Colonização micorrízica, nutrição e morfologia do cafeeiro em monocultivo e sistemas agroflorestais
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Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia
Com o objetivo de avaliar as interações entre fungos micorrízicos arbusculares (FMAs) e aspectos fisiológicos de cafeeiros cultivados em sistema sob manejo agroflorestal, foi conduzido este experimento no município de Barra do Choça- BA. O estudo foi realizado em uma propriedade particular, em quatro campos experimentais: cafeeiro cultivado a pleno sol (MONO); cafeeiro conduzido em associação com o vinhático (SAF-CV); cafeeiro associado ao abacateiro e ingazeiro (SAF-CAI); e mata nativa (MATA). As avaliações foram realizadas em Março/2007, época úmida, coincidente com a granação do café, e em Agosto/2007, época seca, coincidente com a pós-colheita. Os dados foram submetidos ao teste “t” de Bonferroni por meio do programa SISVAR (versão 5.0) e correlação de Pearson por meio o programa SAEG (versão 9.1). A elevada restrição luminosa nos sistemas agroflorestais, neste estudo, causou adaptações morfológicas aos cafeeiros, bem como interferiu diretamente sobre a população de plantas espontâneas. A população de plantas espontâneas foi relacionada ao número de esporos de fungos micorrízicos nos solos dos sistemas. A frutificação do cafeeiro determinou a colonização micorrízica e a nutrição foliar para nitrogênio e fósforo. No sistema agroflorestal foi observado menor teor de água no solo.
With the objective of evaluating the interaction among arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMFs) and physiological aspects of coffee plants cultivated in system under agroforestry management, this experiment was done in the municipality of Barra do Choça – BA. The study was carried out in a private property, in four experimental fields: coffee plants cultivated under full sun (MONO); coffee plants managed along with Plathymenia reticulata (SAF – CV); coffee plants associated with avocado and Inga edulis trees (SAF – CAI); and native forest (MATA). The evaluations were carried out in March/2007, rainy season, coincident with the coffee grain formation, and in August/2007, dry season, coincident with the mature stage. The data were submitted to Bonferroni’s “t” test through the SISVAR program (version 5.0) and Pearson’s correlation through the SAEG program (version 9.1). The intense light restriction in agroforestry systems, in this study, caused morphological adaptations to coffee plants, and interfered directly on the population of spontaneous plants as well. The population of spontaneous plants was related to the number of mycorrhizal fungal spores in the soils of the systems. The fruiting of coffee plants determined the mycorrhizal colonization and the foliar nutrition for nitrogen and phosphorus. In the agroforestry system the lowest level of soil water content was observed.
With the objective of evaluating the interaction among arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMFs) and physiological aspects of coffee plants cultivated in system under agroforestry management, this experiment was done in the municipality of Barra do Choça – BA. The study was carried out in a private property, in four experimental fields: coffee plants cultivated under full sun (MONO); coffee plants managed along with Plathymenia reticulata (SAF – CV); coffee plants associated with avocado and Inga edulis trees (SAF – CAI); and native forest (MATA). The evaluations were carried out in March/2007, rainy season, coincident with the coffee grain formation, and in August/2007, dry season, coincident with the mature stage. The data were submitted to Bonferroni’s “t” test through the SISVAR program (version 5.0) and Pearson’s correlation through the SAEG program (version 9.1). The intense light restriction in agroforestry systems, in this study, caused morphological adaptations to coffee plants, and interfered directly on the population of spontaneous plants as well. The population of spontaneous plants was related to the number of mycorrhizal fungal spores in the soils of the systems. The fruiting of coffee plants determined the mycorrhizal colonization and the foliar nutrition for nitrogen and phosphorus. In the agroforestry system the lowest level of soil water content was observed.
Dissertação de mestrado defendida na Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia.
Nutrientes, Arborização, Sombreamento, Fungo, Radiação fotossintética, Umidade do solo
COELHO, R. A. Colonização micorrízica, nutrição e morfologia do cafeeiro em monocultivo e sistemas agroflorestais. 2008. 83 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Agronomia) - Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia, Vitória da Conquista. 2008.