Determinação de perdas de frutos nos mecanismos recolhedor e transportador de colhedoras de café
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Universidade Federal de Lavras
O emprego da mecanização agrícola no setor agropecuário é uma das grandes ferramentas do produtor rural na execução das operações de manejo das culturas, com eficiência e redução de custo. A colheita mecanizada é extremamente dinâmica, pois, a todo o momento, novas decisões devem ser tomadas e alterações de procedimento devem ser realizadas. Neste sentido, uma questão a ser avaliada e analisada, refere-se às perdas de frutos pelas colhedoras automotrizes. Esse trabalho foi realizado com os objetivos de avaliar e quantificar o índice de perdas das colhedoras em condições de campo, em diferentes velocidades operacionais, buscando identificar as causas dessas perdas, avaliando diferentes configurações de recolhedores e diferentes velocidades do transportador horizontal da colhedora. Para isso, utilizou-se o recolhedor com lâminas originais da colhedora K3 Jacto e um modelo protótipo, desenvolvido pelo próprio fabricante. O experimento foi conduzido na Fazenda Ipanema Coffees, localizada no município de Alfenas, sul de Minas Gerais. Os ensaios foram feitos nas safras 2008 e 2009, em lavouras de cultivares Acaiá e Icatu. Nos ensaios, utilizou-se o delineamento inteiramente casualizado (DIC), com três repetições, dentro de uma mesma gleba, em parcelas aleatórias contendo, aproximadamente, 16 plantas. As determinações de perdas consistiram de um fatorial (4 x 3 x 2), sendo de 4 velocidades operacionais, 3 configurações de lâminas recolhedoras e 2 cultivares e de um fatorial (4 x 4), sendo de 4 velocidades operacionais e 4 velocidades do transportador horizontal. Por meio dos resultados obtidos, observou-se que a velocidade operacional de colheita influenciou significativamente a perda de frutos pela colhedora, tendo as maiores perdas ocorrido nas maiores velocidades. A perda média geral de colheita foi 13,47%, com 5,26% no transportador horizontal e 8,21% no mecanismo recolhedor. A perda no recolhedor com 25 pares de lâminas originais, utilizando molas mais fortes, foi significativamente menor. A velocidade de 3.420 m/h no transportador horizontal apresentou as menores perdas dentre as demais velocidades avaliadas.
The use of the agricultural mechanization is one of the greatest farmers` tools to manage cultures efficiently and to reduce costs. The mechanized harvest is extremely dynamic because every moment new decisions need to be done and modifications in the process need to be accomplished. Therefore, one question to be evaluated is the self-propelling harvester fruit loss. This work aimed to evaluate and quantify harvester fruit loss index in field conditions, in different operational velocities, trying to identify the causes of these losses, evaluating different configuration of the collector and different velocities of the conveyor. In order to do this, it was used a collector with Jacto K3 original lamina and a prototype lamina developed by Jacto. The experiment was developed in Ipanema Coffees Farm located at Alfenas, south of Minas Gerais state. The analyses were made at the harvest time at 2008 and at 2009 in coffee field planted with Acaiá and Icatú cultivar. It was used the completely randomized design with 3 replications, at the same site, in random parcels with approximately 16 plants. The determination of the losses consists on a factorial (4 x 3 x 2) where 4 is the number of operational speed, 3 is the number of collector lamina configuration, and 2 is the number of cultivars, and one factorial (4 x 4) where 4 is the operational velocities and 4 is the conveyor velocities. Though the obtained results, it was observed that the harvest operational velocity influenced significantly in the fruit loss by the harvester where the greatest losses occurred in the highest velocities. The average general harvest loss was 13,47%, with 5,26% at the conveyor and 8,21% at the collector mechanism. The loss of the collector with 25 pars of original lamina, using a strong spring, was significantly minor. The 3.420 m/h conveyor velocity presented the minor loss among the other evaluated velocities.
The use of the agricultural mechanization is one of the greatest farmers` tools to manage cultures efficiently and to reduce costs. The mechanized harvest is extremely dynamic because every moment new decisions need to be done and modifications in the process need to be accomplished. Therefore, one question to be evaluated is the self-propelling harvester fruit loss. This work aimed to evaluate and quantify harvester fruit loss index in field conditions, in different operational velocities, trying to identify the causes of these losses, evaluating different configuration of the collector and different velocities of the conveyor. In order to do this, it was used a collector with Jacto K3 original lamina and a prototype lamina developed by Jacto. The experiment was developed in Ipanema Coffees Farm located at Alfenas, south of Minas Gerais state. The analyses were made at the harvest time at 2008 and at 2009 in coffee field planted with Acaiá and Icatú cultivar. It was used the completely randomized design with 3 replications, at the same site, in random parcels with approximately 16 plants. The determination of the losses consists on a factorial (4 x 3 x 2) where 4 is the number of operational speed, 3 is the number of collector lamina configuration, and 2 is the number of cultivars, and one factorial (4 x 4) where 4 is the operational velocities and 4 is the conveyor velocities. Though the obtained results, it was observed that the harvest operational velocity influenced significantly in the fruit loss by the harvester where the greatest losses occurred in the highest velocities. The average general harvest loss was 13,47%, with 5,26% at the conveyor and 8,21% at the collector mechanism. The loss of the collector with 25 pars of original lamina, using a strong spring, was significantly minor. The 3.420 m/h conveyor velocity presented the minor loss among the other evaluated velocities.
Dissertação de Mestrado defendida na Universidade Federal de Lavras
Colheita mecanizada, Perdas de colheita
SOUZA, J. C. S. Determinação de perdas de frutos nos mecanismos recolhedor e transportador de colhedoras de café. 2009. 62 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia Agrícola) - Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras. 2009.