Aclimatação fisiológica e bioquímica a ciclos de deficiência hídrica em clones de Coffea canephora
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
A aclimatação diferencial ou, como vem sendo chamada, a memória ao estresse,é um processo que só recentemente foi mais bem caracterizado em plantas. Contudo, a grande maioria dos trabalhos aborda esse processo de forma fragmentada, centrando apenas na expressão de alguns genes ou em poucas respostas morfológicas. Diante desses fatos, um dos principais objetivos do presente trabalho foi apresentar uma visão integrada do processo de aclimatação diferencial à seca, em dois clones de C. canephora com tolerância diferencial à seca (109 sensível à seca e 120, tolerante). Para tal, mudas com quatro pares de folhas, provenientes do enraizamento de estacas de ramos ortotrópicos, foram cultivadas em casa de vegetação, em vasos de 24 dm 3 . Quando atingiram, aproximadamente, um ano, as plantas foram submetidas a regimes hídricos diferenciais: um grupo de plantas foi continuamente irrigado (plantas-controle), um segundo grupo de plantas foi submetido a apenas um ciclo de déficit hídrico (C1), enquanto um terceiro grupo foi submetido a três ciclos de estresse (C3). Cada ciclo de déficit hídrico consistiu de duas fases, uma de desidratação e outra, de reidratação. A desidratação foi feita mediante suspensão da irrigação, até que a umidade atingisse 25% da água disponível no solo, em relação à capacidade de campo. As plantas foram expostas ao déficit hídrico por um período de 14 dias quando, então, foram avaliados parâmetros fisiológicos e coletadas amostras para análises bioquímicas. Após as avaliações, as plantas foram reidratadas via elevação da umidade do solo à capacidade de campo (recuperação). Na condição irrigada, foi possível observar grande similaridade fisiológica e metabólica entre os dois clones, em praticamente todas as variáveis avaliadas. De modo geral, a seca promoveu grandes reduções na condutividade hidráulica foliar (K F ) que, por sua vez, levou a decréscimos da condutância estomática (g s ) e, consequentemente, da taxa de assimilação líquida de carbono (A), principalmente no clone 109. A análise de perfil metabólico revelou uma profunda reprogramação metabólica em ambos os clones, com aumento nos níveis de praticamente todos os aminoácidos detectados, além de ácidos orgânicos e polióis. O aumento na biossíntese desses compostos esteve diretamente relacionado com o consumo de carboidratos (glicose, frutose, sacarose e amido) e com o aumento na atividade de enzimas da glicólise e do ciclo dos ácidos tricarboxílicos. Vias alternativas de dissipação do excesso de energia de excitação (fotorrespiração e biossíntese de compostos secundários), além de mecanismos de remoção de radicais livres (enzimas do estresse oxidativo), também foram fortemente induzidas pela seca, em ambos os clones. A ação conjunta desses vários mecanismos de defesa foi capaz de mitigar os efeitos deletérios da redução da disponibilidade hídrica, evidenciado pela ausência de danos celulares (avaliados pela concentração de aldeído malônico) e de fotoinibição (avaliada pela eficiência fotoquímica máxima do fotossistema II), além da manutenção do estado redox celular (razões NAD + /NADH e NADP + /NADPH) em todos os tratamentos, ressaltando, assim, a importância da integração metabólica nos processos de tolerância à seca. A análise de componentes principais revelou que as plantas do tratamento C3, de ambos os clones, tiveram comportamento distintos, em relação às plantas dos tratamentos C1. Com efeito, a maior parte dos ajustes induzidos pela seca foi mais aparente nas plantas do tratamento C3, de ambos os clones, em relação às plantas do tratamento C1, particularmente no clone 120. Uma vez que nas plantas C3 o aumento de A não esteve relacionado com K F , é provável que o conjunto de respostas diferencialmente moduladas foi o responsável por garantir o melhor desempenho dessas plantas na seca, em relação às plantas que foram submetidas à seca apenas uma vez.
The differential acclimation, or how it has been called, the stress memory, is a process that only recently has been best characterized in plants. However, the vast majority of the studiesaddresses this process in a fragmented way, focusing only on the expression of some genes or few morphological responses. Given these facts, one of the main objectives of this study is to present an integrated view of the process of differential acclimation to drought in two clones of C. canephora with differential drought tolerance (clone 109 sensitive to drought and clone 120, tolerant). To this end, seedlings with four pairs of leaves were grown in a greenhouse in pots of 24 dm3. When reached approximately one year, the plants were subjected to differential water regimes: a group of plants was continuously irrigated (control plants), a second group of plants was subjected to one cycle of drought (C1), while a third group was subjected to three cycles of stress (C3). Each cycle consisted of two stages, the dehydration and rehydration. Dehydration was done by withholding water until the humidity reached 25% of the available water in the soil in relation to field capacity. The plants were exposed to water stress for a period of 14 days, at this point, physiological parameters were assessed and samples were collected for biochemical analysis. After the evaluations, the plants were rehydrated via elevation of soil moisture at field capacity (recovery). In irrigated condition, it was observed great physiological and metabolic similarity between the two clones in nearly all variables. In general, the drought promoted large reductions in leaf hydraulic conductivity (K F ), which in turn led to decreases in stomatal conductance (g s ) and, consequently, the rate of liquid carbon assimilation (A), especially in the clone 109. The metabolic profile analysis revealed a profound metabolic reprogramming in both clones with increased levels of practically all detected amino acids, organic acids and polyols. The increase in the biosynthesis of these compounds was directly related to the consumption of carbohydrates (glucose, fructose, sucrose and starch) and with the increase in the activity of enzymes of glycolysis and the tricarboxylic acid cycle. Alternative dissipative routes of excess excitation energy (photorespiration and biosynthesis of secondary metabolites), as well as mechanisms for removing free radicals (oxidative stress enzymes) were also strongly induced by drought in both clones. The joint action of these various mechanisms of defense was able to mitigate the deleterious effects of reduced water availability, as evidenced by the absence of cell damage (assessed by malondialdehyde concentration) and photoinhibition (measured by the maximum photochemical efficiency of photosystem II), and the maintenance of cellular redox state (NAD + ratios / NADH and NADP + / NADPH) in all treatments. These results highlight the importance of the metabolic integration in the process of drought acclimation. The principal component analysis revealed that the plants of the treatment C3, in both clones, had different behavior when compared to plants of the treatment C1. In fact, most of the changes induced by drought was most apparent in the C3 treatment plants, in both clones, compared to C1 treatment plants, particularly in clone 120. Since the increase inA in the C3 plants was not related toK F , it is likely that the set of differentially modulated responses was responsible for ensuring the best performance of these plants in the dry conditions, when compared to plants that were subjected to drought only once.
The differential acclimation, or how it has been called, the stress memory, is a process that only recently has been best characterized in plants. However, the vast majority of the studiesaddresses this process in a fragmented way, focusing only on the expression of some genes or few morphological responses. Given these facts, one of the main objectives of this study is to present an integrated view of the process of differential acclimation to drought in two clones of C. canephora with differential drought tolerance (clone 109 sensitive to drought and clone 120, tolerant). To this end, seedlings with four pairs of leaves were grown in a greenhouse in pots of 24 dm3. When reached approximately one year, the plants were subjected to differential water regimes: a group of plants was continuously irrigated (control plants), a second group of plants was subjected to one cycle of drought (C1), while a third group was subjected to three cycles of stress (C3). Each cycle consisted of two stages, the dehydration and rehydration. Dehydration was done by withholding water until the humidity reached 25% of the available water in the soil in relation to field capacity. The plants were exposed to water stress for a period of 14 days, at this point, physiological parameters were assessed and samples were collected for biochemical analysis. After the evaluations, the plants were rehydrated via elevation of soil moisture at field capacity (recovery). In irrigated condition, it was observed great physiological and metabolic similarity between the two clones in nearly all variables. In general, the drought promoted large reductions in leaf hydraulic conductivity (K F ), which in turn led to decreases in stomatal conductance (g s ) and, consequently, the rate of liquid carbon assimilation (A), especially in the clone 109. The metabolic profile analysis revealed a profound metabolic reprogramming in both clones with increased levels of practically all detected amino acids, organic acids and polyols. The increase in the biosynthesis of these compounds was directly related to the consumption of carbohydrates (glucose, fructose, sucrose and starch) and with the increase in the activity of enzymes of glycolysis and the tricarboxylic acid cycle. Alternative dissipative routes of excess excitation energy (photorespiration and biosynthesis of secondary metabolites), as well as mechanisms for removing free radicals (oxidative stress enzymes) were also strongly induced by drought in both clones. The joint action of these various mechanisms of defense was able to mitigate the deleterious effects of reduced water availability, as evidenced by the absence of cell damage (assessed by malondialdehyde concentration) and photoinhibition (measured by the maximum photochemical efficiency of photosystem II), and the maintenance of cellular redox state (NAD + ratios / NADH and NADP + / NADPH) in all treatments. These results highlight the importance of the metabolic integration in the process of drought acclimation. The principal component analysis revealed that the plants of the treatment C3, in both clones, had different behavior when compared to plants of the treatment C1. In fact, most of the changes induced by drought was most apparent in the C3 treatment plants, in both clones, compared to C1 treatment plants, particularly in clone 120. Since the increase inA in the C3 plants was not related toK F , it is likely that the set of differentially modulated responses was responsible for ensuring the best performance of these plants in the dry conditions, when compared to plants that were subjected to drought only once.
Tese de Doutorado defendida na Universidade Federal de Viçosa.
Coffea canephora, Café - Aclimatação, Café - Consumo de água, Déficit hídrico
SILVA, P. E. M. Aclimatação fisiológica e bioquímica a ciclos de deficiência hídrica em clones de Coffea canephora. 2014. 67 f. Tese (Doutorado em Fisiologia Vegetal) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa-MG. 2014.