Utilização racional de plantas de cobertura em lavouras cafeeiras
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Este trabalho reúne informações obtidas nos diversos experimentos sobre adubação verde/plantas de cobertura que permitem formular, a partir destes resultados, um manejo racional (modelo) para a utilização de cobertura do solo com as espécies de plantas da família das leguminosas. As informações sobre ciclo das espécies, capacidade de cobertura do solo, hábito de crescimento, característica da cobertura, produção de biomassa e acumulação de nitrogênio são importantes afim de se estabelecer um planejamento de utilização, especialmente em virtude da diversidade de espaçamentos das atuais lavouras cafeeiras. Plantas de cobertura de crescimento rasteiro e dominador (enrolam-se no cafeeiro) são mais adaptados às lavouras cafeeiras tradicionais; as plantas de cobertura de crescimentos rasteiro não dominador (não se enrolam no cafeeiro) e semi erectas devem ser recomendadas para as lavouras semi adensadas; as plantas de cobertura de crescimento erecto são mais adaptados para os cafeeiros adensados e super adensados. O plantio do adubo verde/plantas de cobertura também tem que considerar dois aspectos fundamentais: 1. garantir boa proteção ao solo e 2. fornecer nutrientes (especialmente NO3 ) ao cafeeiro na época de maior demanda. Esta dupla ação pode ser obtida a partir da combinação de espécies de plantas com boa capacidade de cobertura do solo e com ciclos de maturação diferenciados, garantindo o melhor benefício ao produtor. Este manejo das plantas de cobertura nas lavouras cafeeiras, visa, principalmente, melhorar a fertilidade do solo e da produção da lavoura com menores custos de práticas como a adubação mineral e capina.
The purpose of this scientific paper is to summarise the findings which emerged from the results of several experiments conducted with green manures/cover crops (gmcc) which allowed to formulate a model for an efficient use of leguminous species as cover crops for coffee production. Plant cycle, soil cover capacity and characteristics, habit of growth, biomass production and nitrogen accumulation are important findings to establish an efficient plan, especially because of the great diversity of coffee planting densities. Cover crops with high vigour and good soil cover near the ground are recommended for traditional coffee plantation; green manures/cover crops with less vigour growth and semi erect habit are recommended for low coffee planting density; cover crops with erect growth (upward growth) are more adapted for high and super coffee planting density. Two important aspects have to be considered for cover crops use: 1. good soil protection, and 2. nutrient release (especially NO3 ) for coffee roots at the right time. These two characteristics can be achieved with the combinations of plant species with good soil cover capacity and with variable maturation cycle, which allowed better benefit for farmers. This management of cover crops in a coffee plantation is important mainly to improve soil fertility levels and coffee production with lower costs of the agronomic practices such as chemical fertilization and weed cuttings.
The purpose of this scientific paper is to summarise the findings which emerged from the results of several experiments conducted with green manures/cover crops (gmcc) which allowed to formulate a model for an efficient use of leguminous species as cover crops for coffee production. Plant cycle, soil cover capacity and characteristics, habit of growth, biomass production and nitrogen accumulation are important findings to establish an efficient plan, especially because of the great diversity of coffee planting densities. Cover crops with high vigour and good soil cover near the ground are recommended for traditional coffee plantation; green manures/cover crops with less vigour growth and semi erect habit are recommended for low coffee planting density; cover crops with erect growth (upward growth) are more adapted for high and super coffee planting density. Two important aspects have to be considered for cover crops use: 1. good soil protection, and 2. nutrient release (especially NO3 ) for coffee roots at the right time. These two characteristics can be achieved with the combinations of plant species with good soil cover capacity and with variable maturation cycle, which allowed better benefit for farmers. This management of cover crops in a coffee plantation is important mainly to improve soil fertility levels and coffee production with lower costs of the agronomic practices such as chemical fertilization and weed cuttings.
Trabalho apresentado no Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (4. : 2005 : Londrina, PR). Anais. Brasília, D.F. : Embrapa Café, 2005.
Cobertura do solo Fertilidade Adubação verde Critérios para uso Coffea arabica, Soil cover Soil fertility Green manure Use criteria Coffea arabica
Chaves, Júlio César Dias. Utilização racional de plantas de cobertura em lavouras cafeeiras. In: Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (4. : Londrina, PR : 2005). Anais. Brasília, D.F. : Embrapa - Café, 2005. (1 CD-ROM), 5p.