Estudo da qualidade, microbiota e produção de ocratoxina a em frutos de café coletados na árvore e no solo em Londrina - PR
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O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar a qualidade do café, a microbiota e a produção de ocratoxina A em frutos de café com permanência prolongada na planta e no solo, em Londrina - PR no ano de 2003. O experimento foi instalado no Centro Experimental do IAPAR de Londrina - PR, em cafezal da cultivar Sarchimor Amarelo, de maturação tardia, com 3 anos após o plantio no espaçamento adensado de 2,5 x 0,80m. Utilizou-se o delineamento blocos ao acaso, com seis tratamentos constando de colheita a cada 15 dias, com 10 plantas por parcela. No início, retiraram-se todos os frutos secos e verdes da planta, deixando-se apenas os frutos maduros. A seguir, a cada 15 dias, iniciando em 15/08/03 e finalizando em 31/10/03, colheu-se os frutos da árvore e os caídos no chão, que foram secos até 12% de umidade em caixas teladas a pleno sol. Os grãos foram beneficiados e acondicionados em sacos de papel para as respectivas análises de prova de xícara, de fungos e de ocratoxina A. Foi instalada uma estação agrometereológica para monitoramento da temperatura das folhas, umidade relativa do ar e precipitação durante o período de três meses das seis épocas de colheita. Os resultados mostraram que as condições climáticas do período foram de baixa umidade relativa, com precipitações que totalizaram 210 mm, caracterizado por estiagem nos dois primeiros meses que impediram o desenvolvimento da microbiota. A prova de xícara utilizada para caracterizar a qualidade da bebida mostrou que nas épocas iniciais 1, 2 e 3, os frutos colhidos na árvore deram bebida apenas mole, enquanto que os cafés de varrição deram bebida dura. Os cafés das épocas 4, 5 e 6, da árvore ou da varrição deram bebida dura. Os defeitos dos grãos pretos e ardidos só começaram a aparecer a partir da época 4, atingindo 80 defeitos no final. A análise da microbiota mostrou que os principais fungos encontrados foram principalmente do gênero Aspergillus e a presença de ocratoxina A esteve dentro do limites permitidos. Conclui-se o tempo de permanência dos frutos na árvore e no solo afetou negativamente a qualidade do café, nas condições climáticas de Londrina na safra de 2002/2003, porém sem o aparecimento do gosto riado/rio. Devido à ocorrência de fungos produtores de ocratoxina A, o monitoramento da produção de ocratoxina deve ser uma prática constante nestas lavouras e sugerem-se ainda estudos para complementar os conhecimentos sobre perda da qualidade da bebida do café causada pelo aparecimento de substâncias causadoras de bebidas riado/rio e sobre o desenvolvimento de fungos produtores de ocratoxina A neste local.
The objective of this work is to evaluate coffee quality, the microbiotic and the production of ochratoxin A in coffee fruits that remained for extended periods on the plants and on the soil surface, in Londrina, PR, Brazil, during the year of 2003. The experiment was installed in a coffee farm of the cultivar ‘Sarchimor Amarelo’, with three years after planting in the spacing of 2.5 by 0.8m. The experimental design was in randomized blocks with six treatments made of harvesting times each 15 days, with plots of 10 plants. Prior to the first harvesting, all dry and green fruits from the plants were eliminated and only the cherry beans were kept. Following, each 15 days, starting on 08/15/2003 and ending on 10/31/2003, fruits remaining on the plants and fallen were harvested separately and dried under natural conditions up to 12% of moisture. Samples were processed and the clean coffee was stored in paper bags for latter cup quality, fungi and ocratoxin A analyses. An automated meteorological station was installed in the experimental area to monitor leaf temperature, relative humidity and rainfall during the experimental period. A total precipitation of 210 mm occurred in the period and low relative humidity was recorded during the first two months, contributing to prevent intensive fermentations. The cup quality analyses showed that the harvesting dates 1, 2 and 3 provided soft beverage, while the harvesting of fallen grains in these periods resulted in hard beverage . Samples from harvesting times 4, 5 and 6 resulted in hard beverage, independent of the harvesting procedure. The defects black beans and beans ardidos were detected only from harvesting date 4 and reached 80 defects at the end. The microbiotic analysis showed that the main fungi found were: Aspergillus genera and on the samples the presence of ocratoxin A were low the international limts. It is concluded that the climatic conditions during the period analyzed were not suitable to develope of rio taste, even after leaving the beans in the field up to three months after the harvesting point. This shows the need to continue studies in other harvesting periods and years, to complement the knowledge about loss of cup quality and the occurrence of the most important fungi related to the production of ocratoxin A.
The objective of this work is to evaluate coffee quality, the microbiotic and the production of ochratoxin A in coffee fruits that remained for extended periods on the plants and on the soil surface, in Londrina, PR, Brazil, during the year of 2003. The experiment was installed in a coffee farm of the cultivar ‘Sarchimor Amarelo’, with three years after planting in the spacing of 2.5 by 0.8m. The experimental design was in randomized blocks with six treatments made of harvesting times each 15 days, with plots of 10 plants. Prior to the first harvesting, all dry and green fruits from the plants were eliminated and only the cherry beans were kept. Following, each 15 days, starting on 08/15/2003 and ending on 10/31/2003, fruits remaining on the plants and fallen were harvested separately and dried under natural conditions up to 12% of moisture. Samples were processed and the clean coffee was stored in paper bags for latter cup quality, fungi and ocratoxin A analyses. An automated meteorological station was installed in the experimental area to monitor leaf temperature, relative humidity and rainfall during the experimental period. A total precipitation of 210 mm occurred in the period and low relative humidity was recorded during the first two months, contributing to prevent intensive fermentations. The cup quality analyses showed that the harvesting dates 1, 2 and 3 provided soft beverage, while the harvesting of fallen grains in these periods resulted in hard beverage . Samples from harvesting times 4, 5 and 6 resulted in hard beverage, independent of the harvesting procedure. The defects black beans and beans ardidos were detected only from harvesting date 4 and reached 80 defects at the end. The microbiotic analysis showed that the main fungi found were: Aspergillus genera and on the samples the presence of ocratoxin A were low the international limts. It is concluded that the climatic conditions during the period analyzed were not suitable to develope of rio taste, even after leaving the beans in the field up to three months after the harvesting point. This shows the need to continue studies in other harvesting periods and years, to complement the knowledge about loss of cup quality and the occurrence of the most important fungi related to the production of ocratoxin A.
Trabalho apresentado no Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (4. : 2005 : Londrina, PR). Anais. Brasília, D.F. : Embrapa Café, 2005.
Café Qualidade Fungos Ocratoxina A, Coffee Quality Fungi Ochratoxin A
Carneiro Filho, Francisco; Androcioli Filho, Armando; Lima, Francisco Barbosa; Caramori, Paulo Henrique; Scholz, Maria Brígida dos Santos; Aeschbach, Melissa Kulig; Morais, Heverly. Estudo da qualidade, microbiota e produção de ocratoxina a em frutos de café coletados na árvore e no solo em Londrina - PR. In: Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (4. : Londrina, PR : 2005). Anais. Brasília, D.F. : Embrapa - Café, 2005. (1 CD-ROM), 4p.