Efeito do tempo de implantação de lavoura cafeeira e da declividade do terreno em propriedades físico-mecânicas de um Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo
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Universidade Federal de Lavras
A cafeicultura brasileira é um importante gerador de divisas, e, como maior produtor mundial de café, o Brasil é responsável por um terço do total de café produzido no mundo. O desenvolvimento destacado deste setor no cenário mundial, muito se deve a alta tecnologia aplicada, principalmente mecanizada, que ocupa todas as fases de produção do café. Isto tem sido relatado como principal causador da degradação da estrutura dos solos agrícolas, que na maioria dos casos se apresenta na forma da compactação do solo. A declividade do terreno associada ao tempo de cultivo de lavouras cafeeiras tem tornado este quadro ainda mais crítico, devido às operações mecanizadas serem realizados em terrenos com diferentes declividades, alterando o seu centro de gravidade e aumentando o impacto no solo sob um determinado eixo e/ou rodado do trator. As hipóteses deste trabalho foram: 1) as alterações nos atributos físico- mecânicos do solo, em áreas cultivadas com cafeeiro são função do declive e do tempo de implantação do cafezal e 2) os impactos das operações mecanizadas sobre a estrutura do solo são diferentes nas linhas de tráfego (de cima ou de baixo), bem como, na entrelinha do cafeeiro. Este trabalho foi organizado em duas partes e o objetivo foi analisar em áreas cafeeiras com diferentes tempos de cultivo, o efeito do tráfego de máquinas sobre a estrutura de um Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo em terrenos com diferentes declividades. A primeira parte contém uma introdução e um referencial teórico sobre a cultura do café. Na segunda parte são apresentados três artigos científicos. Para o artigo 1, o objetivo foi avaliar o efeito do tráfego agrícola sobre as propriedades físicas de um Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo cultivado com cafeeiro em diferentes tempos de cultivo e em diferentes declividades do terreno. O objetivo do artigo 2, foi comparar modelos de capacidade de suporte de carga obtidos com umidade controlada em laboratório com os obtidos com umidade natural de campo ao longo de um ano. Por fim, o artigo 3 teve como objetivo avaliar o comportamento da pressão de pré-consolidação no decorrer de um ano em um Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo cultivado com cafeeiros de diferentes tempos de implantação em diversas declividades do terreno. Este estudo foi conduzido em plantações cafeeiras localizadas em Três Pontas, sul de Minas Gerais (24°26’ S; 47°49’ O’ e altitude de 905m). O clima da região é o Cwa, com temperatura média de 18°C e com precipitação média anual de 1.300 mm. O solo da área de estudo foi classificado como Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo, com 510 g kg -1 de argila, 200 g kg -1 de areia e 290 g kg -1 de silte e densidade de partículas de 2,62 Mg m -3 . O trator utilizado na área de estudo foi um Massey Ferguson 265 com massa de aproximadamente 3.940 kg. Este estudo foi conduzido em plantações cafeeiras com 2, 7, 18 e 33 anos de implantação. Nestas plantações foram selecionados terrenos com 3, 9 e 15% de declividade. Foram coletadas amostras de solo indeformadas e deformadas na linha de tráfego de cima e de baixo e naentrelinha do cafeeiro, nas camadas de 0,0 a 0,03 m e 0,15 a 0,18 m. Para a elaboração do artigo 1 desta tese foi realizado as seguintes análises: granulometria, densidade do solo, porosidade total, macro e microporosidade, estabilidade de agregados e matéria orgânica do solo. No artigo 2, os ensaios de compressão uniaxial do solo e as estimativas da pressão de pré-consolidação em laboratório foram obtidas para duas condições, com umidade controlada em laboratório e com umidade natural, obtidas ao longo de um ano no campo. Após isso foram obtidos os modelos de capacidade de suporte de carga para as duas condições. Por fim, para verificar se os modelos de capacidade de suporte de carga obtidos com umidade controlada em laboratório podem representar os modelos de capacidade de suporte de carga obtidos com umidade natural, estes modelos foram comparados utilizando o teste de homogeneidade de dados. Para o artigo 3, os ensaios de compressão uniaxial do solo e as estimativas da pressão de pré-consolidação foram obtidas com umidade natural, ou seja, obtidas com umidade de campo ao longo de um ano. Este estudo mostrou que entre os fatores estudados, o tempo de implantação e de cultivo foi o fator que afetou a maioria das propriedades físicas do solo, já a declividade do terreno influenciou a matéria orgânica do solo, microporosidade e a estabilidade de agregados. A entrelinha apresentou os melhores resultados em termos de preservação da estrutura do solo e a linha de tráfego na parte de baixo do terreno apresentou melhores resultados do que a linha de tráfego na parte de cima do terreno. Além disso, verificou-se que 75% dos modelos de capacidade de suporte de carga do solo obtidos com umidade de campo foram semelhantes aos modelos obtidos com umidade controlada em laboratório. Portanto, os resultados sugerem que a análise da sustentabilidade da estrutura do solo pode ser feita por modelos de capacidade de suporte carga obtidos com amostras de solo obtidas com umidade natural (campo) ou com umidade controlada (laboratório). Por fim, a avaliação da pressão de pré-consolidação ao longo de um ano indicou que o tempo de cultivo e a declividade do terreno tiveram um efeito significativo sobre a alteração estrutural do solo, sendo as áreas com maior tempo de cultivo e as mais declivosas que apresentaram os maiores valores de pressão de pré- consolidação. A linha de tráfego de cima apresentou maior capacidade de suporte de carga do que a entrelinha e a linha de tráfego de baixo. O período de novembro a janeiro foi a época mais crítica para o tráfego agrícola, devido o Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo apresentar baixa capacidade de suporte de carga e ser este o período crítico em termos de umidade no solo.
The Brazilian coffee is an important generator of foreign exchange, and as world's largest producer of coffee, Brazil is responsible for 33% of the total coffee produced in the world. The outstanding development of this sector on the world stage, due to very high technology applied mainly mechanized, which occupies all phases of coffee production. This has been reported as a major cause of degradation of the structure of agricultural soils. The slope of the inter- row coffee plantations associated with the establishment time of coffee plantation can influence the location of the center of gravity of operating machine, thereby resulting in differentiated impact and effect on stress distribution in soil under a given machine axis and along the wheel track. The hypotheses of this study were: 1) the alterations in the physical-mechanical soil attributes in areas cultivated with coffee are a function of the slope and the establishment time of coffee and 2) the impacts of mechanized operations on soil structure are different in traffic lines (top or bottom) and inter-row of coffee plantation. This work was organized in two parts and the objective was to analyze in coffee areas with different establishment times, the effect of machinery traffic on the soil structure of a Red-Yellow Latosol on the coffee row with different slopes. The first part contains an introduction and a theoretical framework about the coffee culture. In the second part there are three articles. For article 1, the objective of this study was to analyze in coffee plantation with different establishment times, the effect of machine traffic on the soil physical properties in clayey Red-Yellow Latosol planted to coffee at different side slopes. The objective of article 2 was to compare the load bearing capacity models obtained with controlled moisture in laboratory and those obtained with natural field moistures determined a long one year. The objective of the article 3 was to describe the seasonal change of soil precompression stress behavior in coffee plantations in the sub-humid tropic zone of Brazil as affected by agriculture traffic associated to the time since the establishment the coffee plantation, the filed slope and in three sampling position in inter-row of the coffee plantation. This study was conducted in coffee plantations located in Três Pontas County, South of Minas Gerais State, Brazil (24°26’ S; 47°49’ W’ and altitude of 905m). The climate according to Koppen is Cwa, that is, altitude tropical, with an average annual temperature of about 18° C. The annual rainfall measured during the study was 1330 mm. The soil of the study area was classified as a clayey textured Red-Yellow Latosol (Oxisol) with 510 g kg -1 of clay, 200 g kg -1 of sand and 290 g kg -1 of silt, and particle density of 2.62 g cm -3 . All the equipment used in the coffee crop management was pulled by a Massey Ferguson 265 tractor, with a mass of about 3,940 kg. This study was conducted in coffee plantations with 2, 7, 18 and 33 years of establishment. In these coffee plantations were selected areas (coffee row) with side slope of 3, 9 and 15%.The soil was sampled at three positions on the coffee row: bottom of traffic line, inter-row and top of traffic line at two layers: 0.00 m – 0.03 m (topsoil) and 0.15 m – 0.18 m (sub-surface). In the article 1, changes were investigated on the total porosity, macroporosity, microporosity, organic matter, bulk density and aggregate stability. In the article 2, the evaluation of soil structural sustainability follows four distinct steps: soil sampling in the field, uniaxial compression test of the samples in the laboratory, determination of precompression stress and estimation of the load bearing capacity models. Laboratory estimates of precompression stress were obtained from moisture controlled in laboratory and from natural moisture determined in a field a long one year. In this process, the soil samples were saturated by capillarity with distilled water in laboratory, and after 48 hours, the samples were air dried to obtain the different moisture contents. Then, the precompression stress was determined for this both conditions. To verify if the load bearing capacity models obtained with controlled moisture in laboratory may represent the load bearing models obtained with natural field moisture, these models were compared using the homogeneity test procedure. For article 3, the uniaxial compression tests were realized with soil samples at the field moisture content a long one year. This study showed that among the factors, the establishment time (coffee age) was the factor that affected most of the soil properties. Field slope influenced reasonably the soil physical properties, particularly organic matter, microporosity and aggregate stability. The samples from the inter-row were the best in terms of the preservation of soil structure than samples from traffic lines (bottom and top traffic line) and samples from the bottom traffic line showed better results in terms of soil structure preservation than those from the top traffic line. It was observed that 75% of field models analyzed were similar to the laboratory models. Thus, due to the similarity on the load-bearing capacity models obtained using natural (field) or controlled (laboratory) moisture contents, the assessment of the soil structure sustainability can be done using both methods. Finally, this study also showed that the time since the establishment of a coffee farm and the slope steepness had significant effect on soil disturbance in mechanized operation, with areas that the coffee plants with longer establishment time and with more terrain lateral inclination had higher precompression stress. Top traffic line presented higher load-bearing capacity than inter-row and bottom traffic line. The period from November to January is the period that the soil is more susceptible to compaction, because the Red- Yellow Latosol presented lower load-bearing capacity than the stress applied by tractor used in coffee management practices.
The Brazilian coffee is an important generator of foreign exchange, and as world's largest producer of coffee, Brazil is responsible for 33% of the total coffee produced in the world. The outstanding development of this sector on the world stage, due to very high technology applied mainly mechanized, which occupies all phases of coffee production. This has been reported as a major cause of degradation of the structure of agricultural soils. The slope of the inter- row coffee plantations associated with the establishment time of coffee plantation can influence the location of the center of gravity of operating machine, thereby resulting in differentiated impact and effect on stress distribution in soil under a given machine axis and along the wheel track. The hypotheses of this study were: 1) the alterations in the physical-mechanical soil attributes in areas cultivated with coffee are a function of the slope and the establishment time of coffee and 2) the impacts of mechanized operations on soil structure are different in traffic lines (top or bottom) and inter-row of coffee plantation. This work was organized in two parts and the objective was to analyze in coffee areas with different establishment times, the effect of machinery traffic on the soil structure of a Red-Yellow Latosol on the coffee row with different slopes. The first part contains an introduction and a theoretical framework about the coffee culture. In the second part there are three articles. For article 1, the objective of this study was to analyze in coffee plantation with different establishment times, the effect of machine traffic on the soil physical properties in clayey Red-Yellow Latosol planted to coffee at different side slopes. The objective of article 2 was to compare the load bearing capacity models obtained with controlled moisture in laboratory and those obtained with natural field moistures determined a long one year. The objective of the article 3 was to describe the seasonal change of soil precompression stress behavior in coffee plantations in the sub-humid tropic zone of Brazil as affected by agriculture traffic associated to the time since the establishment the coffee plantation, the filed slope and in three sampling position in inter-row of the coffee plantation. This study was conducted in coffee plantations located in Três Pontas County, South of Minas Gerais State, Brazil (24°26’ S; 47°49’ W’ and altitude of 905m). The climate according to Koppen is Cwa, that is, altitude tropical, with an average annual temperature of about 18° C. The annual rainfall measured during the study was 1330 mm. The soil of the study area was classified as a clayey textured Red-Yellow Latosol (Oxisol) with 510 g kg -1 of clay, 200 g kg -1 of sand and 290 g kg -1 of silt, and particle density of 2.62 g cm -3 . All the equipment used in the coffee crop management was pulled by a Massey Ferguson 265 tractor, with a mass of about 3,940 kg. This study was conducted in coffee plantations with 2, 7, 18 and 33 years of establishment. In these coffee plantations were selected areas (coffee row) with side slope of 3, 9 and 15%.The soil was sampled at three positions on the coffee row: bottom of traffic line, inter-row and top of traffic line at two layers: 0.00 m – 0.03 m (topsoil) and 0.15 m – 0.18 m (sub-surface). In the article 1, changes were investigated on the total porosity, macroporosity, microporosity, organic matter, bulk density and aggregate stability. In the article 2, the evaluation of soil structural sustainability follows four distinct steps: soil sampling in the field, uniaxial compression test of the samples in the laboratory, determination of precompression stress and estimation of the load bearing capacity models. Laboratory estimates of precompression stress were obtained from moisture controlled in laboratory and from natural moisture determined in a field a long one year. In this process, the soil samples were saturated by capillarity with distilled water in laboratory, and after 48 hours, the samples were air dried to obtain the different moisture contents. Then, the precompression stress was determined for this both conditions. To verify if the load bearing capacity models obtained with controlled moisture in laboratory may represent the load bearing models obtained with natural field moisture, these models were compared using the homogeneity test procedure. For article 3, the uniaxial compression tests were realized with soil samples at the field moisture content a long one year. This study showed that among the factors, the establishment time (coffee age) was the factor that affected most of the soil properties. Field slope influenced reasonably the soil physical properties, particularly organic matter, microporosity and aggregate stability. The samples from the inter-row were the best in terms of the preservation of soil structure than samples from traffic lines (bottom and top traffic line) and samples from the bottom traffic line showed better results in terms of soil structure preservation than those from the top traffic line. It was observed that 75% of field models analyzed were similar to the laboratory models. Thus, due to the similarity on the load-bearing capacity models obtained using natural (field) or controlled (laboratory) moisture contents, the assessment of the soil structure sustainability can be done using both methods. Finally, this study also showed that the time since the establishment of a coffee farm and the slope steepness had significant effect on soil disturbance in mechanized operation, with areas that the coffee plants with longer establishment time and with more terrain lateral inclination had higher precompression stress. Top traffic line presented higher load-bearing capacity than inter-row and bottom traffic line. The period from November to January is the period that the soil is more susceptible to compaction, because the Red- Yellow Latosol presented lower load-bearing capacity than the stress applied by tractor used in coffee management practices.
Tese de Doutorado defendida na Universidade Federal de Lavras
Coffea arabica L., Solo, Pressão de pré-consolidação, Compactação, Tráfego agrícola, Capacidade de suporte de carga, Física do solo
IORI, P. Efeito do tempo de implantação de lavoura cafeeira e da declividade do terreno em propriedades físico-mecânicas de um Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo. 2012. 96 f. Tese (Doutorado em Ciência do Solo) - Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras. 2012.