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As micotoxinas são responsáveis por grandes perdas econômicas que ocorrem mundialmente, devido aos problemas que causam à saúde humana e animal, além dos prejuízos que causam na produção agrícola.Existem várias ocratoxinas que causam danos aos alimentos e produtos agricolas, dentre estas a principal micotoxina é a Ocratoxina A (OTA), que é considerada substância carcinogênica, produzidas pelos fungos Aspergillus ochraceus e Penicillium verrucosum. Dentre vários alimentos, o café, principalmente em sua fase de armazenamento, é atacado por fungos que produzem micotoxinas, mais especificamente as ocratoxinas.Ainda assim, o café, tem sido relacionado como produto quimioprotetor, diminuindo o risco de muitos tipos de câncer, por conter, naturalmente em sua composição, ou formadas durante o seu processamento, substâncias antioxidantes, anticarcinogênicas e antiteratogênicas. Portanto, o presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar mediante testes “in vivo” em ratos Wistar, os benefícios do consumo de café e de compostos bioprotetores (cafeína) presentes nesta bebida, sobre os danos causados por ocratoxina em relação a taxa de ganho de peso e sobre as análises clínicas de TGO, TGP, G-GTA, creatinina e uréia.Os testes foram realizados, com 24 ratos Wistar, recém desmamados, do sexo masculino que foram separados em gaiolas metabólicas, mantidos em ambiente controlado. O experimento teve duração de 42 dias, sendo os tratamentos (T) aplicados com ração comercial reformulada com vários ingredientes e mais a caféina em doses equivalentes a xícaras de café de 100 mL.A ocratoxina A (OTA) foi aspergida na ração (20gr/ração/dia) perfazendo os seguintes tratamentos (T): T 1- Controle- ração com 0% de cafeína; T 2 – ração suplementada com cafeína a 1%; T 3 – ração suplementada com cafeína a 1,5%; T 4 – ração suplementada com cafeína a 2%; T 5- ração sem cafeína + OTA; T 6 – ração suplementada com cafeína a 1% + OTA; T 7 – ração suplementada com cafeína a 1,5% + OTA; T 8 – ração suplementada com cafeína a 2% + OTA. Os animais foram pesados diáriamente durante o período da pesquisa. No final do experimento, coletou-se urina e sangue dos animais para realização das análises clínicas de : Creatinina e uréia através da urina (U) e também uréia, creatinina, e hemograma completo através do sangue (S). Todos animais foram sacrificados no final do experimento. Os dados percentuais obtidos foram comparados pelo teste de Tukey a 5% de probabilidade. De acordo com os resultados, com relação à bioproteção, a cafeína, não se apresentou totalmente eficiente no que se refere a danos causados pela ocratoxina.
Mycotoxins are responsible for large economic losses that occur worldwide due to the problems they cause to human and animal health, in addition to causing losses in crops. There are several ochratoxin cause damage to food and agricultural products, among these is the main mycotoxin Ochratoxin A (OTA), which is considered carcinogenic, produced by the fungi Aspergillus ochraceus and Penicillium verrucosum. Among various food, coffee, especially in their stage of storage, is attacked by fungi that produce mycotoxins, specifically the ocratoxin. Coffee, has been listed as quimioprotetor product, reducing the risk of many types of cancer, by contain, of course in its composition, or formed during its processing, antioxidant substances, anticarcinogenic and antiteratogênic. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate through testing in vivo in rats, the benefits of consumption of coffee and consequently caffeine, like one bioprotector present in this drink, about the damage caused by ocratoxin on the rate of weight gain and the clinical analysis of GOT, GPT, G-GTA, urea and creatinine .Tests were performed with 24 Wistar rats, recently weaned, males that were separated into metabolic cages, maintained in a controlled environment. The experiment lasted for 42 days, the treatments (T) applied with commercial diets reformulated with some ingredients and caffeine in doses equivalent to 100 cups of coffee(100 mL).Ochratoxin A (OTA) was sprayed in the diet (20gr / feed / day) making the following treatments T: (T1) - Control-diet with 0% of caffeine; (T2 )- diet supplemented with caffeine at 1%, (T3 )- diet supplemented with caffeine at 1.5%, (T4) - diet supplemented with caffeine and 2%, (T5) - caffeine free diet + OTA, T 6 - diet supplemented with caffeine at 1% + OTA, (T7) - diet supplemented with caffeine at 1.5% + OTA, (T8) - diet supplemented with caffeine and 2% + OTA. Animals were weighed daily during the experiment. At the end, of the experiment, urine and blood was collected, to perform the clinical analysis of: Creatinine and urea in the urine (U) and urea, creatinine and complete blood count with blood (S). All animals were sacrificed at the end of the experiment. The percentage data were compared by Tukey test at 5% probability. According to the results, caffeine, did not appear fully efficient against damage caused by ochratoxin.
Mycotoxins are responsible for large economic losses that occur worldwide due to the problems they cause to human and animal health, in addition to causing losses in crops. There are several ochratoxin cause damage to food and agricultural products, among these is the main mycotoxin Ochratoxin A (OTA), which is considered carcinogenic, produced by the fungi Aspergillus ochraceus and Penicillium verrucosum. Among various food, coffee, especially in their stage of storage, is attacked by fungi that produce mycotoxins, specifically the ocratoxin. Coffee, has been listed as quimioprotetor product, reducing the risk of many types of cancer, by contain, of course in its composition, or formed during its processing, antioxidant substances, anticarcinogenic and antiteratogênic. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate through testing in vivo in rats, the benefits of consumption of coffee and consequently caffeine, like one bioprotector present in this drink, about the damage caused by ocratoxin on the rate of weight gain and the clinical analysis of GOT, GPT, G-GTA, urea and creatinine .Tests were performed with 24 Wistar rats, recently weaned, males that were separated into metabolic cages, maintained in a controlled environment. The experiment lasted for 42 days, the treatments (T) applied with commercial diets reformulated with some ingredients and caffeine in doses equivalent to 100 cups of coffee(100 mL).Ochratoxin A (OTA) was sprayed in the diet (20gr / feed / day) making the following treatments T: (T1) - Control-diet with 0% of caffeine; (T2 )- diet supplemented with caffeine at 1%, (T3 )- diet supplemented with caffeine at 1.5%, (T4) - diet supplemented with caffeine and 2%, (T5) - caffeine free diet + OTA, T 6 - diet supplemented with caffeine at 1% + OTA, (T7) - diet supplemented with caffeine at 1.5% + OTA, (T8) - diet supplemented with caffeine and 2% + OTA. Animals were weighed daily during the experiment. At the end, of the experiment, urine and blood was collected, to perform the clinical analysis of: Creatinine and urea in the urine (U) and urea, creatinine and complete blood count with blood (S). All animals were sacrificed at the end of the experiment. The percentage data were compared by Tukey test at 5% probability. According to the results, caffeine, did not appear fully efficient against damage caused by ochratoxin.
Trabalho apresentado no Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (6. : 2009 : Vitória, ES). Anais Brasília, D.F: Embrapa - Café, 2011
Café, Micotoxinas, Exames clínicos, Coffee, Mycotoxins, Clinical Investigations
Goulart, Patrícia F. P.; Oliveira, Roseane M. E.; Pimenta, Carlos J.; Oliveira, Lilian de; Azevedo, Adolfo de Oliveira; Abreu, Priscila Silva; Reis, Tatiana Abreu. Ocratoxina A em ratos wistar: Atuação da cafeína como agente bioprotetor. In: Simpósio de Pesquisa dos cafés do Brasil (6. : 2009 : Vitória, ES). Anais Brasília, D.F: Embrapa - Café, 2011 (1 CD-ROM), 5p.