Efeito de fontes e doses de cálcio e enxofre no desenvolvimento de mudas de cafeeiro (Coffea arabica L.)
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Universidade Federal de Lavras
Os componentes do substrato usado para formação de mudas de cafeeiro 530 portadores de cálcio e enxofre , mas dentro deste processo pouca atencão tem sido dada à importância destes dois macronutriente no desenvolvimento das plantas. 0 presente trabalho foi conduzido no viveiro de formação de mudas d e cafe do Departamento de Agricultura da Escola Superior de Agricultura de Lavras, no periodo de outubro d e 1987 a junho de 1988 com os objetivos de avaliar o gesso agricola como fornecedor de c álcio e enxofre e seu efeito no desenvolvimento de mudas de cafeeiro ( Coffea arabica L.); comparar o gesso com o calcário calcítico e o enxofre em pó como fontes de calcio e/ou enxofre respectivamente. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado e m esquema fatorial com tres repetções em arranjo fatorial 2x:3:5+3, sendo 2 níveis de materia organica (ausência 0 e presenca -1 ); 3 fontes de calcio e /ou enxofre, sendo estabelecidos 5 doses hierarquizadas no fator fontes. Usou-se ainda 3 tratamentos adicionais ou testemunhas. Os tratamentos foram compostos de 5 doses o niveis das fontes correspondentes a: 318,47 ; 636,4; 1273,88; 2547,77 e 3821,65g de gesso/m3 de substrato como fonte de cálcio e enxofre; a 51,02; 102,04; 204,08; 408,16 e 612,24g de calcário calcítico/m3 de substrato como fonte de ´cálcio e 160,89; 321,78; 643,56; 1287,13 e 1930,69g de enxofre em pó/m3 de substrato como fonte de enxofre, sendo as doses destes dois nutrientes padronizadas em todas as fontes. Avaliou-se além dos parametros de crescimento, os teores dos nutrientes através das análises químicas da parte aérea e raiz das mudas, 7 meses após a repicagem do germinador de areia. Nas condições em que o trabalho foi realizado concluiiu-se que o gesso mostrou-se eficiente na presença de matéria orgânica no fornecimento de cálcio e enxofre para as plantas. A aplicação de gesso aumentou a produção de matéria seca da raiz e parte aérea, obtendo-se os pesos máximos com o uso de 2214,3 e 2349,47g de gesso/m3 de substrato respectivamente, ocorrendo um decréscimo na produção acima desses valores. O gesso foi mais eficiente que o cacário calcítico e enxofre em pó no fornecimento de cálcio e/ou enxofre para as plantas.
The substrate components used on coffee seedlings production are usually constituted of calcium and sulphur, but Iittle attention has been given to the importance of these two macronutrients which are essential to plant growth. The present work was conducted on coffee nursery beds at ESAL's Departament of Agriculture, from 0ctober 1987 to June 1988. The objective was to evaluate the gypsum as a calcium and sulphur source and its effect on the growth of coffee seedlings (Coffea arabica L.) and to compare gypsum as different sources of calcium and sulphur respectively. The experimental design used was the complete randomized sampling set out in a 2x3 : 5 + 3 factorial scheme replicated three times; where 2 represents the organic matter level (absence-0 and presence-1), 3 represents calcium and sulphur sources, five hierarchied dosages were established for the source factor. Three check treatments were also used. The treatments were constituted of five dosages being the source levels 318,47; 636,4; 1273,88; 2547,77 g and 3821,65 g of gypsum /m3 of subtraste as calcium and sulphur source; a 51,02; 102,04; 204,08; 408,16 and 612,24 g of calcium carbonate/m3 of substrate as calcium source 160,39; 321,78; 643,56; 1287,13 and 1930,69 g of sulphur dust/m3 of substrate as sulphur source. Th e dosages of these two nutrients, were standardized for all sources. Besides evaluating the growth parameters, the nutrient levels were evaluated via chemical analysis of the aerial part and roots, seven months after selecting in the sand germinator bed. It can be concluded that, under such conditions, the gypsum was more effective in the furnishment of calcium and sulphur to plants, in the presence of organic matter. The gypsum application increased the production of dry matter of the root and aerial part where the maximum weight gain was obtained when using 2214,3 and 2349,47 g of gypsum/m3 of substrate respectively. A decrease in production will occur should the amount of substrate surpass the latter one. The gypsum was more efficient than calcium carbonate and sulphur dust in the furnishment of calcium and /or sulphur to plants.
The substrate components used on coffee seedlings production are usually constituted of calcium and sulphur, but Iittle attention has been given to the importance of these two macronutrients which are essential to plant growth. The present work was conducted on coffee nursery beds at ESAL's Departament of Agriculture, from 0ctober 1987 to June 1988. The objective was to evaluate the gypsum as a calcium and sulphur source and its effect on the growth of coffee seedlings (Coffea arabica L.) and to compare gypsum as different sources of calcium and sulphur respectively. The experimental design used was the complete randomized sampling set out in a 2x3 : 5 + 3 factorial scheme replicated three times; where 2 represents the organic matter level (absence-0 and presence-1), 3 represents calcium and sulphur sources, five hierarchied dosages were established for the source factor. Three check treatments were also used. The treatments were constituted of five dosages being the source levels 318,47; 636,4; 1273,88; 2547,77 g and 3821,65 g of gypsum /m3 of subtraste as calcium and sulphur source; a 51,02; 102,04; 204,08; 408,16 and 612,24 g of calcium carbonate/m3 of substrate as calcium source 160,39; 321,78; 643,56; 1287,13 and 1930,69 g of sulphur dust/m3 of substrate as sulphur source. Th e dosages of these two nutrients, were standardized for all sources. Besides evaluating the growth parameters, the nutrient levels were evaluated via chemical analysis of the aerial part and roots, seven months after selecting in the sand germinator bed. It can be concluded that, under such conditions, the gypsum was more effective in the furnishment of calcium and sulphur to plants, in the presence of organic matter. The gypsum application increased the production of dry matter of the root and aerial part where the maximum weight gain was obtained when using 2214,3 and 2349,47 g of gypsum/m3 of substrate respectively. A decrease in production will occur should the amount of substrate surpass the latter one. The gypsum was more efficient than calcium carbonate and sulphur dust in the furnishment of calcium and /or sulphur to plants.
Dissertação de Mestrado defendida na Universidade Federal de Lavras
Café Produção de mudas Crescimento Efeito de cálcio Efeito do enxofre, Coffee Seedlings production Growth Effect of calcium and sulfur
Ruiz Aguas, Luis Humberto. Efeito de fontes e doses de cálcio e enxofre no desenvolvimento de mudas de cafeeiro (Coffea arabica L.). Lavras : ESAL, 1989. 101p. : il. (Dissertação -mestrado em Agronomia, área de concentração: Fitotecnia) Orientador: Gui Alvarenga T 633.73 R934e 1989