Crescimento do sistema radicular e da parte aérea em plantas jovens de cafeeiros
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Instituto Agronômico (IAC)
Os cultivares Catuaí e Arábica, de Coffea arabica, Guarini, de C. canephora, e Icatu, derivado de um híbrido interespecífico entre essas duas espécies, com dois retro-cruzamentos para C. arabica cv Mundo Novo, foram avaliados aos oito e 22 meses após a germinação, quanto ao comprimento e peso seco, tanto das raízes quanto da parte aérea. Aos oito meses de idade, esses dados foram comparados quanto aos efeitos do plantio direto e do transplantio de germinador de areia para sacos plásticos. O volume de raízes foi também analisado em plantas conduzidas em vasos, aos 22 meses de idade. Os cultivares Guarini, Catuaí e Icatu, mais produtivos que o Arábica, mostraram sistema radicular mais desenvolvido. No 'Guarini' e no 'Catuaí', notou-se maior desen- volvimento das raízes laterais em relação à parte aérea, característica de importância para condições hídricas desfavoráveis. Os dados indicaram que o sistema radicular dos cultivares ficou mais bem caracterizado, avaliando-se mudas aos 22 meses após a germinação, com semeadura direta, e utilizando-se recipientes de 10 litros de capacidade.
Young coffee plants of Coffea arabica cv. Catuaí, cv. Arabica, C. canephora cv. Guarini and C. arabica x C. canephora cv. Icatu (BC 2 C. arabica) were evaluated at 8 and 22 months after germination for root and snoot length, and their dry weight. At the 8 th month, the coffee germplasm were also submitted to comparisons pertaining to the effects of direct sowing or transplantation of the seedlings to plastic pots after germination in sand trays. At the 22 nd month the root volume were also evaluated in coffee plants planted in plastic pots. 'Guarini', 'Catuai' and 'Icatu', having higher yielding ability than 'Arabica', showed also better root system development. 'Guarini' presented the highest lateral root and shoot values. The highest lateral root/shoot dry weight ratio was observed for 'Guarini' and 'Catuai'. This is one important feature for the plant in water stress conditions. The 22-month evaluation from 10 liter pots was considered more suitable to study root and shoot growth development than the 8-month evaluation from 0.5 liter plastic bags.
Young coffee plants of Coffea arabica cv. Catuaí, cv. Arabica, C. canephora cv. Guarini and C. arabica x C. canephora cv. Icatu (BC 2 C. arabica) were evaluated at 8 and 22 months after germination for root and snoot length, and their dry weight. At the 8 th month, the coffee germplasm were also submitted to comparisons pertaining to the effects of direct sowing or transplantation of the seedlings to plastic pots after germination in sand trays. At the 22 nd month the root volume were also evaluated in coffee plants planted in plastic pots. 'Guarini', 'Catuai' and 'Icatu', having higher yielding ability than 'Arabica', showed also better root system development. 'Guarini' presented the highest lateral root and shoot values. The highest lateral root/shoot dry weight ratio was observed for 'Guarini' and 'Catuai'. This is one important feature for the plant in water stress conditions. The 22-month evaluation from 10 liter pots was considered more suitable to study root and shoot growth development than the 8-month evaluation from 0.5 liter plastic bags.
RAMOS, L. C.; LIMA, M. M. A.; CARVALHO, A. Crescimento do sistema radicular e da parte aérea em plantas jovens de cafeeiros. Bragantia, Campinas, v. 41, n. 9, p. 93-99, 1982.