crescimento vegetativo até um ponto de máximo obtido com 5,38 mmol/L de K na solução nutritiva, o qual resultou em teores de 3,25 dag/kg de K nas folhas índice do cafeeiro.
Nitrogen and potassium are the nutrients of greatest demand for coffee. Its deficiency can cause metabolic disturbances and affect the development of coffee plants and consequently the production and physical and chemical characteristics of grains, since nutrients are involved in biosynthesis and metabolism of compounds related to chemical quality of raw coffee beans. This study evaluated the effect of nitrogen (N), potassium (K) and N:K ratio on vegetative growth, yield and physical characteristics of coffee grains, besides the effect on the main attributes related to the quality of beverage of raw coffee beans. Treatments consisted of four N:K ratio in nutrition solution, obtained by keeping constant the concentration of N and varying concentrations of K, and a control treatment with lower concentrations of N. The concentration of K used were 1.08, 2.15, 3.23 and 5.38 mmol/L combined with a dose of 6 mmol/L of N, resulting in the N:K ratio: 1.0: 0.5; 1.0:1.0, 1.0:1.5, 1.0:2.5. The control treatment was compound of doses of 3 and 1.61 mmol/L of N and K respectively, resulting in the N:K ratio 1.0:1.5. The coffee cultivar used was Catuaí Vermelho IAC 99 germinated in conventional substrate and transferred to hydroponic cultivation at the onset of the first true leaves pair. There was used a sub-irrigation system with expanded clay as substrate. Besides the cup test, there were made grain analysis of polyphenoloxidase activity (PPO), caffeine, phenolic compounds (FT), total sugar (AT), reducing sugars (ARS) and non-reducing sugars (ANR), total acidity (ATT), coloration index (IC), leaching of potassium (LK) electrical conductivity (CE) and pH. In addition, for this study analysis were performed for the variables of vegetative growth: height, number of nodes in the orthotropic branch, number of nodes in the eighth plagiotrophycal branch (Branch index), stem diameter, fruit number of the branch index, chemical analysis of leaves and grains, chlorophyll, plant production and grain classification according to size. The N:K ratio influenced the quality of the beverage evaluated by cup test. Potassium influenced all variables, except the PPO activity. The high N did not influence the production of cherry coffee and restricted quality of the beverage. The quality of the beverage was proportional to the PPO activity, caffeine, coloration index and reduced sugars and inversely proportional to the total acidity, leaching of potassium, pH and electrical conductivity. The effect of N:K ratio was observed in the following vegetative growth variables: height, number of nodes of the plagiotrophycal branches and stem diameter, however, was not important in determining the yield of individual plants and in the classification of benefit grain size. The N content in plant tissues was proportional to N in nutrition solution, however, was not accompanied by higher averages of all variables. The K affect vegetative growth until a maximum point around 5,38 mmo/L that corresponds to 3,25 dag/kg of K in the index leaves.
Nitrogen and potassium are the nutrients of greatest demand for coffee. Its deficiency can cause metabolic disturbances and affect the development of coffee plants and consequently the production and physical and chemical characteristics of grains, since nutrients are involved in biosynthesis and metabolism of compounds related to chemical quality of raw coffee beans. This study evaluated the effect of nitrogen (N), potassium (K) and N:K ratio on vegetative growth, yield and physical characteristics of coffee grains, besides the effect on the main attributes related to the quality of beverage of raw coffee beans. Treatments consisted of four N:K ratio in nutrition solution, obtained by keeping constant the concentration of N and varying concentrations of K, and a control treatment with lower concentrations of N. The concentration of K used were 1.08, 2.15, 3.23 and 5.38 mmol/L combined with a dose of 6 mmol/L of N, resulting in the N:K ratio: 1.0: 0.5; 1.0:1.0, 1.0:1.5, 1.0:2.5. The control treatment was compound of doses of 3 and 1.61 mmol/L of N and K respectively, resulting in the N:K ratio 1.0:1.5. The coffee cultivar used was Catuaí Vermelho IAC 99 germinated in conventional substrate and transferred to hydroponic cultivation at the onset of the first true leaves pair. There was used a sub-irrigation system with expanded clay as substrate. Besides the cup test, there were made grain analysis of polyphenoloxidase activity (PPO), caffeine, phenolic compounds (FT), total sugar (AT), reducing sugars (ARS) and non-reducing sugars (ANR), total acidity (ATT), coloration index (IC), leaching of potassium (LK) electrical conductivity (CE) and pH. In addition, for this study analysis were performed for the variables of vegetative growth: height, number of nodes in the orthotropic branch, number of nodes in the eighth plagiotrophycal branch (Branch index), stem diameter, fruit number of the branch index, chemical analysis of leaves and grains, chlorophyll, plant production and grain classification according to size. The N:K ratio influenced the quality of the beverage evaluated by cup test. Potassium influenced all variables, except the PPO activity. The high N did not influence the production of cherry coffee and restricted quality of the beverage. The quality of the beverage was proportional to the PPO activity, caffeine, coloration index and reduced sugars and inversely proportional to the total acidity, leaching of potassium, pH and electrical conductivity. The effect of N:K ratio was observed in the following vegetative growth variables: height, number of nodes of the plagiotrophycal branches and stem diameter, however, was not important in determining the yield of individual plants and in the classification of benefit grain size. The N content in plant tissues was proportional to N in nutrition solution, however, was not accompanied by higher averages of all variables. The K affect vegetative growth until a maximum point around 5,38 mmo/L that corresponds to 3,25 dag/kg of K in the index leaves.
Dissertação de mestrado defendida na Universidade Federal de Viçosa.
CLEMENTE, J. M. Nutrição nitrogenada e potássica afetando crescimento, produção, composição química e qualidade da bebida do Coffea arabica L.. 2010. 52 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Fitotecnia) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa-MG. 2010.