Aproveitamento energético de resíduos agroindustriais no Distrito Federal
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Faculdade de Tecnologia - Universidade de Brasília
No atual contexto energético nacional a diversificação da matriz energética e o desenvolvimento de tecnologias limpas tornam-se cada vez mais necessário para suprir a crescente demanda frente a diminuição na oferta dos combustíveis fósseis, além das explícitas vantagens ambientais diante das alarmantes mudanças climáticas em curso no planeta. Nesse sentido, resíduos de biomassa das mais variadas origens despontam-se como interessantes alternativas energéticas, no entanto o seu aproveitamento é limitado pelo pouco conhecimento sobre seu potencial energético. O presente estudo tem como objetivo avaliar o potencial energético de resíduos agroflorestais, visando à obtenção de produtos energéticos renováveis com maior valor agregado. Neste sentido os resíduos de casca de café, palha de feijão, madeira de construção civil, madeireira e sabugo de milho foram avaliados in natura, carbonizados e compactados. As características analisadas foram: umidade, densidade do granel, granulometria, análise imediata, composição química, análise elementar, poder calorífico superior e útil e a densidade energética. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância e as médias comparadas através do teste de Tukey a 5% de significância. Ao final do estudo pôde-se concluir que a casca de café in natura apresentou as melhores propriedades para uso em combustão direta. O carvão de resíduos de madeira apresentou melhores propriedades para fins energéticos e o carvão da palha de feijão apresentou características inferiores às demais biomassas analisadas. Quanto aos briquetes, a quirela de milho e de sorgo, por terem altos teores de amido, podem ser utilizadas como aglutinantes, diminuindo os custos de produção de briquetes.
In the current energy context the diversification of the energetic matrix and the development of sustainable technologies has become increasingly necessary in order to meet growing demand of a reduction in the supply of fossil fuels, in addition to the explicit environmental advantages front of alarming ongoing climate change on the planet. In this sense, biomass residuals of the most varied origins appear as interesting energetic alternatives, however this use is limited by the summary knowledge about this energetic potential. The present study evaluates the energy potential of agroforestry residues to obtaining renewable energy products with higher value added. This way coffee husk residues, bean straw, construction timber, wood and corn cob were evaluated “in natura”, carbonized and compacted. The analyzed characteristics were: moisture, bulk density, grain size, immediate analysis, chemical composition, elemental analysis, superior and useful calorific value and energy density. In fact, the data were submitted to analysis of variance and were compared using the Tukey test at 5% of significance. At the end of the study was possible to conclude that coffee husk in natura presented the best properties for use in direct combustion. The charcoal residuals presented better properties for energy purposes and the charcoal of the bean straw presented lower characteristics inferior to the other biomasses analyzed. The corn and sorghum quirela have high starch contents, so they can be used to agglutinate, reducing the production costs of briquettes.
In the current energy context the diversification of the energetic matrix and the development of sustainable technologies has become increasingly necessary in order to meet growing demand of a reduction in the supply of fossil fuels, in addition to the explicit environmental advantages front of alarming ongoing climate change on the planet. In this sense, biomass residuals of the most varied origins appear as interesting energetic alternatives, however this use is limited by the summary knowledge about this energetic potential. The present study evaluates the energy potential of agroforestry residues to obtaining renewable energy products with higher value added. This way coffee husk residues, bean straw, construction timber, wood and corn cob were evaluated “in natura”, carbonized and compacted. The analyzed characteristics were: moisture, bulk density, grain size, immediate analysis, chemical composition, elemental analysis, superior and useful calorific value and energy density. In fact, the data were submitted to analysis of variance and were compared using the Tukey test at 5% of significance. At the end of the study was possible to conclude that coffee husk in natura presented the best properties for use in direct combustion. The charcoal residuals presented better properties for energy purposes and the charcoal of the bean straw presented lower characteristics inferior to the other biomasses analyzed. The corn and sorghum quirela have high starch contents, so they can be used to agglutinate, reducing the production costs of briquettes.
Dissertação de mestrado defendida na Faculdade de Tecnologia - Universidade de Brasília.
Biomassa, Combustão, Carbonização, Briquetagem
DIONIZIO, A. F. Aproveitamento energético de resíduos agroindustriais no Distrito Federal. 2007. 97 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Florestais) - Faculdade de Tecnologia, Universidade de Brasília, Brasília. 2007.