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A cada dia aumenta a preocupação das pessoas com a qualidade de vida. A produção e o aproveitamento de alimentos saudáveis têm participação importante para o bem estar de pessoas e animais.Durante todo o ciclo produtivo do café, quando as condições de umidade, temperatura, pH e umidade relativa do ar são favoráveis, diversos fungos podem surgir e conseqüentemente afetar a qualidade do produto, produzindo micotoxinas, entre elas as aflatoxinas.A ingestão de alimentos contaminados com doses significativas de aflatoxinas B1, B2, G1 e G2 é classificada como carcinogênica para humanos.Diante das evidências observadas na literatura, o presente estudo buscou confrontar através de testes “in vivo” a ação bioprotetora dos ácidos clorogênicos e o efeito tóxico da aflatoxina B1 (AFB1) no peso dos órgãos de ratos Wistar. O experimento foi composto de um ensaio biológico com Trinta e dois ratos Wistar machos, jovens, com peso inicial de aproximadamente 130g. Divididos em oito diferentes grupos com quatro animais; mantidos em ambiente controlado, com fotoperíodo de 12 horas e temperatura ambiente de aproximadamente 25 oC, todos em gaiolas metabólicas individuais, com acesso a alimentação controlada (15g/dia) e água “ad libtum”.A ração com diferentes quantidades de ácidos clorogênicos foi chamada de: controle, aquela com concentração zero de bioprotetor; 1%, aquela com concentração referente ao consumo baixo de café; 2%, aquela com concentração referente ao consumo médio de café; e 3%, para aquela com concentração referente ao alto consumo de café. Durante as 4 últimas semanas, cada animal recebeu 50ng de toxina/dia em 3g de leite em pó, adicionado de 1,5ml de água destilada e moldado de forma esférica. O consumo médio de ácidos clorogênicos promoveu um aumento no peso dos animais; os diferentes níveis de consumo foram também efetivos no aumento do peso de fígado e coração; isso devido aos seus benefícios ao metabolismo glicídico e aumento no acúmulo de glicogênio.
Every day increases the concern of people with the quality of life. The production and use of healthy foods has an important role for the welfare of people and animals.Throughout the production coffee cycle, while the humidity, temperature, pH and relative humidity are favorable, many fungi can occur and affect the quality of the product, generating mycotoxins, including aflatoxins.Ingestion of foods contaminated with significant amounts of aflatoxins B1, B2, G1 and G2 is classified as carcinogenic to humans.Confronted with evidence found in literature, this study sought to confront, by in vivo testing, the bioprotective action of chlorogenic acids and the toxicity effect of aflatoxin B1 (AFB1). The experiment was composed of 32 young Wistar male rats, kept in a controlled environment with 12 hours photoperiod and ambient temperature of about 25 oC, all in individual metabolic cages with access to controlled food (15g/day) and ad libtum water. During the each test last 4 weeks, each animal received 50ng of toxin/day on 3g of powdered milk, added by 1.5 ml of distilled water and shaped into a sphere. Animals from the negative toxin groups received the same treatment without the addition of mycotoxin. The middle consumption of chlorogenic acid promoted an increase in weight of animals, the different levels of consumption were also effective in increasing the weight of liver and heart, that due to its benefits to glucose metabolism and increased accumulation of glycogen.
Every day increases the concern of people with the quality of life. The production and use of healthy foods has an important role for the welfare of people and animals.Throughout the production coffee cycle, while the humidity, temperature, pH and relative humidity are favorable, many fungi can occur and affect the quality of the product, generating mycotoxins, including aflatoxins.Ingestion of foods contaminated with significant amounts of aflatoxins B1, B2, G1 and G2 is classified as carcinogenic to humans.Confronted with evidence found in literature, this study sought to confront, by in vivo testing, the bioprotective action of chlorogenic acids and the toxicity effect of aflatoxin B1 (AFB1). The experiment was composed of 32 young Wistar male rats, kept in a controlled environment with 12 hours photoperiod and ambient temperature of about 25 oC, all in individual metabolic cages with access to controlled food (15g/day) and ad libtum water. During the each test last 4 weeks, each animal received 50ng of toxin/day on 3g of powdered milk, added by 1.5 ml of distilled water and shaped into a sphere. Animals from the negative toxin groups received the same treatment without the addition of mycotoxin. The middle consumption of chlorogenic acid promoted an increase in weight of animals, the different levels of consumption were also effective in increasing the weight of liver and heart, that due to its benefits to glucose metabolism and increased accumulation of glycogen.
Trabalho apresentado no Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (7. : 2011 : Araxá, MG). Anais Brasília, D.F: Embrapa - Café, 2011
bioproteção; composição do café; aflatoxina B1; ratos Wistar., bioprotection; coffee composition; aflatoxin B1; Wistar rats.
Goulart, Patrícia de Fátima Pereira; Rocha, Juliano Silva; Pimenta, Carlos José; Oliveira, Roseane Maria Evangelista de; Chalfoun, Sara Maria; Alves, Ademir Felício. Consumo de aflatoxina B1 e ácidos clorogênicos: um estudo sobre o peso de orgãos e o ganho de peso em ratos wistar. In: Simpósio de Pesquisa dos cafés do Brasil (7. : 2011 : Araxá, MG). Anais Brasília, D.F: Embrapa - Café, 2011 (1 CD-ROM), 5p.