Fontes e doses de fósforo para o cafeeiro : produtividade, dinâmica de nutrientes no solo e nutrição mineral das plantas
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Universidade Federal de Lavras
O estudo do fósforo (P) consiste num dos maiores desafios relacionados à nutrição de plantas, principalmente em solos que apresentam avançado grau de intemperismo, como a maioria dos solos brasileiros. Resultados recentes de pesquisa mostraram respostas do cafeeiro à adubação fosfatada em fase de produção dessa cultura, porém há necessidade de maiores investigações a respeito dos efeitos da aplicação de elevadas doses de fertilizantes fosfatados na dinâmica do solo. Este trabalho foi realizado com os seguintes objetivos: (a) verificar os efeitos da adubação de manutenção com doses crescentes de P 2 O 5 através de duas fontes, para cafeeiros em produção implantados na Região Sul de MG, (b) verificar alterações em propriedades químicas e na dinâmica de nutrientes no solo em função da adubação fosfatada de manutenção com doses crescentes de P 2 O 5 fornecido através de duas fontes de fertilizantes. O experimento foi instalado em 2008 num Argissolo Vermelho distrófico no município de Três Pontas – MG, na Fazenda Experimental da EPAMIG, com a cultivar Catiguá MG-2, plantada no espaçamento de 3,60 x 0,60 m. As adubações foram realizadas levando em consideração o resultado da análise de solo, exceto para o nutriente fósforo. As doses testadas foram 0,75, 150, 300, 450 e 600 kg ha -1 de P 2 O 5 , utilizando-se como fontes o superfosfato simples e o termofosfato magnesiano, aplicadas anualmente no início do período chuvoso (outubro). O delineamento experimental utilizado foi um fatorial 6x2 em blocos casualizados com cinco repetições. Em 2009, 2010 e 2011 foram retiradas amostras de solo na projeção da copa dos cafeeiros nas profundidades de 0-0,1 e 0-0,2 m, após a colheita da safra de cada ano. Nesse mesmo período também foram retiradas amostras de folhas, na fase anterior do enchimento dos grãos. Procedeu-se análise físico-química do solo e análise de matéria seca das folhas. Os teores de P disponível no solo aumentaram devido à aplicação das duas fontes, assim como os teores foliares de P, que se estabilizaram em torno de 1,8 – 1,9 g kg -1 , de modo geral, com a aplicação de aproximadamente 300 kg ha -1 de P 2 O 5 . Os teores de cálcio (Ca) no solo e nas folhas aumentaram em função da aplicação do superfosfato simples; os de magnésio (Mg) diminuíram e os teores de enxofre (S) aumentaram apenas no solo. Já para o termofosfato magnesiano, os teores de Mg aumentaram no solo e nas folhas em função de sua aplicação; os teores de Ca aumentaram apenas no solo. O termofosfato promoveu elevação do pH e da saturação por bases e redução nos teores foliares dos micronutrientes catiônicos. O cafeeiro mostrou-se responsivo à adubação fosfatada na fase de produção, obtendo-se numa média de três safras, ganhos de 45,3 e 40,3%, para o superfosfato simples e termofosfato magnesiano, respectivamente, com a aplicação da maior dose estudada de 600 kg ha -1 de P 2 O 5 .
The study of phosphorus (P) is one of the plant nutrition biggest challenges, especially in weathering soils, like most Brazilian soils. Recent research results have shown responses of the coffee tree to phosphate fertilizer in production phase, although it needs further investigation about the effects of the application of high phosphate fertilizer doses in soil dynamics. This work was performed with the following objectives: (a) verify the maintenance fertilization effects with increasing P 2 O 5 doses from two sources for coffee production implanted in South of Minas Gerais; (b) verify changes in chemical properties and soil nutrient dynamics as a function of phosphorus fertilization maintenance with increasing P 2 O 5 doses, from two fertilizer sources. The experiment was installed in 2008 on a typic dystrophic Red Argisol (Ultisol) in the municipality of Três Pontas - MG, at EPAMIG Experimental Farm, with cultivar Catigua MG-2, planted at a spacing of 3.60 x 0.60 m. Fertilization was carried out considering the soil analysis results, except for phosphorus nutrient. The doses applied were 0.75, 150, 300, 450 and 600 kg ha -1 of P 2 O 5 , using simple superphosphate as sources and the magnesium thermophosphate, implemented annually at the beginning of the rainy season (october). The experimental design was a 6x2 factorial in randomized blocks with five replications. In 2009, 2010 and 2011 soil samples were taken at coffee canopy projection at 0-0.1 and 0- 0.2m depth, after each year harvest. At the same period were also taken sampled leaves, before the stage of grain filling. Soil physico-chemical analysis was preceded of leaves dry matter. The available soil P contents increased due two sources application, as well as leaf P contents, which stabilized around 1,8 – 1,9 g kg -1 , in general, with the application of approximately 300 kg ha -1 of P 2 O 5 . The calcium (Ca) contents in soil and leaves increased in function the simple superphosphate application, the magnesium (Mg) decreased and the sulfur (S) increased only in the soil. As for magnesium thermophosphate, the Mg contents increased in soil and leaves according to their application; the Ca contents increased only in the soil. The thermophosphate increase pH elevation and of basis saturation and reduction in foliar contents of cationic micronutrients. The coffee plants shown to be responsive to phosphate fertilizer in production phase, from an average of three harvests, obtaining gains 45.3 and 40.3% for simple superphosphate and magnesium thermophophate, respectively, with the application 600 kg ha -1 of P 2 O 5 doses.
The study of phosphorus (P) is one of the plant nutrition biggest challenges, especially in weathering soils, like most Brazilian soils. Recent research results have shown responses of the coffee tree to phosphate fertilizer in production phase, although it needs further investigation about the effects of the application of high phosphate fertilizer doses in soil dynamics. This work was performed with the following objectives: (a) verify the maintenance fertilization effects with increasing P 2 O 5 doses from two sources for coffee production implanted in South of Minas Gerais; (b) verify changes in chemical properties and soil nutrient dynamics as a function of phosphorus fertilization maintenance with increasing P 2 O 5 doses, from two fertilizer sources. The experiment was installed in 2008 on a typic dystrophic Red Argisol (Ultisol) in the municipality of Três Pontas - MG, at EPAMIG Experimental Farm, with cultivar Catigua MG-2, planted at a spacing of 3.60 x 0.60 m. Fertilization was carried out considering the soil analysis results, except for phosphorus nutrient. The doses applied were 0.75, 150, 300, 450 and 600 kg ha -1 of P 2 O 5 , using simple superphosphate as sources and the magnesium thermophosphate, implemented annually at the beginning of the rainy season (october). The experimental design was a 6x2 factorial in randomized blocks with five replications. In 2009, 2010 and 2011 soil samples were taken at coffee canopy projection at 0-0.1 and 0- 0.2m depth, after each year harvest. At the same period were also taken sampled leaves, before the stage of grain filling. Soil physico-chemical analysis was preceded of leaves dry matter. The available soil P contents increased due two sources application, as well as leaf P contents, which stabilized around 1,8 – 1,9 g kg -1 , in general, with the application of approximately 300 kg ha -1 of P 2 O 5 . The calcium (Ca) contents in soil and leaves increased in function the simple superphosphate application, the magnesium (Mg) decreased and the sulfur (S) increased only in the soil. As for magnesium thermophosphate, the Mg contents increased in soil and leaves according to their application; the Ca contents increased only in the soil. The thermophosphate increase pH elevation and of basis saturation and reduction in foliar contents of cationic micronutrients. The coffee plants shown to be responsive to phosphate fertilizer in production phase, from an average of three harvests, obtaining gains 45.3 and 40.3% for simple superphosphate and magnesium thermophophate, respectively, with the application 600 kg ha -1 of P 2 O 5 doses.
Dissertação de Mestrado defendida na Universidade Federal de Lavras
Adubação fosfatada, Fertilidade do solo
DIAS, K. G. L. Fontes e doses de fósforo para o cafeeiro: produtividade, dinâmica de nutrientes no solo e nutrição mineral das plantas. 2012. 90 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciência do Solo) - Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras. 2012.