Espectroscopia no infravermelho próximo para classificação de sementes de café quanto à qualidade, origem e cultivar
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Universidade Federal de Lavras
É indiscutível a importância da cultura cafeeira para o nosso país, pela sua participação expressiva no contexto socioeconômico, gerando renda pela exportação e empregando mão de obra nas diferentes etapas do agronegócio, desde o cultivo até a comercialização. Um problema na produção de sementes é que a propagação das plantas ainda e feita por mudas originadas a partir da semeadura de sementes. Um grande empecilho desse método é que as sementes de café têm germinação lenta e desuniforme, além de baixo potencial de armazenamento. Outro problema é a caracterização de uma semente em relação ao seu cultivar, porque o método convencional requer muito tempo e conhecimento técnico sobre as estruturas da planta. A espectroscopia é o processo instrumental de medição baseado nas propriedades de absorção e emissão de energia eletromagnética em alguma região do espectro eletromagnético. Neste trabalho, foram utilizadas 200 sementes de 4 cultivares distintas oriundas de 3 diferentes regiões. Em uma segunda etapa, foram utilizados 9 lotes de sementes de café, 3 de alta qualidade, acima de 90% de germinação, 3 de média, com 60 a 90% de germinação e 3 lotes de baixa qualidade com germinação abaixo de 60%. Posteriormente, essas sementes foram submetidas à análise, por meio do infravermelho próximo com as faces planas voltadas para a fonte da onda eletromagnética e os espectros obtidos foram analisados com ajuda de métodos quimiométricos, para a classificação das diferentes cultivares e também foi realizado um estudo do genoma com marcadores de microssatélites. Assim, o objetivo, com este trabalho, foi utilizar a espectroscopia de infravermelho próximo e o estabelecimento de modelos quimiométricos para a estimativa do potencial germinativo e da pureza genética das sementes de café, a partir da comparação entre testes convencionais. Concluiu-se que é possível obter uma metodologia que seja viável em termos práticos e técnicos, para predizer o potencial germinativo e a procedência das sementes de café, entretanto, essa metodologia não é eficiente para predizer a pureza genética das sementes de café.
There is no doubt about the importance of the coffee culture for our country, for its significant participation in the socio-economic context, creating income by exports and employing labor in the different stages of agribusiness, from cultivation to marketing. One problem in production is that the propagation of plants by cuttings made and still originated from sowing seeds. A major drawback of this method is that the coffee beans have slow and uneven germination, and low storage potential. Another problem is the characterization of a seed in relation to its cultivar because the conventional method requires much time and expertise on the seedling structures. Spectroscopy is the instrumental measurement process based on the properties of absorption and emission of electromagnetic energy in some region of the electromagnetic spectrum. In this study, we used 200 seeds of 4 different cultivars derived from three different regions. In a second step, we used 9 batches of coffee beans, 3 of high quality, with germination above 90%, 3 of medium quality, with germination between 60 and 90% and 3 batches of low quality with germination lower than 60%. Later these seeds were subjected to analysis by near infrared with the flat sides facing the source of the electromagnetic wave and the spectra obtained were analyzed with the help of chemometric methods for classification of different cultivars. A genome study with microsatellite markers was also performed. Thus, it is necessary to use the NIR and the establishment of chemometric models to predict the germination potential and the genetic purity of coffee beans, from the comparison between the conventional tests. Thus, it is possible to obtain a methodology that is viable in economic, practical and technical terms, to predict the germination potential and the origin of the coffee seeds, but is not effective to predict the genetic purity of coffee seeds.
There is no doubt about the importance of the coffee culture for our country, for its significant participation in the socio-economic context, creating income by exports and employing labor in the different stages of agribusiness, from cultivation to marketing. One problem in production is that the propagation of plants by cuttings made and still originated from sowing seeds. A major drawback of this method is that the coffee beans have slow and uneven germination, and low storage potential. Another problem is the characterization of a seed in relation to its cultivar because the conventional method requires much time and expertise on the seedling structures. Spectroscopy is the instrumental measurement process based on the properties of absorption and emission of electromagnetic energy in some region of the electromagnetic spectrum. In this study, we used 200 seeds of 4 different cultivars derived from three different regions. In a second step, we used 9 batches of coffee beans, 3 of high quality, with germination above 90%, 3 of medium quality, with germination between 60 and 90% and 3 batches of low quality with germination lower than 60%. Later these seeds were subjected to analysis by near infrared with the flat sides facing the source of the electromagnetic wave and the spectra obtained were analyzed with the help of chemometric methods for classification of different cultivars. A genome study with microsatellite markers was also performed. Thus, it is necessary to use the NIR and the establishment of chemometric models to predict the germination potential and the genetic purity of coffee beans, from the comparison between the conventional tests. Thus, it is possible to obtain a methodology that is viable in economic, practical and technical terms, to predict the germination potential and the origin of the coffee seeds, but is not effective to predict the genetic purity of coffee seeds.
Tese de Doutorado defendida na Universidade Federal de Lavras
Quimiometria, Espectro, Microssatélite
GUIMARÃẼS, G. C. Espectroscopia no infravermelho próximo para classificação de sementes de café quanto à qualidade, origem e cultivar. 2016. 75 f. Tese (Doutorado em Agronomia/Fitotecnia) - Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras. 2016.