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As estimativas de parâmetros genéticos são de extrema importância nos programas de melhoramento, pois permitem conhecer a natureza da ação dos genes envolvidos no controle dos caracteres quantitativos e também avaliar a eficiência da estratégia de melhoramento adotada. Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar e estimar os parâmetros genéticos de um conjunto de progênies oriundas do cruzamento de Híbrido de Timor x Catuaí, frente às características de interesse como produtividade, vigor vegetativo, porcentagem de frutos no estádio “cereja”, porcentagem de frutos granados e peneira dos grãos. O experimento foi instalado em dezembro de 2000 em uma área infestada por nematóides na Fazenda Ouro Verde, situada no Município de Campos Altos-MG. O material utilizado no experimento compreende 23 progênies (geração F3) com potencial para resistência à ferrugem do cafeeiro e ao nematóide das galhas e sete cultivares comerciais, utilizadas como testemunhas. O delineamento utilizado foi o de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições, totalizando 120 parcelas, sendo cada parcela constituída por oito plantas. O espaçamento utilizado foi de 4,0 x 0,8m nas entrelinhas e entre plantas, respectivamente. A análise de variância e a estimação dos parâmetros genéticos foram realizadas pelo programa GENES e detectando diferenças significativas, as médias foram agrupadas pelo teste de Skott-Knott ao nível de 5% de probabilidade, utilizando-se o programa computacional SISVAR. A partir dos resultados obtidos, foi possível concluir que as progênies estudadas apresentam grande variabilidade genética, uma vez que os valores encontrados para a herdabilidade foram de 54,00%, 86,59% 38,49%, 67,81% e 93,51% para produtividade, vigor, % de frutos “cereja”, % de frutos granados e classificação por peneira, respectivamente. Mesmo em um solo infestado pelo nematóide das galhas (Meloidogyne exigua), a maioria das progênies apresentam altas médias de produtividade, possibilitando a seleção de materiais resistentes à esse patógeno. A progênie 514-5-2-C494 se destacou em todas as características avaliadas, mostrando-se bastante promissora para o avanço de gerações.
Estimates of genetic parameters are extremely important in breeding programs because they indicate the nature of the action of genes involved in controlling quantitative traits and evaluate the efficiency of breeding strategy adopted. This study aimed at evaluating and estimating the genetic parameters of a set of progenies from a cross of Hybrid of Timor x Catuaí front to the characteristics of interest such as productivity, vigor, percentage berries of cherry, percentage of granados fruits and grain sieve. The experiment was installed in December 2000 in an area infested with nematodes at Ouro Verde Farm, Campos Altos-MG. The material used in the experiment covers 23 progenies (F3 generation) with potential for resistance to coffee leaf rust and root-knot nematodes and seven commercial cultivars used as checks. The design utilized was a randomized complete block with four repetitions, totalizing 120 plots with each plot consisted of eight plants. The spacing was 4.0 x 0.8 m between rows and between plants, respectively. The analysis of variance and estimation of genetic parameters were performed by software GENES and detecting significant differences, the means were grouped by Skott-Knott test at 5% probability, using the computer program SISVAR. From these results, we concluded that the progenies showed considerable genetic variability, since the values found for the heritability was 54,00%, 86,59%, 38,49%, 67,81% and 93,51% for productivity, vigor, % berries of cherry, % granados fruit and classification by a sieve, respectively. Even in a soil infested by the root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne exigua), most of the progenies show high average productivity which enable the selection of resistant materials to this pathogen. The progeny 514-5-2-C494 excelled in all traits, showing a very promising for the advancement of generations.
Estimates of genetic parameters are extremely important in breeding programs because they indicate the nature of the action of genes involved in controlling quantitative traits and evaluate the efficiency of breeding strategy adopted. This study aimed at evaluating and estimating the genetic parameters of a set of progenies from a cross of Hybrid of Timor x Catuaí front to the characteristics of interest such as productivity, vigor, percentage berries of cherry, percentage of granados fruits and grain sieve. The experiment was installed in December 2000 in an area infested with nematodes at Ouro Verde Farm, Campos Altos-MG. The material used in the experiment covers 23 progenies (F3 generation) with potential for resistance to coffee leaf rust and root-knot nematodes and seven commercial cultivars used as checks. The design utilized was a randomized complete block with four repetitions, totalizing 120 plots with each plot consisted of eight plants. The spacing was 4.0 x 0.8 m between rows and between plants, respectively. The analysis of variance and estimation of genetic parameters were performed by software GENES and detecting significant differences, the means were grouped by Skott-Knott test at 5% probability, using the computer program SISVAR. From these results, we concluded that the progenies showed considerable genetic variability, since the values found for the heritability was 54,00%, 86,59%, 38,49%, 67,81% and 93,51% for productivity, vigor, % berries of cherry, % granados fruit and classification by a sieve, respectively. Even in a soil infested by the root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne exigua), most of the progenies show high average productivity which enable the selection of resistant materials to this pathogen. The progeny 514-5-2-C494 excelled in all traits, showing a very promising for the advancement of generations.
Trabalho apresentado no Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (7. : 2011 : Araxá, MG). Anais Brasília, D.F: Embrapa - Café, 2011
Café, Melhoramento Genético, Herdabilidade., Coffee, Genetic improvement, Heritability.
Rezende, Ramiro Machado; Pasqualotto, Allan Teixeira; Velloso, Jeany Alice; Ferreira, André Dominghetti; Lara, João Marcos Rodrigues Andrade; Rezende, Juliana Costa. Estimativa de parâmetros genéticos em características agronômicas de progênies de Coffea arabica. In: Simpósio de Pesquisa dos cafés do Brasil (7. : 2011 : Araxá, MG). Anais Brasília, D.F: Embrapa - Café, 2011 (1 CD-ROM), 7p.