Diagnóstico da cafeicultura irrigada no cerrado
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Este trabalho objetivou a obtenção de um diagnóstico das condições reinantes na cafeicultura irrigada no Cerrado brasileiro. A pesquisa foi feita durante o III Encontro Nacional de Irrigação da Cafeicultura no Cerrado, em 1997, na cidade de Araguari, Minas Gerais. Através de questionários respondidos por cafeicultores foi possível fazer uma exposição estatística das respostas obtidas, juntamente com as considerações relativas a elas. A análise dos resultados mostrou que a maioria dos cafeicultores sente falta de resultados de pesquisa e de informações técnico-econômicas a respeito da irrigação do cafeeiro. A época correta e a freqüência de irrigação ainda não estão bem estabelecidas, e poucos agricultores fazem um manejo da irrigação baseando-se em métodos técnicos. O trabalho também apresenta as principais dificuldades na atividade de irrigação na cafeicultura, apontadas por aqueles que já irrigam e os que não irrigam.
This work aimed to obtain a diagnosis of the predominant conditions on the irrigated coffee crop cultivation of the Brazilian ‘Cerrado’. The research was done during the 3rd National Coffee Irrigation Meeting on the ‘Cerrado’, in 1997, on Araguari, Minas Gerais, Brazil. It was used a list of ask questions, answered by coffee crop growers. One could do a statistical show of the obtained answers, and also some considerations related to them. The data analysis showed that the majority of coffee growers feels the lack of research results and technical-economical information related to coffee irrigation. The correct season and frequency of irrigation is not established yet, and a little number of farmers does an irrigation managing based on technical methods. The work also shows the main dificulties on the irrigation of coffee crop, pointed by farmers that already irrigate their areas, and farmers that don’t do it.
This work aimed to obtain a diagnosis of the predominant conditions on the irrigated coffee crop cultivation of the Brazilian ‘Cerrado’. The research was done during the 3rd National Coffee Irrigation Meeting on the ‘Cerrado’, in 1997, on Araguari, Minas Gerais, Brazil. It was used a list of ask questions, answered by coffee crop growers. One could do a statistical show of the obtained answers, and also some considerations related to them. The data analysis showed that the majority of coffee growers feels the lack of research results and technical-economical information related to coffee irrigation. The correct season and frequency of irrigation is not established yet, and a little number of farmers does an irrigation managing based on technical methods. The work also shows the main dificulties on the irrigation of coffee crop, pointed by farmers that already irrigate their areas, and farmers that don’t do it.
Trabalho apresentado no Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (1.: 2000 : Poços de Caldas, MG). Resumos expandidos. Brasília, D.F. : Embrapa Café; Belo Horizonte : Minasplan, 2000. 2v. (1490p.) : il.
Cafeicultura Irrigação Diagnóstico, Coffee crop Irrigation Diagnosis
Mendonça, Fernando Campos; Santos, Carlos Machado dos; Teodoro, Reges Eduardo Franco; Domingues, Evanildo Peres; Bronzi, Sérgio Segantini. Diagnóstico da cafeicultura irrigada no cerrado. In: Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (1.: 2000 : Poços de Caldas, MG). Resumos expandidos. Brasília, D.F. : Embrapa Café; Belo Horizonte : Minasplan, 2000. 2v. (1490p.), p. 942-944.