Caracterização e dinâmica de colonização de Cladosporium cladosporioides (Fresen.) de vries em frutos do cafeeiro (Coffea arabica L.)
Pereira, Ricardo Tadeu Galvão
Pfenning, Ludwig Heinrich
Castro, Hilário Antônio de
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Editora UFLA
A presença de fungos em associação natural com frutos do cafeeiro é considerada um fator importante influenciando a qualidade do café. A influência negativa de algumas espécies de Aspergillus é conhecida, comprometendo inclusive a segurança do produto. Os relatos de fungos influenciando positivamente a qualidade se resumem à ocorrência de Cladosporium sp. associados a grãos que originaram cafés de boa qualidade, porém informações exatas sobre a espécie e a sua dinâmica no campo são escassas. Objetivando caracterizar a espécie associada ao cafeeiro e sua dinâmica de colonização, 18 isolados de Cladosporium foram caracterizados e identificados. A dinâmica de colonização do fungo nas comunidades externa e interna do fruto do cafeeiro foi estudada ao longo do período de desenvolvimento do fruto. A espécie associada ao cafeeiro foi identificada como Cladosporium cladosporioides (Fresen.) de Vries. A dinâmica do fungo é característica de um fungo saprófita encontrado em intensidade máxima quando os frutos estão nos estágios de cereja.
The natural occurrence of fungi in coffee fruits is considered an important factor influencing the quality of coffee. The negative effect of some Aspergillus species in coffee, which can also affect safety of the product, is well known. Otherwise, there are reports describing the positive influence of fungi in coffee quality, but they are limited to the occurrence of Cladosporium sp. in fruits, and its correlation with a product of good quality. Indeed, the exact information about the species involved and dynamics of colonization are not available. The objective of this work was to identify and characterize the species of Cladosporium, detected in coffee fruits, and study the dynamics of colonization of the fruits during the maturation process. The species found on coffee fruits was identified as Cladosporium cladosporioides (Fresen.) de Vries. and the dynamics of colonization showed the typical pattern of a saprophytic fungus, with its highest incidence when the fruits were in complete maturation stage.
The natural occurrence of fungi in coffee fruits is considered an important factor influencing the quality of coffee. The negative effect of some Aspergillus species in coffee, which can also affect safety of the product, is well known. Otherwise, there are reports describing the positive influence of fungi in coffee quality, but they are limited to the occurrence of Cladosporium sp. in fruits, and its correlation with a product of good quality. Indeed, the exact information about the species involved and dynamics of colonization are not available. The objective of this work was to identify and characterize the species of Cladosporium, detected in coffee fruits, and study the dynamics of colonization of the fruits during the maturation process. The species found on coffee fruits was identified as Cladosporium cladosporioides (Fresen.) de Vries. and the dynamics of colonization showed the typical pattern of a saprophytic fungus, with its highest incidence when the fruits were in complete maturation stage.
Café, Qualidade, Fungos
PEREIRA, R. T. G; PFENNING, L. H; CASTRO, H. A. Caracterização e dinâmica de colonização de Cladosporium cladosporioides (Fresen.) de vries em frutos do cafeeiro (Coffea arabica L.). Ciência e Agrotecnologia, Lavras, v. 29, n. 6, p. 1112-1116, nov./dez. 2005.