Crescimento inicial de cafeeiros enxertados, em condições de campo
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Esta pesquisa teve o objetivo de avaliar o efeito do porta-enxerto no crescimento inicial de plantas enxertadas de café arábica, em condições de campo. O experimento foi realizado numa propriedade no município de Paula Cândido - MG. As medições das plantas foram realizadas em três épocas, em 04/03/2001; 15/06/2001; e 11/10/2001. Como porta-enxerto, foram utilizadas três variedades de C. canephora Pierre ex Froenher: Emcapa 8141 (Robustão Capixaba) que possuem tolerância à seca (FERRÃO et al., 1999), Conilon (obtida de uma lavoura comercial em Muriaé - MG) e Apoatã IAC 2258 que é tolerante a nematóide; e C. arabica Mundo Novo IAC 376-4-32, que é um material de porte alto e bom sistema radicular. Os genótipos de enxerto foram: Catuaí Vermelho IAC15, Oeiras MG 6851, e as progênies H419-10-3-1-5 e H514-5-5-3 que são materiais promissores da UFV, sendo todos Coffea arabica L.. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos casualisados, com 3 repetições e 20 tratamentos; sendo 16 combinações de enxertia e 4 pés-francos (os mesmos utilizados como enxertos). Utilizou-se o teste F a 5% de probabilidade na análise de variância. O contraste entre médias foi realizado pelo teste t a 5% de significância. A análise Dialélica foi usada para avaliar a Capacidade Geral de Combinação (CGC) do enxerto e do porta-enxerto e a Capacidade específica de combinação (CEC) a 5% de significância pelo teste F. As características avaliadas foram: altura média de planta, diâmetro médio de caule, área média foliar; número médio de ramos plagiotrópicos primários, comprimento médio de ramos plagiotrópicos primários, número médio de nós e diâmetro médio de copa. A enxertia não diferiu significativamente dos respectivos pés-francos para a maioria dos tratamentos para as características avaliadas. A combinação Oeiras/Conilon foi a que proporcionou o pior desempenho em quase todas as características avaliadas. ‘Oeiras’ MG 6851 obteve melhores resultados como pé-franco. Pela análise dialélica, o melhor efeito da capacidade geral de combinação para enxerto foi apresentado pelo genótipo H419-10-3-1-5 e para o porta-enxerto, pela variedade Emcapa 8141. Para a capacidade específica de combinação, não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os genótipos estudados para as características avaliadas.
This research aimed to evaluate the effect of grafting stock on the initial growth of grafted coffee arabica plants under field conditions. The experiment was conducted on a farm located in Paula Cândido - MG. Plant measurements were taken at three different periods: 03/04/2001; 06/15/2001; and 10/11/2001. As stock, three varieties of C. canephora Pierre ex Fronher were utilized: Emcapa 8141 (Robustao Capixaba), which is drought-tolerant (FERRÃO et al., 1999), Conilon (obtained from a commercial plantation in Muriaé - MG) and Apoata IAC 2258, which is tolerant to nematodes; and C. arabica Mundo Novo IAC 376-4-32, a large sized material with good root system. The graft genotypes were: Catuaí Vermelho IAC15, Oeiras MG 6851 and the progenies H419-10-3-1-5 and H514-5-5-3, which are promising UFV materials, all Coffea arabica L. The experiment was arranged in a randomized block design, with 3 repetitions and 20 treatments; 16 combinations being grafting and four grasted plants (also used as graft). The F test was used at 5% probability in the variance analysis. The contrast between averages was obtained by the t test at 5% significance. Diallelic analysis was applied to evaluate General Combination Capacity (G.C.C.) of the graft and stock and Specific Combination Capacity (S.C.C.) at 5% significance by the f test. The characteristics evaluated were: mean plant height, mean stem diameter, mean leaf area, mean number of primary plagiotropic branches, mean length of primary plagiotropic branches, mean number of nodes, and mean crown diameter. Grafting did not differ significantly from the respective grasted plants for most treatments for the characteristics evaluated. The combination Oeiras-Conilon had the worst performance in almost all the characteristics evaluated. "Oeiras" MG 6851 obtained better results as grasted plants. Diallelic analysis showed that the best GCC effect for graft was presented by the genotype H419-10-3-1-5 and for stock by the variety Emcapa 8141. No statistically significant difference was found among the genotypes studied for the characteristics evaluated for SCC.
This research aimed to evaluate the effect of grafting stock on the initial growth of grafted coffee arabica plants under field conditions. The experiment was conducted on a farm located in Paula Cândido - MG. Plant measurements were taken at three different periods: 03/04/2001; 06/15/2001; and 10/11/2001. As stock, three varieties of C. canephora Pierre ex Fronher were utilized: Emcapa 8141 (Robustao Capixaba), which is drought-tolerant (FERRÃO et al., 1999), Conilon (obtained from a commercial plantation in Muriaé - MG) and Apoata IAC 2258, which is tolerant to nematodes; and C. arabica Mundo Novo IAC 376-4-32, a large sized material with good root system. The graft genotypes were: Catuaí Vermelho IAC15, Oeiras MG 6851 and the progenies H419-10-3-1-5 and H514-5-5-3, which are promising UFV materials, all Coffea arabica L. The experiment was arranged in a randomized block design, with 3 repetitions and 20 treatments; 16 combinations being grafting and four grasted plants (also used as graft). The F test was used at 5% probability in the variance analysis. The contrast between averages was obtained by the t test at 5% significance. Diallelic analysis was applied to evaluate General Combination Capacity (G.C.C.) of the graft and stock and Specific Combination Capacity (S.C.C.) at 5% significance by the f test. The characteristics evaluated were: mean plant height, mean stem diameter, mean leaf area, mean number of primary plagiotropic branches, mean length of primary plagiotropic branches, mean number of nodes, and mean crown diameter. Grafting did not differ significantly from the respective grasted plants for most treatments for the characteristics evaluated. The combination Oeiras-Conilon had the worst performance in almost all the characteristics evaluated. "Oeiras" MG 6851 obtained better results as grasted plants. Diallelic analysis showed that the best GCC effect for graft was presented by the genotype H419-10-3-1-5 and for stock by the variety Emcapa 8141. No statistically significant difference was found among the genotypes studied for the characteristics evaluated for SCC.
Dissertação de Mestrado defendida na Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Café Enxertia Mudas Crescimento Porta-enxerto Fisiologia Análise dialélica Coffea arabica Coffea canephora, Coffee Grafting Sedlings Growth Physiology Diallelic analysis Coffea arabica Coffea canephora
Ferrari, Rafael Binda. Crescimento inicial de cafeeiros enxertados, em condições de campo. Viçosa : UFV, 2003. 61p. : il. (Dissertação - Mestrado em Fitotecnia). Orientador: Ney Sussumu Sakiyama. T 633.73 F375c 2003