Análise química e atividade antioxidante de quatro amostras de café (Coffea arabica) comerciais
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Instituto de Química - Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
A padronização adotada para o café vendido ao consumidor brasileiro é muito flexível e não existe um controle de qualidade rígido, este trabalho busca criar um parâmetro dentre quatro amostras (A, B, C e D) de cafés comerciais do Triângulo Mineiro e Sul Goiano e um padrão selecionado de café arábica. As amostras A e C apresentaram teor de umidade superior aos recomendados pela ANVISA. As amostras A e B apresentam uma maior quantidade de sólidos solúveis, que é desejável para garantir o corpo da bebida de qualidade. Todas as amostras apresentaram teores de cafeína de acordo com os valores estipulados pela legislação vigente de pelo menos 0,7%, a amostra C apresentou o menor valor de cafeína entre as amostras comerciais e amostra D apresentou o maior teor, o que sugere um teor superior de café robusta, misturado nesta amostra. Os teores de proteínas para o café padrão e amostras em pó variaram de 16,56 a 18,69% e para as frações solúveis variaram de 21,88 a 25,25%. Todas as amostras tanto do padrão como dos cafés comerciais . apresentaram atividade seqüestradora do radical DPPH , a amostra D, juntamente com o café selecionado apresentou maior percentagem de inibição de radicais DPPH.. O Padrão apresentou maior número de compostos voláteis identificados e as Amostras C e D apresentaram os menores teores destes constituintes. O IVTF possibilitou a identificação de grupos funcionais ativos nesta região do espectro em todas as amostras, tanto na forma de pó como no extrato solúvel da bebida, mas nenhuma amostra apresentou características que pudessem ser utilizadas como forma de diferenciação. Na fração solúvel de todos os espectros de RMN de 1H foram observados os sinais referentes ao ácido quínico, cafeína, ácidos clorogênicos, ácido fórmico e trigonelina; na amostra A foi verificado um sinal bastante intenso na região 0,9 a 1,2 ppm, característico de sinais de prótons de grupos CH3 e CH2. O teor mais elevado de ácidos clorogênicos da amostra padrão foi evidenciado pela presença do ácido quínico identificado pelo sinal por volta de 2,0 ppm. Através do RMN de 13C no estado sólido foi possível observar a presença de sinais característicos de carbonos possivelmente referentes à cafeína, ácidos clorogênicos e ácido quínico em todas as amostras e no padrão.
The ground coffee consumed in Brazil has a poor standardization and there is a lack of a rigid quality control in this kind of coffee. The present work compared four commercial brands of cerrado coffee (A, B, C and D) with a standard cerrado coffee. We intended to establish a quality relationship between the standard coffee and the commercial ones that are sold in Triângulo Mineiro – MG and Southern of Goiás – GO regions. Brands A and C showed humidity content above the permitted by ANVISA (National Agency for Sanitary Vigilance). Brands A and B showed a higher soluble solids content, witch is desirable, adding body to a quality drink. All samples showed caffeine levels within permitted range by actual legislation, and, brand C showed the lowest caffeine level and brand D showed the highest level, what suggests that this brand could have more robusta grains on its composition. The protein levels for the standard coffee and ground samples varied from 16.56 to 18.69% and for the soluble fraction varied from 21.88 to 25.25%. All samples presented scavenger activity against free radical DPPH. and brand D and the standard coffee showed the highest inhibition percentage. The standard coffee also presented the highest number of volatile compounds identified by GC/MS, and brands C and D showed the lowest levels for these constituents. The FTIR identified active functional groups for all samples, in the ground coffee as in the soluble drinkable extract, but no one brand showed properties that could be used in its differentiation. The 1H NMR of all soluble fractions allowed the observation of signals referring to quinic acid, caffeine, chlorogenic acids, formic acid and trigoneline. In brand A, was observed an intense signal near 0.9 to 1.2 ppm, peculiar to CH3 and CH2 protons. The highest chlorogenic acid level was in standard coffee, evidenced by a signal near 2.0 ppm. The solid state 13 C NMR allowed the observation of peculiar signals of caffeine, chlorogenic acid and quinic acid in all samples, including the standard, but it was not possible to distinguish among them.
The ground coffee consumed in Brazil has a poor standardization and there is a lack of a rigid quality control in this kind of coffee. The present work compared four commercial brands of cerrado coffee (A, B, C and D) with a standard cerrado coffee. We intended to establish a quality relationship between the standard coffee and the commercial ones that are sold in Triângulo Mineiro – MG and Southern of Goiás – GO regions. Brands A and C showed humidity content above the permitted by ANVISA (National Agency for Sanitary Vigilance). Brands A and B showed a higher soluble solids content, witch is desirable, adding body to a quality drink. All samples showed caffeine levels within permitted range by actual legislation, and, brand C showed the lowest caffeine level and brand D showed the highest level, what suggests that this brand could have more robusta grains on its composition. The protein levels for the standard coffee and ground samples varied from 16.56 to 18.69% and for the soluble fraction varied from 21.88 to 25.25%. All samples presented scavenger activity against free radical DPPH. and brand D and the standard coffee showed the highest inhibition percentage. The standard coffee also presented the highest number of volatile compounds identified by GC/MS, and brands C and D showed the lowest levels for these constituents. The FTIR identified active functional groups for all samples, in the ground coffee as in the soluble drinkable extract, but no one brand showed properties that could be used in its differentiation. The 1H NMR of all soluble fractions allowed the observation of signals referring to quinic acid, caffeine, chlorogenic acids, formic acid and trigoneline. In brand A, was observed an intense signal near 0.9 to 1.2 ppm, peculiar to CH3 and CH2 protons. The highest chlorogenic acid level was in standard coffee, evidenced by a signal near 2.0 ppm. The solid state 13 C NMR allowed the observation of peculiar signals of caffeine, chlorogenic acid and quinic acid in all samples, including the standard, but it was not possible to distinguish among them.
Dissertação de mestrado defendida na instituto de Química - Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
ROSA, G. M. Análise química e atividade antioxidante de quatro amostras de café (Coffea arabica) comerciais. 2010. 113 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Química) - Instituto de Química, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, Uberlândia. 2010.