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No Paraná a cafeicultura é praticada em pequenas propriedades e é conhecida por produzir cafés de qualidade e de maneira sustentável. A organização dos agricultores familiares dos assentamentos para produzir e comercializar o café é uma forma de aumentar seus rendimentos. O aspecto físico e a qualidade de bebida são critérios fundamentais na comercialização do café e determinam o quanto o produtor receberá pelo seu produto. Foram coletadas 68 amostras de cafés nos assentamentos de Congonhinhas, Ribeirão do Pinhal e São Jerônimo da Serra a fim de identificar e avaliar a qualidade do café produzido por estes agricultores. Os defeitos foram identificados e quantificados e as características do grão verde e torrado e a qualidade de bebida foram também determinadas. Amostras de cafés dos três municípios apresentaram umidade acima da recomendada para boa conservação do café e várias continham alta concentração de defeitos (grãos ardido e verde). Considerando que com a retirada de defeitos, muitos cafés tiveram boas avaliações de qualidade de bebida, juntamente com características de boa formação de grão o café produzido nos assentamentos apresentou bom potencial de produção. Porém, para que a comercialização de cafés possa ser feita com sucesso e de maneira diferenciada os processos de colheita e de secagem devem ser devidamente orientados e controlados.
In Paraná State the coffee is produced on small farms and it’s identified to produce coffees of high quality and sustainable manner. The organization of the settlements of small farmers to produce and trades the coffee in order to increase your income. The physical aspect and quality of the beverage are the criteria in the commercialization of coffee and to determine how the producer will receive for their product. Sixty-eight coffee samples were collected in settlements Congonhinhas, Ribeirão do Pinhal and São Jerônimo da Serra in order to identify and evaluate the quality of coffee produced by these farmers. The defects were identified and quantified and the characteristics of green and roasted beans and beverage quality were also determined. Coffee samples from the three municipalities have higher moisture than recommended for proper storage of coffee and several had high concentration of defects sour and green beans. Considering that the removal of defects, many coffees have good quality evaluations of beverage in addition with characteristics of complete formation of coffee beans produced in the settlements showed appropriate yield. However, for the commercialization of coffee can be done successfully and distinctively the processes of harvesting and drying should be properly oriented and monitored.
In Paraná State the coffee is produced on small farms and it’s identified to produce coffees of high quality and sustainable manner. The organization of the settlements of small farmers to produce and trades the coffee in order to increase your income. The physical aspect and quality of the beverage are the criteria in the commercialization of coffee and to determine how the producer will receive for their product. Sixty-eight coffee samples were collected in settlements Congonhinhas, Ribeirão do Pinhal and São Jerônimo da Serra in order to identify and evaluate the quality of coffee produced by these farmers. The defects were identified and quantified and the characteristics of green and roasted beans and beverage quality were also determined. Coffee samples from the three municipalities have higher moisture than recommended for proper storage of coffee and several had high concentration of defects sour and green beans. Considering that the removal of defects, many coffees have good quality evaluations of beverage in addition with characteristics of complete formation of coffee beans produced in the settlements showed appropriate yield. However, for the commercialization of coffee can be done successfully and distinctively the processes of harvesting and drying should be properly oriented and monitored.
Trabalho apresentado no Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (7. : 2011 : Araxá, MG). Anais Brasília, D.F: Embrapa - Café, 2011
defeitos, avaliação sensorial, análise multivariada, condutividade elétrica., defects, sensory evaluation, multivariate analysis, electrical conductivity.
Scholz, Maria Brígida dos Santos; Prete, Cássio Egidio Cavenaghi; Nascimento Júnior, Vitor Camargo do; Fonseca, Augusto César Prato Fernandes; Souza, Igor Karol Brasileiro de; Bacceti, Marcos Aurélio. Qualidade do café produzido por cafeilcultores em assentamentos no norte paranaense. In: Simpósio de Pesquisa dos cafés do Brasil (7. : 2011 : Araxá, MG). Anais Brasília, D.F: Embrapa - Café, 2011 (1 CD-ROM), 6p.