Obtenção de mudas clonais de café (Coffea arabica L.) via embriogênese somática
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A exploração da heterozigose, por meio de cruzamentos inter-varietais e inter-específicos, depende da disponibilidade de uma metodologia de multiplicação vegetativa. Esta metodologia é essencial, tanto para avaliação e seleção de clones em condições de campo quanto para plantios comerciais em larga escala das variedades híbridas após o seu lançamento. Visando revisar a metodologia de clonagem de café via embriogênese somática, experimentos foram conduzidos, nos quais foram utilizadas plantas matrizes de vários genótipos, cultivadas em casa de vegetação. Após a desinfestação, explantes de 0,5 x 0,5 cm aproximadamente foram inoculados em placas de Petri contendo 20 ml do meio básico de MS a 50%, acrescido de 4,9 mM de IBA, 9,8 mM de 2-iP e 20 mM de 2,4-D. Após 30 dias, os explantes foram transferidos para placas contendo o mesmo meio fresco, com redução do 2,4D para 10 mM, onde permaneceram por mais 90 a 120 dias até o aparecimento dos setores embriogênicos, quando foi feita a avaliação final. A taxa de formação de calos primários foi próxima de 100% para a maioria dos genótipos, enquanto que a taxa de formação de setores embriogênicos foi de 8,3; 36,8; 41,9; 100 e 84,3%, respectivamente para 'Mundo Novo', 'Icatu Amarelo', 'Acaiá Cerrado', 'Catuaí Vermelho' e 'Rubi'. Os setores embriogênicos foram isolados e diferenciados em meio de regeneração de MS a 50%, acrescido de 1,3 mM de ANA e 8,8 mM de BAP. A taxa de regeneração foi de 71,5%. Os embriões foram transferidos para maturação e germinação em meio de MS a 50%, acrescido de 1,1 mM de BAP e 2,6 mM de AIA. Após dois meses, os embriões foram transferidos para meio de crescimento em magenta, constituído do meio básico de DKW a 20%, acrescido de 1,3 mM de BAP. Com mais um a dois meses de cultivo, as plântulas foram transferidas para casa de vegetação para aclimatação.
The exploitation of heterozygosity, through inter-varieties or interspecific crossing depends on availability of vegetative multiplication protocol. This methodology is essencial for evaluation of selected clones under field conditions as well as for large scale plantations of hybrid varieties after their releasing. With the objective of revising the cloning methodology of coffee through somatic embryogenesis, experiments were conducted, in which mother plants from several genotypes grown under greenhouse conditions were utilized. After disinfection, explants measuring approximately 0.5x0.5 cm were inoculated in Petri plates containing 20 ml of MS basic medium, half strength, supplemented with 4.9 mM IBA, 9.8 mM 2-iP, and 20 mM 2,4-D. After 30 days, the explants were transferred to plates containing 10 mM 2,4D and cultured for 90 to 120 days until the formation of embryogenic sectors. After this period, the final evaluation was conducted. Primary callus formation rate was almost 100% for the most of the genotypes. On the other hand, the embryogenic sectors formation was 8.3; 36.8; 41.9; 100, and 84.3%, respectively for 'Mundo Novo', 'Icatu Amarelo', 'Acaiá Cerrado', 'Catuaí Vermelho' e 'Rubi'. The embryogenic sectors were isolated and differentiated on MS regeneration medium, half strength, supplemented with 1.3 mM ANA, and 8.8 mM BAP. The regeneration rate was 71,5%. The embryos were transferred to MS maturation and germination medium, half strength, supplemented with 1.1 mM BAP, and 2.6 mM AIA. After two months, the embryos were transferred to growing medium in Magenta ® box, containing DKW basal medium, 20% of original formula, supplemented with 1.3 mM BAP. After one or two months of culture, the plantlets were transferred to greenhouse for acclimatization.
The exploitation of heterozygosity, through inter-varieties or interspecific crossing depends on availability of vegetative multiplication protocol. This methodology is essencial for evaluation of selected clones under field conditions as well as for large scale plantations of hybrid varieties after their releasing. With the objective of revising the cloning methodology of coffee through somatic embryogenesis, experiments were conducted, in which mother plants from several genotypes grown under greenhouse conditions were utilized. After disinfection, explants measuring approximately 0.5x0.5 cm were inoculated in Petri plates containing 20 ml of MS basic medium, half strength, supplemented with 4.9 mM IBA, 9.8 mM 2-iP, and 20 mM 2,4-D. After 30 days, the explants were transferred to plates containing 10 mM 2,4D and cultured for 90 to 120 days until the formation of embryogenic sectors. After this period, the final evaluation was conducted. Primary callus formation rate was almost 100% for the most of the genotypes. On the other hand, the embryogenic sectors formation was 8.3; 36.8; 41.9; 100, and 84.3%, respectively for 'Mundo Novo', 'Icatu Amarelo', 'Acaiá Cerrado', 'Catuaí Vermelho' e 'Rubi'. The embryogenic sectors were isolated and differentiated on MS regeneration medium, half strength, supplemented with 1.3 mM ANA, and 8.8 mM BAP. The regeneration rate was 71,5%. The embryos were transferred to MS maturation and germination medium, half strength, supplemented with 1.1 mM BAP, and 2.6 mM AIA. After two months, the embryos were transferred to growing medium in Magenta ® box, containing DKW basal medium, 20% of original formula, supplemented with 1.3 mM BAP. After one or two months of culture, the plantlets were transferred to greenhouse for acclimatization.
Trabalho apresentado no Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (4. : 2005 : Londrina, PR). Anais. Brasília, D.F. : Embrapa Café, 2005.
Café Micropropagação Clonagem Embriogênese somática Coffea arabica, Coffee Micropropagation; Cloning Somatic embryogenesis Coffea arabica
Teixeira, João Batista; Pereira, Ana J. P.; Junqueira, Cristina S; Mello, Raquel I.S. de; Silva, Ana Paula D. da; Mundim, Danielle A. Obtenção de mudas clonais de café (Coffea arabica L.) via embriogênese somática. In: Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (4. : Londrina, PR : 2005). Anais. Brasília, D.F. : Embrapa - Café, 2005. (1 CD-ROM), 5p.