Feromônio sexual de Leucoptera coffeella: papel do componente minoritário e avaliação de isômeros em diferentes populações
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
O bicho-mineiro-do-cafe, Leucoptera coffeella (Lepidoptera: Lyonetiidae) ́e a principal praga do cafe no Brasil e seu controle ́e feito principalmente por meio de aplica ̧c ̃oes de inseticidas com características prejudiciais ao homem, cultura e ambiente. Em contraste, o uso de feromônios sexuais no manejo de pragas ́e tido como uma forma de se diminuir a aplicação e os efeitos tóxicos desses inseticidas. Nesse trabalho, avaliou-se a captura de machos de L. coffeella em armadilhas contendo diferentes isômeros e mistura racêmica de 5,9-dimetilpentadecano, componente majoritário de seu feromônio sexual, em duas localidades de Minas Gerais. Também foi verificado se o componente minoritário, 5,9-dimetilhexadecano, exerce influência na captura de machos em armadilhas de feromônio e se diferentes s ́ınteses da mistura racêmica de 5,9-dimetilpentadecano levam a diferenças na captura de machos em campo. Em todos os casos, a mistura racêmica atraiu mais indivíduos que os isômeros, reforçando a ideia de que uma mistura de isômeros deve ser produzida pela fêmea. O isômero RS atraiu mais machos que os outros isômeros em ambos os locais. Dessa forma, parece n ̃ao haver varia ̧c ̃ao geográfica do feromônio sexual entre esses lugares. No entanto, populações do México são mais atraídas pelo isômero SR, abrindo margem para se especular que há variação entre essas populações e as encontradas no Brasil. O componente minoritário não influenciou a captura de machos. Portanto, n ̃ao deve ser considerado parte do feromônio sexual de L. coffeella. Das três misturas racêmicas testadas, apenas uma se mostrou ineficiente, de modo que a razão disso ainda precisa ser investigada. Aspectos da evolução dos sistemas de comunicação química e a possível aplicação dos resultados obtidos são discutidos.
The coffee leaf miner, Leucoptera coffeella (Lepidoptera: Lyonetiidae) is the main pest of coffee in Brazil and its control is achieved through application of insecticides with features harmful to man, culture and environment. In contrast, the use of sex pheromones in pest management is seen as a way to reduce the implementation and toxic effects of these insecticides. In this study, was evaluated the capture of males of L. coffeella in traps containing different isomers and racemic mixtures of 5,9-dimethylpentadecane, a major component of its sex pheromone, in two localities of Minas Gerais. It was observed too if the minor component, 5,9-dimethylhexadecane influences the capture of males in pheromone traps and if different syntheses of racemic mix- ture of 5,9-dimethylpentadecane lead to differences in the capture of males in the field. In all cases, the racemic mixture attracted more individuals than isomers, reinforcing the idea that a mixture of isomers should be produced by the female. The RS isomer attracted more males than the other isomers in both places. Thus, there seems not to be geographic variation of the sex pheromone between these sites. However, Mexico populations are more attracted by the SR isomer, opening room to speculate that there is variation between these populations and those found in Brazil. The minor component did not influence the capture of males. Therefore, should not be considered part of the sex pheromone of L. coffeella. Of the three racemic mixtures tested, only one proved inefficient, but the reason for this remains to be in- vestigated. Aspects of the evolution of chemical communication systems and the possible application of the results obtained are discussed.
The coffee leaf miner, Leucoptera coffeella (Lepidoptera: Lyonetiidae) is the main pest of coffee in Brazil and its control is achieved through application of insecticides with features harmful to man, culture and environment. In contrast, the use of sex pheromones in pest management is seen as a way to reduce the implementation and toxic effects of these insecticides. In this study, was evaluated the capture of males of L. coffeella in traps containing different isomers and racemic mixtures of 5,9-dimethylpentadecane, a major component of its sex pheromone, in two localities of Minas Gerais. It was observed too if the minor component, 5,9-dimethylhexadecane influences the capture of males in pheromone traps and if different syntheses of racemic mix- ture of 5,9-dimethylpentadecane lead to differences in the capture of males in the field. In all cases, the racemic mixture attracted more individuals than isomers, reinforcing the idea that a mixture of isomers should be produced by the female. The RS isomer attracted more males than the other isomers in both places. Thus, there seems not to be geographic variation of the sex pheromone between these sites. However, Mexico populations are more attracted by the SR isomer, opening room to speculate that there is variation between these populations and those found in Brazil. The minor component did not influence the capture of males. Therefore, should not be considered part of the sex pheromone of L. coffeella. Of the three racemic mixtures tested, only one proved inefficient, but the reason for this remains to be in- vestigated. Aspects of the evolution of chemical communication systems and the possible application of the results obtained are discussed.
Dissertação de mestrado defendida na Universidade Federal de Viçosa.
Bicho-mineiro-do-café - populações, Leucoptera coffeella, Feromonas, Quiralidade, Inseto - atração sexual, Pragas - controle integrado, Café - doenças e pragas - controle
ARAÚJO, H. D. Feromônio sexual de Leucoptera coffeella: papel do componente minoritário e avaliação de isômeros em diferentes populações. 2011. 37 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Entomologia) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa-MG. 2011.