Caracterização das “boas práticas agrícolas” e roteiro metodológico para a certificação da cafeicultura familiar no Sul de Minas
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Universidade Federal de Lavras
Um dos maiores desafios da atualidade é a transferência de novas tecnologias aos produtores rurais de maneira eficiente no sentido de melhorar a renda e a qualidade de vida desses trabalhadores. A certificação agrícola é baseada nos princípios das Boas Práticas Agrícolas (BPA) sendo uma ferramenta de gestão que possibilita o acesso de agricultores familiares, produtores de café, a mercados sustentáveis e mais lucrativos. Desta forma, este trabalho teve como objetivo a caracterização das Boas Práticas Agrícolas (BPA’s) e a elaboração de um Roteiro Metodológico para a Certificação de cafeicultores da Associação de Agricultores Familiares de Santo Antônio do Amparo (AFASA). A pesquisa foi realizada por meio de um questionário semiestruturado tipo survey, adaptado por Pereira (2013), já validado e que investigou as práticas agrícolas realizadas em todas as etapas da produção do café. Foram pesquisados 31 produtores que representaram todas as propriedades da Associação. O questionário foi dividido em duas partes. As primeiras 21 questões caracterizam o perfil dos produtores pesquisados. A segunda parte refere-se às práticas agrícolas realizadas pelos cafeicultores e possui 104 questões. Para a caracterização do perfil dos cafeicultores e de suas práticas agrícolas foi realizada a análise multivarada de cluster pelo software estatístico SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences). A análise de Cluster separou os produtores da Associação em dois grupos distintos de acordo com a similaridade de suas práticas agrícolas. Para a elaboração da proposta metodológica para a certificação, foram realizadas análises descritivas, sendo possível encontrar a média de cada uma das variáveis do questionário. De acordo com a média da pontuação obtida por cada variável, foi possível analisar o grau de dificuldade do produtor e a necessidade de adequação da prática agrícola, conforme as exigências da certificação. Através desta análise, elaborou-se um Roteiro Metodológico baseado na certificação Fair Trade com sugestões de práticas de gestão de acordo com a realidade encontrada na AFASA.
One of the largest current challenges is the transference of new technologies to rural producers in an efficient manner, improving his income and life quality. The agricultural certification is based on the Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) principals, being a management tool that allows the access of coffee family farmers to sustainable and more lucrative markets. Thus, this work aimed at characterizing the Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) and elaborating a Methodological Certification Script for coffee producers of the Associação de Agricultores Familiares de Santo Antônio do Amparo (AFASA). The research was conducted by means of a semi-structured survey type questionnaire, adapted by Pereira (2013) already validated, and which investigated the agricultural practices performed in all stages of coffee production. Thirty-one producers representing all of the properties of the Association were researched. The questionnaire was divided into two parts. The first 21 questions characterize the profile of the researched producers. The second part refers to the agricultural practices performed by the coffee producers and presents 104 questions. For the characterization of the coffee producers’ profile and their agricultural practices, a cluster multivariate analysis was performed using the SPSS (statistical package for social sciences) statistical software. The cluster analysis separated the Association producers into two distinct groups according to the similarity of their agricultural practices. For the elaboration of the methodological certification proposal, descriptive analyses were performed, allowing us to find the mean of each of the questionnaire’s variables. According to the mean of the grade obtained by each variable, it was possible to analyze the difficulty degree of the producer and the need of adaptation of the agricultural practice, according to the certification demands. Through this analysis, we elaborated a Methodological Script based on the Fair Trade certification with suggestions of management practices according to the reality found in the AFASA.
One of the largest current challenges is the transference of new technologies to rural producers in an efficient manner, improving his income and life quality. The agricultural certification is based on the Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) principals, being a management tool that allows the access of coffee family farmers to sustainable and more lucrative markets. Thus, this work aimed at characterizing the Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) and elaborating a Methodological Certification Script for coffee producers of the Associação de Agricultores Familiares de Santo Antônio do Amparo (AFASA). The research was conducted by means of a semi-structured survey type questionnaire, adapted by Pereira (2013) already validated, and which investigated the agricultural practices performed in all stages of coffee production. Thirty-one producers representing all of the properties of the Association were researched. The questionnaire was divided into two parts. The first 21 questions characterize the profile of the researched producers. The second part refers to the agricultural practices performed by the coffee producers and presents 104 questions. For the characterization of the coffee producers’ profile and their agricultural practices, a cluster multivariate analysis was performed using the SPSS (statistical package for social sciences) statistical software. The cluster analysis separated the Association producers into two distinct groups according to the similarity of their agricultural practices. For the elaboration of the methodological certification proposal, descriptive analyses were performed, allowing us to find the mean of each of the questionnaire’s variables. According to the mean of the grade obtained by each variable, it was possible to analyze the difficulty degree of the producer and the need of adaptation of the agricultural practice, according to the certification demands. Through this analysis, we elaborated a Methodological Script based on the Fair Trade certification with suggestions of management practices according to the reality found in the AFASA.
Dissertação de Mestrado defendida na Universidade Federal de Lavras
BPA's, Cafeicultura familiar, Certificação agrícola
ROSA, B. T. Caracterização das “boas práticas agrícolas” e roteiro metodológico para a certificação da cafeicultura familiar no Sul de Minas. 2014. 145 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Tecnologia e Inovações Ambientais) - Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras. 2014.