Tratamentos alternativos para conservação de sementes de café arábica
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
A manutenção da qualidade das sementes de café durante o armazenamento é preocupação dos produtores de sementes. As pesquisas com produtos alternativos aos fungicidas são escassas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a eficácia de produtos alternativos para a preservação da qualidade fisiológica e sanitária das sementes. Foi utilizado o arranjo fatorial 16 x 3 x 5. Dezesseis tratamentos de sementes constaram de plantas medicinais desidratadas e moídas (alecrim, alfavaca, alho, canela, cavalinha, cravo-da-índia, erva-doce, gengibre e manjericão), produtos biológicos (Trichodermil® SP, Trichodel® e Trichoplus®), compostos químicos (sorbato de potássio e benzoato de sódio), fungicida químico (mancozebe) e controle (sem nenhum produto). Foram usados três tipos de embalagens: frasco de polipropileno, saco de papel kraft multifoliado e embalagem de polietileno. A qualidade das sementes armazenadas foi avaliada aos três, seis, nove, 12 e 15 meses. Foram conduzidos dois ensaios independentes: um em ambiente e outro em câmara fria. Foi utilizado o cultivar de café Catuaí Vermelho IAC 44. As sementes desse cultivar foram secas ao sol até atingir 42 % de água (base úmida). Em cada tipo de embalagem foram acondicionados 200 g de sementes. Houve interação significativa entre os fatores. Em geral, os melhores tratamentos de sementes apresentaram boa qualidade até seis meses em ambiente e até 15 meses em câmara fria. Em ambiente natural, a embalagem de polietileno foi mais eficiente que a de papel na conservação da germinação das sementes de café. Em câmara fria, o papel foi mais eficiente. Alecrim, alho e produtos à base de Trichoderma foram sempre superiores ao controle na conservação das sementes e na redução da população de fungos de armazenamento. Esses produtos foram tão eficientes quanto o mancozebe e, em algumas situações, superior a este fungicida na manutenção da qualidade das sementes. Os resultados indicam que há produtos alternativos que são tão ou mais eficientes que fungicidas na manutenção da qualidade fisiológica e sanitária das sementes de café.
The maintenance of coffee seed quality during the storage is a concern of seeds producers. Researches with alternatives products to the fungicides are scarce. The objective of this work was to evaluate the efficiency of alternative products in the presenvation of physiological and sanitary quality of seeds during the storage. A factorial arrangement, 16 x 3 x 5 was used. Sixteen treatments of seeds were performed with medicinal dehydrated and powdered plants (Rosmarinus officinalis, Ocimum basilicum, Allium sativum, Cinnamomum zeylanicum, Equisetum ssp, Syzygium aromaticum, Pimpinella anisum, Zingiber officinale, Ocimum basilicum), biological products (Trichodermil SP, Trichodel, Trichoplus), chemical alternative controls (potassium sorbate and sodium benzoate), chemical fungicide (mancozebe) and control (without any product). Were used three types of packing: polypropylene flasks, multiwall kraft paper bags and plastic bags. The quality of stored seeds were evaluated at 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15 months. Two independent experiments were carried out, one in natural ambient and another in cold chamber. Was used The cultivar of coffee CatuaiVermelho IAC 44. The seeds of this cultivar, were dried at the sun until reach 42% of water. In each packing type, were conditioned 200 g of seeds. Interaction among factors was significant. In general, in the best treatments, seeds presented good quality until six months in natural ambient and until 15 months in cold chamber. In both environment, the storaged seeds in kraft paper germinated more than those storaged in plastic bag. These, in turn, germinated more than those storaged in flasks. Rosmarinus officinalis, Allium sativum, and products based on Trichoderma were always higher than the control in maintaining germination and in controlling of fungus. These products were soo efficient as the fungicide mancozebe and, in some situations, higher than this fungicide in keeping seed quality. The results of this work indicate that there are alternative products that are equal or more efficient than fungicide in keeping physiological and sanitary quality of coffee seeds quality.
The maintenance of coffee seed quality during the storage is a concern of seeds producers. Researches with alternatives products to the fungicides are scarce. The objective of this work was to evaluate the efficiency of alternative products in the presenvation of physiological and sanitary quality of seeds during the storage. A factorial arrangement, 16 x 3 x 5 was used. Sixteen treatments of seeds were performed with medicinal dehydrated and powdered plants (Rosmarinus officinalis, Ocimum basilicum, Allium sativum, Cinnamomum zeylanicum, Equisetum ssp, Syzygium aromaticum, Pimpinella anisum, Zingiber officinale, Ocimum basilicum), biological products (Trichodermil SP, Trichodel, Trichoplus), chemical alternative controls (potassium sorbate and sodium benzoate), chemical fungicide (mancozebe) and control (without any product). Were used three types of packing: polypropylene flasks, multiwall kraft paper bags and plastic bags. The quality of stored seeds were evaluated at 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15 months. Two independent experiments were carried out, one in natural ambient and another in cold chamber. Was used The cultivar of coffee CatuaiVermelho IAC 44. The seeds of this cultivar, were dried at the sun until reach 42% of water. In each packing type, were conditioned 200 g of seeds. Interaction among factors was significant. In general, in the best treatments, seeds presented good quality until six months in natural ambient and until 15 months in cold chamber. In both environment, the storaged seeds in kraft paper germinated more than those storaged in plastic bag. These, in turn, germinated more than those storaged in flasks. Rosmarinus officinalis, Allium sativum, and products based on Trichoderma were always higher than the control in maintaining germination and in controlling of fungus. These products were soo efficient as the fungicide mancozebe and, in some situations, higher than this fungicide in keeping seed quality. The results of this work indicate that there are alternative products that are equal or more efficient than fungicide in keeping physiological and sanitary quality of coffee seeds quality.
Tese de Doutorado defendida na Universidade Federal de Viçosa.
Sementes, Plantas medicinais, Trichoderma, Produtos biológicos, Coffea arabica
RIBEIRO, M. F. Tratamentos alternativos para conservação de sementes de café arábica. 2013. 82 f. Tese (Doutorado em Fitotecnia) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa-MG. 2013.