Influência da capacidade de campo na taxa de crescimento do cafeeiro conilon
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência da capacidade de campo (CC) na taxa de crescimento do cafeeiro conilon a partir da adoção de três tensões: 0,006 MPa (CC 1 ), 0,010 MPa (CC 2 ) e 0,033 MPa (CC 3 ), em dois tipos de solo (Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo e Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo). O experimento foi montado em casa de vegetação no Núcleo de Estudos e de Difusão de Tecnologia em Floresta, Recursos Hídricos e Agricultura Sustentável, município de Jerônimo Monteiro, Espírito Santo. A espécie vegetal utilizada foi a Coffea canephora Pierre ex A. Froehner, variedade Robusta Tropical (EMCAPER 8151), cultivada em vaso de 12 litros, por um período de 255 dias. As análises de crescimento foram realizadas 15 dias após o transplantio das mudas e no final do experimento, para determinação de matéria seca total e área foliar. O teor de umidade do solo na capacidade de campo varia com a tensão adotada em sua determinação. As maiores taxas de crescimentos relativo e absoluto do cafeeiro conilon foram obtidas quando a umidade do solo foi mantida na capacidade de campos determinada na tensão de 0,010 MPa no Latossolo Vermelho- Amarelo e de 0,006 MPa no Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo. As menores taxas de crescimento da cultura foram observa- das na capacidade de campo determinada na tensão de 0,033 MPa, o que inviabiliza a sua adoção na estimativa da lâmina de irrigação utilizando-se a câmara de pressão de Richards.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the influence of field capacity (FC) on the growth rate of the conilon coffee plant by using three tensions (0.006 MPa (FC 1 ), 0.010 MPa (FC 2 ) and 0.033 MPa (FC 3 )) in two soils (Red-Yellow Oxisol and Red-Yellow Ultisol). The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse at the Center of Studies and Technology Dissemination in Forestry, Water Resources and Sustainable Agriculture, in the municipality of Jerônimo Monteiro-ES. Plants of Coffea canephora Pierre ex A. Froehner, variety Robusta Tropical (EMCAPER 8151), were cultivated in 12 L containers for 255 days. Growth analyses were carried out 15 days after transplanting and at the end of the experiment total dry matter and leaf area were determined. The soil moisture level in the field capacity varied as a function of the tension chosen for its determination. The highest rates of relative and absolute growth of Conilon coffee plants were obtained when the soil moisture was kept close to the field capacity determined at 0.010 MPa in the Red-Yellow Oxisol and at 0.006 MPa in the Red-Yellow Ultisol. The lowest growth rates of the crop were found in the field capacity determined at 0.033 MPa, making it unfeasible to the use in the estimation of the irrigation sheet with the Richard’s pressure plate apparatus.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the influence of field capacity (FC) on the growth rate of the conilon coffee plant by using three tensions (0.006 MPa (FC 1 ), 0.010 MPa (FC 2 ) and 0.033 MPa (FC 3 )) in two soils (Red-Yellow Oxisol and Red-Yellow Ultisol). The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse at the Center of Studies and Technology Dissemination in Forestry, Water Resources and Sustainable Agriculture, in the municipality of Jerônimo Monteiro-ES. Plants of Coffea canephora Pierre ex A. Froehner, variety Robusta Tropical (EMCAPER 8151), were cultivated in 12 L containers for 255 days. Growth analyses were carried out 15 days after transplanting and at the end of the experiment total dry matter and leaf area were determined. The soil moisture level in the field capacity varied as a function of the tension chosen for its determination. The highest rates of relative and absolute growth of Conilon coffee plants were obtained when the soil moisture was kept close to the field capacity determined at 0.010 MPa in the Red-Yellow Oxisol and at 0.006 MPa in the Red-Yellow Ultisol. The lowest growth rates of the crop were found in the field capacity determined at 0.033 MPa, making it unfeasible to the use in the estimation of the irrigation sheet with the Richard’s pressure plate apparatus.
Crescimento vegetal, Umidade do solo
DARDENGO, M. C. J. D.; REIS, E. F.; PASSOS, R. R. Influência da capacidade de campo na taxa de crescimento do cafeeiro conilon. Revista Ceres, Viçosa, v. 57, n.1, p. 42-47, jan/fev, 2010.