Resposta de plantas de Coffea arabica (Rubiaceae) às injurias de Leucoptera coffeella (Lepidoptera: Lyonetiidae) através das vias das lipoxigenases e atividade de polifenoloxidases
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
A defesa das plantas contra os insetos são processos complexos que envolvem a ativação ou repressão de diferentes vias de sinalização, permitindo assim a sobre- expressão de genes alvo com propriedades de defesa. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a relação entre a resposta defensiva de Coffea arabica mediante as vias das lipoxigenases e polifenoloxidases e o processo de herbivoria de Leucoptera coffeella. Foi realizado um experimento com dois tratamentos: 1) plantas de café infestadas e 2) plantas não infestadas com bicho–mineiro. Cada tratamento foi composto por 10 repetições e avaliou-se a atividade das lipoxigenases e polifenoloxidases; e a produção de inibidores de proteases no cafeeiro. Em L. coffeella a atividade de tripsina-like foi verificada usando os substratos L -BApNA e L -TAME e a quimotripsina-like foi determinada com BTpNA e ATEE. As cisteíno-proteases deste inseto foi obtida utilizando L -BApNA e proteases totais usando azocaseína como substrato. Todas as atividades enzimáticas foram determinadas por espectrofotometria. Houve um aumento nas atividades enzimáticas das plantas infestadas em relação as não infestadas nas vias estudas (lipoxigenase: F= 29,4; p= 0,00022 e polifenoloxidases: F= 8,41; p= 0,00022) e na produção de inibidores de proteases (F= 9,64; p= 0,0022). A partir das análises de correlação de Pearson, observou-se que a quimotripsina-like e os inibidores de proteases apresentaram uma relação inversa (r= -0,82; p= 0,03). Já a tripsina-like teve correlação direta com as atividades das lipoxigenases (r= 0,6; p= 0,03) e polifenoloxidases (r= 0,82; p= 0,03). Diante do exposto, nas larvas de L. coffeella existe atividade tanto serino como cisteíno-proteases, mas a atividade serino-proteases é a mais expressada no intestino destes insetos. A produção de inibidores de proteases e as atividades de lipoxigenases e polifenoloxidases nas plantas de C. arabica são aumentadas na presença de L. coffeella, o que indica a possível participação destas vias no processo de defesa da planta.
The plant defense against insects is complex processes that involve the activation or repression of different signaling pathways, thus allowing over-expression of target genes with defense properties. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between the defensive response of Coffea arabica through the lipoxygenases and polyphenol pathways and herbivory process Leucoptera coffeella. It conducted an experiment with two treatments: 1) infested coffee plants and 2) plants not infested with leaf miner-of-coffee. Each treatment consisted of 10 repetitions and evaluated the lipoxygenase and polyphenol activity; and the protease inhibitors production in coffee. In L. coffeella the trypsin-like activity was checked using the L -BApNA and L -TAME substrates and chymotrypsin-like was determined using BTpNA and ATEE. The cysteine proteases activity was obtained using L -BApNA and total protease using azocasein as substrate. All enzyme activities were determined by spectrophotometry. There was an increase in the activities of infested plants over non-infested in the studied routes (lipoxygenase: F = 29.4, p = 0.00022 and polyphenol: F = 8.41, p = 0.00022) and production of inhibitors proteases (F = 9.64; p = 0.0022). From the Pearson correlation analysis, it was observed that the chymotrypsin-like and proteases inhibitors showed an inverse relationship (r = -0.82; p = 0.03). Already trypsin-like had direct correlation with the activities of lipoxygenase (r = 0.6; p = 0.03) and polyphenol (r = 0.82; p = 0.03). Given the above, in the larvaes L. coffeella there is activity both serine and cysteine proteases, but the serine-protease activity is who characterized the intestine of these insects. The protease inhibitors production and lipoxygenase and polyphenol activities in C. arabica plants come up increased in the presence of L. coffeella, indicating a possible role of these pathways in plant defense process.
The plant defense against insects is complex processes that involve the activation or repression of different signaling pathways, thus allowing over-expression of target genes with defense properties. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between the defensive response of Coffea arabica through the lipoxygenases and polyphenol pathways and herbivory process Leucoptera coffeella. It conducted an experiment with two treatments: 1) infested coffee plants and 2) plants not infested with leaf miner-of-coffee. Each treatment consisted of 10 repetitions and evaluated the lipoxygenase and polyphenol activity; and the protease inhibitors production in coffee. In L. coffeella the trypsin-like activity was checked using the L -BApNA and L -TAME substrates and chymotrypsin-like was determined using BTpNA and ATEE. The cysteine proteases activity was obtained using L -BApNA and total protease using azocasein as substrate. All enzyme activities were determined by spectrophotometry. There was an increase in the activities of infested plants over non-infested in the studied routes (lipoxygenase: F = 29.4, p = 0.00022 and polyphenol: F = 8.41, p = 0.00022) and production of inhibitors proteases (F = 9.64; p = 0.0022). From the Pearson correlation analysis, it was observed that the chymotrypsin-like and proteases inhibitors showed an inverse relationship (r = -0.82; p = 0.03). Already trypsin-like had direct correlation with the activities of lipoxygenase (r = 0.6; p = 0.03) and polyphenol (r = 0.82; p = 0.03). Given the above, in the larvaes L. coffeella there is activity both serine and cysteine proteases, but the serine-protease activity is who characterized the intestine of these insects. The protease inhibitors production and lipoxygenase and polyphenol activities in C. arabica plants come up increased in the presence of L. coffeella, indicating a possible role of these pathways in plant defense process.
Dissertação de mestrado defendida na Universidade Federal de Viçosa.
Bicho-mineiro-do-cafeeiro, Leucoptera coffeella, Enzimas proteolítica - Inibidores, Inibidores da tripsina, Resistência a doenças e pragas
CABRERA, Y. B. M. Resposta de plantas de Coffea arabica (Rubiaceae) às injurias de Leucoptera coffeella (Lepidoptera: Lyonetiidae) através das vias das lipoxigenases e atividade de polifenoloxidases. 2015. 49 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Bioquímica Aplicada) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa-MG. 2015.