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Objetivou-se com esse trabalho verificar os efeitos dos insumos orgânicos e convencionais na dinâmica de plantas daninhas da lavoura durante o primeiro e o segundo ano de transição agroecológica. Para isto montou-se um experimento em um cafezal de seis anos, onde inicio-se a transição para o sistema de cultivo orgânico. Foram aplicados (kg planta-1) esterco bovino (8,5), cama aviária (4,2) e farelo de mamona (2,0), adicionados de palha de café (2,0 L planta-1). Além de esterco bovino (8,5 kg planta-1); cama de aves (4,2 kg planta-1); farelo de mamona (2,0 kg planta-1) e adubação química em quatro parcelamentos (de 11-2005 a 02/2006), com adição de 300 kg ha-1 de N (sulfato de amônio) e 150 kg ha-1 de K2O (cloreto de potássio). Constituindo um ensaio em delineado em blocos ao acaso, com sete tratamentos e cinco repetições. As avaliações fitossociológicas foram realizadas nos meses de junho e julho (época seca) nos anos de 2005 e 2006. Para isto utilizou-se o método do quadrado inventário. Após a coleta das plantas nas áreas, foram estimadas a freqüência relativa, a densidade relativa e a abundância relativa; o índice de valor de importância e índice de similaridade. A espécie mais importante no primeiro ano da transição foi Ageratum conyzoides na maioria das áreas avaliadas e no segundo ano ocorreu considerável mudança na relação de dominância entre as espécies, destacando-se Leunurus sibiricus que foi a espécie mais importante na maioria das áreas estudadas neste período. Ocorreu também aumento do número de espécies presentes uma no para o outro. No segundo ano observou-se decréscimo na diversidade de espécies. Desta forma, pode-se concluir que nos dois anos de avaliação verificaram-se mudanças no número, na diversidade e na relação de importância entre as espécies de um ano para o outro.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of conventional and organic inputs on the dynamics of weed crop during the first and second years of agroecological transition. For it was set up an experiment in a plantation of six years, where beginning to transition to organic farming. Were applied (kg plant-1) manure (8.5), litter (4.2) and castor oil (2.0), added coffee straw (2.0 L plant-1). In addition to cattle manure (8.5 kg plant-1), chicken litter (4.2 kg plant-1), castor oil (2.0 kg plant-1) and chemical fertilizer in four installments (from 11-2005 to 02/2006), with the addition of 300 kg ha-1 N (ammonium sulfate) and 150 kg ha-1 K2O (potash). Being a test outlined in blocks with seven treatments and five replications. Phytosociological Evaluations were conducted during June and July (dry season) between 2005 and 2006. For this we used the method of inventory square. After collecting the plants in the areas were estimated relative frequency, relative density and relative abundance, the importance value index and similarity index. The most important species in the first years of transition was Ageratum conyzoides in most areas evaluated in the second year and there was considerable change in the dominance relationship between species, especially Leunurus sibiricus was the most important species in most areas studied in this period . There was also an increase in the number of species present in one other. In the second year there was a decrease in species diversity. Thus, one can conclude that in the two years of evaluation there have been changes in the number, diversity and importance of the relationship between the species from one year to another.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of conventional and organic inputs on the dynamics of weed crop during the first and second years of agroecological transition. For it was set up an experiment in a plantation of six years, where beginning to transition to organic farming. Were applied (kg plant-1) manure (8.5), litter (4.2) and castor oil (2.0), added coffee straw (2.0 L plant-1). In addition to cattle manure (8.5 kg plant-1), chicken litter (4.2 kg plant-1), castor oil (2.0 kg plant-1) and chemical fertilizer in four installments (from 11-2005 to 02/2006), with the addition of 300 kg ha-1 N (ammonium sulfate) and 150 kg ha-1 K2O (potash). Being a test outlined in blocks with seven treatments and five replications. Phytosociological Evaluations were conducted during June and July (dry season) between 2005 and 2006. For this we used the method of inventory square. After collecting the plants in the areas were estimated relative frequency, relative density and relative abundance, the importance value index and similarity index. The most important species in the first years of transition was Ageratum conyzoides in most areas evaluated in the second year and there was considerable change in the dominance relationship between species, especially Leunurus sibiricus was the most important species in most areas studied in this period . There was also an increase in the number of species present in one other. In the second year there was a decrease in species diversity. Thus, one can conclude that in the two years of evaluation there have been changes in the number, diversity and importance of the relationship between the species from one year to another.
Trabalho apresentado no Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (7. : 2011 : Araxá, MG). Anais Brasília, D.F: Embrapa - Café, 2011
plantas daninhas, interferência, agroecologia, índice de valor de importância, weed, interference, agroecology, importance value index
Reis, Lilian Alves de Carvalho; Alecrim, Ademílson de Oliveira; Freitas, Ana Flavia de; Lemos, Vinicius Teixeira; Avelar, Moises de; França, André Cabral. Influência de adubos orgânicos na fitossociologia de comunidade infestante em áreas de transição para o cultivo orgânico de café. In: Simpósio de Pesquisa dos cafés do Brasil (7. : 2011 : Araxá, MG). Anais Brasília, D.F: Embrapa - Café, 2011 (1 CD-ROM), 7p.