Construção de macroarranjos de cDNA de café, para a identificação de genes de interesse agronômico
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Para a construção dos macroarranjos, foi gerado inicialmente um conjunto não redundante de clones (Unigene), resultante da análise do banco de dados gerado no projeto Genoma Café. Utilizando-se um sistema automatizado para o rearranjo (Q-Bot), um conjunto não redundante com aproximadamente 33 mil clones foi rearranjado, perfazendo um total de 86 placas de 384 poços. O DNA plasmidial de todo esse conjunto de clones (33 mil), foi extraído e amostras representativas de cada uma das placas foi analisada por eletroforese em gel de agarose. Com o objetivo de se ter uma idéia do resultado do rearranjo, 4 clones aleatórios (1 clone/ quadrante de 96) de cada placa de 384 foram seqüenciados e comparados por análises de BlastN na Base de Dados do Genoma Café, para a confirmação da identidade dos clones. Do total de seqüências analisado, verificou-se uma porcentagem de 8% de erros ocorridos no rearranjo. Essas placas foram rearranjadas e amostras, novamente seqüenciadas. Após essa etapa, as membranas serão construídas e o presente trabalho teve como objetivo, avaliar a metodologia para a construção de macroarranjos, em escala piloto, para se determinar as melhores condições para a impressão de DNA nas membranas do Unigene Café. Foram avaliados os parâmetros, tipo de DNA a ser impresso (DNA plasmidial vs. Produto de PCR) e a concentração a ser utilizada. De modo geral, a impressão das membranas utilizando-se o equipamento Q-Bot (Genetix) foi bastante uniforme entre as repetições, apresentando muito baixa variação e como esperado, os sinais radioativos apresentados pelos produtos de PCR, foram superiores aos de plasmídeo, devido à razão molar diferente e provável melhor desnaturação devido ao fato de serem fragmentos de DNA lineares.
To make the Coffee cDNA-Macroarrays, a non-reduntant group of clones (Unigene) was initially generated by bioinformatics analysis of the Brazilian Coffee Genome Database. The re-arraying routine was performed with the Q-Bot system (Genetix) and resulted in a non-redundant group of 33,000 clones organized in 86 plates (384). Plasmid DNA from all 33 thousand clones was extracted and representative samples were analyzed by gel electrophoresis. To check the accuracy of the re-arraying routine, 4 samples per plate were sequenced and compared by BlastN analysis against the Coffee Database. The results of this analysis indicated 8 % mistakes during the re-arraying routine. Plates containing mistakes were re-arrayed and novel samples sequenced. The next step for the Macroarray construction is the printing of the membranes and the objective of this work was to establish the best protocol for this routine. The type of DNA (plasmid vs. PCR product) and the concentration were the variables evaluated. The results obtained with the hybridization experiments indicated that in general the printing routine with the Q-Bot system was very uniform and accurate among the replicates. In addition, the data obtained indicated that the radioactive signals obtained with the PCR product-spots were stronger than the ones obtained with plasmid DNA due to the different molar ratio and probably also, due to the better denaturing step of a linear DNA fragment.
To make the Coffee cDNA-Macroarrays, a non-reduntant group of clones (Unigene) was initially generated by bioinformatics analysis of the Brazilian Coffee Genome Database. The re-arraying routine was performed with the Q-Bot system (Genetix) and resulted in a non-redundant group of 33,000 clones organized in 86 plates (384). Plasmid DNA from all 33 thousand clones was extracted and representative samples were analyzed by gel electrophoresis. To check the accuracy of the re-arraying routine, 4 samples per plate were sequenced and compared by BlastN analysis against the Coffee Database. The results of this analysis indicated 8 % mistakes during the re-arraying routine. Plates containing mistakes were re-arrayed and novel samples sequenced. The next step for the Macroarray construction is the printing of the membranes and the objective of this work was to establish the best protocol for this routine. The type of DNA (plasmid vs. PCR product) and the concentration were the variables evaluated. The results obtained with the hybridization experiments indicated that in general the printing routine with the Q-Bot system was very uniform and accurate among the replicates. In addition, the data obtained indicated that the radioactive signals obtained with the PCR product-spots were stronger than the ones obtained with plasmid DNA due to the different molar ratio and probably also, due to the better denaturing step of a linear DNA fragment.
Trabalho apresentado no Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (5. : 2007 : Águas de Lindóia, SP). Anais. Brasília, D.F. : Embrapa Café, 2007.
Genômica funcional Macroarranjos Transcriptoma Estresses bióticos Estresses abióticos Café, Functional genomics Macroarrays Transcptional profiling Biotic stress Abiotic stress Coffee
Vinecky, Felipe; Vieira, Natália G.; Ferreira, Daniela L.A.; Freire, Luciana P.; Marraccini, Pierre; Silva, Felipe R. da; Andrade, Alan C. Construção de macroarranjos de cDNA de café, para a identificação de genes de interesse agronômico. In: Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (5. : Águas de Lindóia, SP : 2007). Anais. Brasília, D.F. : Embrapa - Café, 2007. (1 CD-ROM), 4p.