Aliança no sistema agroindustrial do café: modelo de aliança para agregar valor aos cafés certificados
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Com a emergência da economia digital, alianças dinâmicas de cooperação entre diferentes setores têm sido consideradas como o formato organizacional adequado para promover a geração e transferência de conhecimento e inovações. Essas transformações também ocorrem no sistema agroindustrial do café, sendo que Minas Gerais busca agregar valor ao produto por meio da certificação e integração entre setores. Com base nessa interação, foi analisada a percepção dos participantes do programa Certifica Minas Café e Cafés Sustentáveis da ABIC quanto às sinergias na integração governo, universidades e empresas, identificando o papel da articulação e da comunicação em um novo modelo de negócio. A pesquisa exploratória envolveu a aplicação de questionários survey entre os setores da Aliança: produção, extensão e indústria. A tabulação dos dados foi realizada no Software SPSS e foram incorporadas na análise as observações e coletas documentais. Como conclusão, verifica-se a existência de sinergias na integração governo, universidades e empresas, configurando uma relação de complementariedade em um modelo de negócio inovador, sendo reservados a cada elo benefícios que não seriam possíveis na estrutura tradicional de comercialização. No entanto, apontam-se pontos de estrangulamento nos canais de comunicação, sugerindo atenção dos gestores da aliança para que o fluxo de informação seja intensificado entre as três esferas. No período desta análise, o modelo de comunicação adotado não estimulava a integração de todos os participantes, característica que, ao longo do tempo, ao invés de criar sinergias, poderá resultar numa desordem nas relações causada por ruídos de informação.
With the emergence of the digital economy, alliances dynamics of cooperation between different sectors have been considered as the organizational format appropriate to promote the generation and transference of knowledge and innovations. These changes also occur in the coffee agribusiness system, and Minas Gerais seeks to add value to products through certification and integration between sectors. Based on this interaction, we analyzed the participants’ perceptions of the program Certifica Minas Café and Cafés Sustentáveis of the ABIC, regarding integration synergies in government, universities and companies, identifying the role of coordination and communication in a new business model. The exploratory research involved the application of survey questionnaires among sectors of the Alliance: production, extension and industry. The data analysis was performed on SPSS software, and the observations and documentary collections were incorporated in the analysis. In conclusion, it appears that there is synergy in integrating government, universities and businesses, setting up a complementary relationship in an innovative business model, being reserved for each link that would not be likely benefits of the traditional pattern of trade. However, they point to bottlenecks in communication channels, suggesting to the alliance’ managers attention that the flow of information be intensified among the three spheres. During this analysis, the communication model adopted did not encourage the integration of all participants; a feature that, over time, instead of creating synergies, could result in a disorder in the relations caused by an overflow of information.
With the emergence of the digital economy, alliances dynamics of cooperation between different sectors have been considered as the organizational format appropriate to promote the generation and transference of knowledge and innovations. These changes also occur in the coffee agribusiness system, and Minas Gerais seeks to add value to products through certification and integration between sectors. Based on this interaction, we analyzed the participants’ perceptions of the program Certifica Minas Café and Cafés Sustentáveis of the ABIC, regarding integration synergies in government, universities and companies, identifying the role of coordination and communication in a new business model. The exploratory research involved the application of survey questionnaires among sectors of the Alliance: production, extension and industry. The data analysis was performed on SPSS software, and the observations and documentary collections were incorporated in the analysis. In conclusion, it appears that there is synergy in integrating government, universities and businesses, setting up a complementary relationship in an innovative business model, being reserved for each link that would not be likely benefits of the traditional pattern of trade. However, they point to bottlenecks in communication channels, suggesting to the alliance’ managers attention that the flow of information be intensified among the three spheres. During this analysis, the communication model adopted did not encourage the integration of all participants; a feature that, over time, instead of creating synergies, could result in a disorder in the relations caused by an overflow of information.
Aliança estratégica, Modelo de negócio
AGUIAR, C. M. G. et al. Aliança no sistema agroindustrial do café: modelo de aliança para agregar valor aos cafés certificados. Coffee Science, Lavras, v. 7, n. 3, p. 238-249, set./dez. 2012.