Flutuação populacional, predação e parasitismo do bicho-mineiro Leucoptera coffeella (Guerin-Méneville e Perrotet, 1842) (Lepidoptera: Lyonetiidae), em duas regiões cafeeiras do Estado da Bahia
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Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia
O bicho-mineiro do cafeeiro Leucoptera coffeella (Guérin- Méneville) (Lepidoptera: Lyonetiidae) é a principal praga do cafeeiro em todo Brasil. Em virtude da carência de informações sobre as populações da praga e de seus inimigos naturais para as condições da Bahia, desenvolveu-se o presente trabalho, com os objetivos de conhecer a dinâmica populacional do bicho- mineiro, aspectos da predação e parasitismo naturais e da estrutura das comunidades de seus parasitóides nas regiões Sudoeste e Oeste do estado. Os estudos foram desenvolvidos em propriedades cafeeiras (Coffea arabica L.), localizadas nos municípios de Vitória da Conquista (Sudoeste) e Luiz Eduardo Magalhães, BA (Oeste), durante o período de janeiro de 2002 a fevereiro de 2005 e de fevereiro de 2002 a outubro de 2003, respectivamente. Numa primeira etapa, folhas dos três estratos do dossel dos cafeeiros foram coletadas e avaliadas quanto à presença de lesões, ovos, lagartas vivas, crisálidas, lesões predadas, lesões parasitadas e pupas de parasitóides, sendo as minas e crisálidas observadas quanto à presença de adultos de parasitóides. Num segundo momento, folhas contendo lesões intactas foram acondicionadas em gaiolas para obtenção de adultos do bicho-mineiro e de seus parasitóides. Os resultados indicam maiores infestações da praga na Região Oeste. Os níveis de predação e parasitismo natural são superiores em Vitória da Conquista; o parasitismo natural pode ser 3,6 vezes superior, na ausência de predação; existe uma relação inversa entre predação e parasitismo. A temperatura máxima tem efeito positivo sobre minas, crisálidas e minas parasitadas; a umidade relativa do ar afeta negativamente o número de crisálidas e de minas predadas. O terço superior do dossel do cafeeiro é representativo para amostragens de minas, ovos, lagartas vivas, minas predadas e minas parasitadas, enquanto que o terço inferior deve ser utilizado para amostragem de crisálidas. Registra-se, para as condições da Bahia, as espécies de parasitóides do bicho-mineiro Cirrospilus sp. C, Closteroscerus coffeellae Iher., Horismenus aeneicollis Ashmead, Proacrias coffeae Iher., Stiropius sp.1 e Stiropius sp.2. Em Vitória da Conquista, são 5 predominantes H. aeneicollis, Stiropius sp.1, C. coffeellae e P.coffeae, sendo esta também predominante em Luiz Eduardo Magalhães.
The coffee leaf-miner Leucoptera coffeella (Guérin-Méneville) (Lepidoptera: Lyonetiidae) is the principal pest of coffee plants in the entire country of Brazil. Due to the scarcity of information concerning the pest and its natural enemies under the conditions in the Brazilian state of Bahia, the present study was developed with the objective to determine the population dynamics of the leaf miner, aspects of predation, and natural parasitism and the structure of the communities of its parasitoids in the southwestern and western regions of the state. The studies were carried out on coffee plantations (Coffea arabica L.) located in the municipalities of Vitória da Conquista (southwestern Bahia) and Luiz Eduardo Magalhães (western Bahia), during the periods of January 2002 to February 2005 and February 2002 to October 2003, respectively. During the first stage, leaves from three lanes of coffee shrubs were collected and evaluated for the presence of lesions, eggs, live larvae, chrysalides, lesions caused by predators, parasitic lesions, parasitoid pupae, and leaf-miners and chrysalides were observed as to the presence of parasitoid adults. In the second instance, leaves with intact lesions were conditioned in cages to attract leaf-miner adults and their parasitoids. The results indicate that the greatest infestation of this pest is in the western region. The predation and natural parasite levels are higher in Vitória da Conquista; the natural parasitism can be 3.6 times higher in the absence of predation; there exists an inverse relationship between predation and parasitism. A high temperature has a positive effect on the miners, chrysalides, and miners infected with parasites; the relative humidity of the air negatively affects the number of chrysalides and of the miners attacked by predators. The upper third of the coffee plant is representative of samples of miners, eggs, live larvae, miners attacked by predators and miners infected with parasites, while the lower third should be used to obtain samples of chrysalides. Note that, for the conditions in Bahia, the species of parasitoids of the coffee leaf-miner are Cirrospilus sp. C, Closteroscerus coffeellae, Horismenus aeneicollis, Proacrias coffeae, Stiropius sp.1, and Stiropius sp.2. In Vitória da Conquista, H. aeneicollis, Stiropius sp.1, C. Coffeellae, and P. coffeae are predominant; these are predominant as well for Luiz Eduardo Magalhães.
The coffee leaf-miner Leucoptera coffeella (Guérin-Méneville) (Lepidoptera: Lyonetiidae) is the principal pest of coffee plants in the entire country of Brazil. Due to the scarcity of information concerning the pest and its natural enemies under the conditions in the Brazilian state of Bahia, the present study was developed with the objective to determine the population dynamics of the leaf miner, aspects of predation, and natural parasitism and the structure of the communities of its parasitoids in the southwestern and western regions of the state. The studies were carried out on coffee plantations (Coffea arabica L.) located in the municipalities of Vitória da Conquista (southwestern Bahia) and Luiz Eduardo Magalhães (western Bahia), during the periods of January 2002 to February 2005 and February 2002 to October 2003, respectively. During the first stage, leaves from three lanes of coffee shrubs were collected and evaluated for the presence of lesions, eggs, live larvae, chrysalides, lesions caused by predators, parasitic lesions, parasitoid pupae, and leaf-miners and chrysalides were observed as to the presence of parasitoid adults. In the second instance, leaves with intact lesions were conditioned in cages to attract leaf-miner adults and their parasitoids. The results indicate that the greatest infestation of this pest is in the western region. The predation and natural parasite levels are higher in Vitória da Conquista; the natural parasitism can be 3.6 times higher in the absence of predation; there exists an inverse relationship between predation and parasitism. A high temperature has a positive effect on the miners, chrysalides, and miners infected with parasites; the relative humidity of the air negatively affects the number of chrysalides and of the miners attacked by predators. The upper third of the coffee plant is representative of samples of miners, eggs, live larvae, miners attacked by predators and miners infected with parasites, while the lower third should be used to obtain samples of chrysalides. Note that, for the conditions in Bahia, the species of parasitoids of the coffee leaf-miner are Cirrospilus sp. C, Closteroscerus coffeellae, Horismenus aeneicollis, Proacrias coffeae, Stiropius sp.1, and Stiropius sp.2. In Vitória da Conquista, H. aeneicollis, Stiropius sp.1, C. Coffeellae, and P. coffeae are predominant; these are predominant as well for Luiz Eduardo Magalhães.
Dissertação de mestrado defendida na Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia.
Coffea arabica, Bioecologia, Controle biológico, Análise faunística, Manejo Integrado de pragas
MELO, T. L. Flutuação populacional, predação e parasitismo do bicho-mineiro Leucoptera coffeella (Guerin-Méneville e Perrotet, 1842) (Lepidoptera: Lyonetiidae), em duas regiões cafeeiras do Estado da Bahia. 2005. 134 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Agronomia) - Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia, Vitória da Conquista. 2005.