Análise in silico de genes de defesa do café expressos em ramos infectados por Xylella fastidiosa
Rabello, Fernanda R.
Carazolle, Marcelo F.
Martins, Natália F.
Campos, Magnolia de Araujo
Silva, Marilia S.
Silva, Alba Chiesse da
Mehta, Angela
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Um dos problemas que afetam a cultura do café é o depauperamento da folha do cafeeiro ("Coffee Leaf Scorch" - CLS), causado pela bactéria Xylella fastidiosa. Esta bactéria forma agregados no xilema da planta, impossibilitando a passagem de água e nutrientes. Em virtude da importância econômica da cultura do café para o Brasil e das perdas causadas por X. fastidiosa, uma biblioteca de cDNA (RX1) foi construída utilizando ramos de cafeeiro infectados com esta bactéria e os ESTs ("Expressed sequence tags") foram incluídos no banco de dados do CafEST (Genoma Funcional de Café). Com o objetivo de identificar genes potencialmente envolvidos nos processos de defesa de cafeeiro infectado com X. fastidiosa, foi realizada uma análise in silico dos ESTs de RX1. Foi analisado um total de 7502 seqüências, que foram agrupadas em 5483 clusters. A análise global baseada em ontologia de função molecular desses clusters revelou que a maior parte dos genes (cerca de 70%) está envolvida com metabolismo e processos fisiológicos celulares. Aproximadamente 1% dos ESTs está envolvido com estresse biótico e 2% com estresse abiótico. Foram encontrados ainda genes relacionados com a resposta a estímulos externos e ao estresse, diferenciação celular, entre outras funções. Dos 5483 clusters da biblioteca RX1, 2254 representam possivelmente genes únicos, pois não foram encontrados nas outras 37 bibliotecas do CafEST, construídas a partir de diferentes tecidos e condições biológicas. Muitos destes genes estão classicamente envolvidos com os processos de defesa da planta, incluindo aqueles que codificam para oxidases, peroxidases, lipoxigenases, proteínas de resistência, entre outros.
One of the major problems that affects the coffee culture is the Coffee Leaf Scorch (CLS), caused by the phytopathogenic bacterium Xylella fastidiosa. This bacterium blocks the passage of water and nutrients in the xylem of plants. Due to the economic importance of the coffee culture to Brazil and the losses caused by X. fastidiosa, a cDNA library (RX1) was constructed using infected coffee branches and the ESTs (Expressed sequence tags) were included in the coffee genome database CafEST. The objective of this study was to identify genes potentially involved in defense processes in response to X. fastidiosa infection, by in silico analysis of the RX1 ESTs. Clustering analysis grouped a total of 7502 sequences from RX1 library into 5483 clusters. The global analysis based on gene ontology of these clusters showed that most genes (approximately 70%) are involved in metabolism and physiological processes. Approximately 1% of the ESTs are involved in biotic stresses and 2% in abiotic stress conditions. Out of the 5483 clusters of the RX1 library, 2254 represented possible unique genes, since they were not found in the other 37 libraries of the CafEST, constructed by using different tissues and biological conditions. Several of these genes are classically involved in defense processes, including genes that encode oxidases, peroxidases, lipoxygenases and resistance proteins, among others.
One of the major problems that affects the coffee culture is the Coffee Leaf Scorch (CLS), caused by the phytopathogenic bacterium Xylella fastidiosa. This bacterium blocks the passage of water and nutrients in the xylem of plants. Due to the economic importance of the coffee culture to Brazil and the losses caused by X. fastidiosa, a cDNA library (RX1) was constructed using infected coffee branches and the ESTs (Expressed sequence tags) were included in the coffee genome database CafEST. The objective of this study was to identify genes potentially involved in defense processes in response to X. fastidiosa infection, by in silico analysis of the RX1 ESTs. Clustering analysis grouped a total of 7502 sequences from RX1 library into 5483 clusters. The global analysis based on gene ontology of these clusters showed that most genes (approximately 70%) are involved in metabolism and physiological processes. Approximately 1% of the ESTs are involved in biotic stresses and 2% in abiotic stress conditions. Out of the 5483 clusters of the RX1 library, 2254 represented possible unique genes, since they were not found in the other 37 libraries of the CafEST, constructed by using different tissues and biological conditions. Several of these genes are classically involved in defense processes, including genes that encode oxidases, peroxidases, lipoxygenases and resistance proteins, among others.
Trabalho apresentado no Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (5. : 2007 : Águas de Lindóia, SP). Anais. Brasília, D.F. : Embrapa Café, 2007.
Café cDNA EST Xylella fastidiosa Gene de defesa, Coffee cDNA EST Xylella fastidiosa Defense gene
Rabello, Fernanda R.; Carazolle, Marcelo F.; Martins, Natália F.; Campos, Magnólia A.; Silva, Marilia S.; Silva, Alba C.; Mehta, Angela. Análise in silico de genes de defesa do café expressos em ramos infectados por Xylella fastidiosa. In: Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (5. : Águas de Lindóia, SP : 2007). Anais. Brasília, D.F. : Embrapa - Café, 2007. (1 CD-ROM), 5p.