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Com a necessidade de se implantar a reserva legal nas propriedades e a grande rejeição por parte dos produtores foi elaborado um projeto pela EMATER visando tornar estas áreas um sistema agroflorestal viável. Neste projeto foi previsto a implantação da Reserva Legal com café, seringueira e espécies nativas para ser explorada de forma sustentável. Entende-se como uso sustentável a exploração do ambiente de maneira a garantir a perenidade dos recursos e dos processos ecológicos, de forma a manter a biodiversidade e a integridade dos ecossistemas. A Reserva Legal é uma área necessária à manutenção do equilíbrio ecológico das regiões do entorno, e da manutenção dos recursos naturais. A Reserva Legal é permanente e deve ser averbada em cartório, à margem do registro do imóvel. Segundo o Código Florestal, nos casos de reposição florestal, deverá ser priorizada projetos que contemplem a utilização de espécies nativas. Para o trabalho de recuperação de florestas devem-se considerar algumas características das plantas e do ambiente.A recuperação de conectividade de fragmentos e a exploração das áreas agropecuárias de maneira sustentável permitiram minimizar o impacto negativo de passivos ambientais existentes de forma a facilitar o fluxo gênico da flora e fauna com maior rapidez e o equilíbrio harmônico entre o desenvolvimento das atividades humanas e a conservação da biodiversidade. A intervenção planejada com os produtores da Microbacia, respeitando a cultura local e as necessidades de recuperação dos remanescentes florestais nas áreas a serem preservadas buscam o desenvolvimento sustentável integral no que diz respeito às áreas ambientais, sociais e econômicas. A Unidade foi implantada na propriedade da senhora Neuza Correia Tietz no município de Itaúna do Sul – Paraná.
Owing to the necessity of Legal Reserve implantation in the properties and the enormous rejection from producers, a project was elaborated by EMATER with aim to make these areas a viable agroforestry system. In this project was predicted the implantation of the Legal Reserve with coffee, rubber tree and native species to be explored of sustainable form. Sustainable use means the use of the components of biological diversity in a way to guarantee a perennial vegetation, thereby maintaining the biodiversity and the integrity of the ecosystems. A Legal Reserve is a necessary area for the maintenance of ecological balance of the peripheral regions, and natural resources maintenance. The Legal Reserve is permanent and must be registered at the land registry. According to Forestry Code, in the cases forest replacement will have to be prioritized projects that contemplate the use of native species. Some characteristics of the plants and the environment must be considered for the work of recovery of the forests. The recovery of fragment connectivity and the exploration of the mixed-farming areas in a sustainable way allowed to minimize the negative impact of ambient liabilities, thereby making easy the gene flow of the flora and fauna quickly and the harmonic balance between the development of the activities human and the conservation of biodiversity. The intervention planned with the producers of Microbacia, respecting the local culture and the necessities of recovery of the forest remainders in the areas to be preserved search the integral sustainable development is concerned the ambient, social and economic areas. The Unit was implanted in the property Mrs. Neuza Correia Tietz in the city of Itaúna do Sul - Parana.
Owing to the necessity of Legal Reserve implantation in the properties and the enormous rejection from producers, a project was elaborated by EMATER with aim to make these areas a viable agroforestry system. In this project was predicted the implantation of the Legal Reserve with coffee, rubber tree and native species to be explored of sustainable form. Sustainable use means the use of the components of biological diversity in a way to guarantee a perennial vegetation, thereby maintaining the biodiversity and the integrity of the ecosystems. A Legal Reserve is a necessary area for the maintenance of ecological balance of the peripheral regions, and natural resources maintenance. The Legal Reserve is permanent and must be registered at the land registry. According to Forestry Code, in the cases forest replacement will have to be prioritized projects that contemplate the use of native species. Some characteristics of the plants and the environment must be considered for the work of recovery of the forests. The recovery of fragment connectivity and the exploration of the mixed-farming areas in a sustainable way allowed to minimize the negative impact of ambient liabilities, thereby making easy the gene flow of the flora and fauna quickly and the harmonic balance between the development of the activities human and the conservation of biodiversity. The intervention planned with the producers of Microbacia, respecting the local culture and the necessities of recovery of the forest remainders in the areas to be preserved search the integral sustainable development is concerned the ambient, social and economic areas. The Unit was implanted in the property Mrs. Neuza Correia Tietz in the city of Itaúna do Sul - Parana.
Trabalho apresentado no Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (6. : 2009 : Vitória, ES). Anais Brasília, D.F: Embrapa - Café, 2011
Sistema Agroflorestal – Implantação de Reserva Legal com café x Seringueira x Espécies nativas., Agroforestry system – Implantation of legal reserve with coffee, rubber tree and native secies.
Pinheiro, Luciano José. Sistema agroflorestal - Implantação de reserva legal com café, seringueira e especies nativas. In: Simpósio de Pesquisa dos cafés do Brasil (6. : 2009 : Vitória, ES). Anais Brasília, D.F: Embrapa - Café, 2011 (1 CD-ROM), 3p.