Transmissão de Xylella fastidiosa para café pela cigarrinha Dilobopterus costalimai
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Desde que a bactéria Xylella fastidiosa mostrou ser o agente causal da requeima das folhas do cafeeiro no Brasil, cigarrinhas (Cicadellidae: Cicadellinae) têm sido associadas a vetores potenciais desse patógeno no café. Este estudo foi realizado para testar a transmissão de um isolado de café de X. fastidiosa por quatro espécies de cigarrinhas: Bucephalogonia xanthophis, Dilobopterus costalimai, Homalodisca ignorata e Oncometopia facialis. Adultos sadios, obtidos a partir de ninfas criadas em uma planta não-hospedeira (Vernonia condensata), foram submetidos à um período de acesso a aquisição de 48h em uma planta de café infectada com um isolado de café (isolado CCT-6756). Os insetos foram então confinados em grupos de três por mudas sadias (Coffea arabica, ‘Catuaí vermelho’, linhagem 99) para um período de acesso à inoculação de 48h. Três repetições de 10 mudas inoculadas foram estabelecidas para cada espécie. Para cada repetição, de 13 a 33 mudas não expostas aos insetos foram selecionadas como controle negativo. Como controle positivo, nove mudas por repetição foram inoculadas por agulha com uma suspensão (10 8 UFC/mL) da bactéria. Após seis meses de período de incubação em viveiro, X. fastidiosa foi detectada por PCR e/ou cultura em cinco plantas-teste inoculadas por D. costalimai e em mais de 78% dos controles positivos. Nenhuma planta usada como controle negativo foi positiva para o patógeno e em nenhuma planta inoculada pelas outras espécies de cigarrinhas foi detectada a bactéria. O experimento mostrou que D. costalimai transmite o isolado de café de X. fastidiosa para plantas de café.
Since Xylella fastidiosa was shown to cause coffee leaf scorch in Brazil, sharpshooter leafhoppers (Cicadellidae: Cicadellinae) have been listed as potential vectors of the pathogen in coffee. This study was designed to test transmission of a coffee strain of X. fastidiosa by four sharpshooter species commonly found in coffee plantations, Bucephalogonia xanthophis, Dilobopterus costalimai, Homalodisca ignorata and Oncometopia facialis. Healthy adults, obtained from nymphs reared on a non-host plant (Vernonia condensata) of the bacterium, were submitted to a 48-h acquisition access period on a coffee plant infected with a coffee strain of X. fastidiosa (isolate CCT-6756). The insects were then confined in groups of 3 (B. xanthophis, D. costalimai and O. facialis) or 1 (H. ignorata) per plant on healthy seedlings (Coffea arabica, ‘Catuaí vermelho’, line 99) for an inoculation access period of 48 h. Three repetitions of 10 inoculated seedlings were set up for each species. For each repetition, 13 or 33 seedlings not exposed to the insects were established as negative controls. As a positive control, 9 seedlings per repetition were needle inoculated with a suspension of the bacterium (10 8 CFU/ml). After a 6-month incubation period in a screenhouse, X. fastidiosa was detected by PCR and culture in 5 test plants inoculated by D. costalimai. None of the negative control plants were positive for the pathogen. The experiment shows that D. costalimai can transmit the coffee strain of X. fastidiosa to coffee plants. No transmission was detected for the other sharpshooter species tested, with 10 months after inoculation.
Since Xylella fastidiosa was shown to cause coffee leaf scorch in Brazil, sharpshooter leafhoppers (Cicadellidae: Cicadellinae) have been listed as potential vectors of the pathogen in coffee. This study was designed to test transmission of a coffee strain of X. fastidiosa by four sharpshooter species commonly found in coffee plantations, Bucephalogonia xanthophis, Dilobopterus costalimai, Homalodisca ignorata and Oncometopia facialis. Healthy adults, obtained from nymphs reared on a non-host plant (Vernonia condensata) of the bacterium, were submitted to a 48-h acquisition access period on a coffee plant infected with a coffee strain of X. fastidiosa (isolate CCT-6756). The insects were then confined in groups of 3 (B. xanthophis, D. costalimai and O. facialis) or 1 (H. ignorata) per plant on healthy seedlings (Coffea arabica, ‘Catuaí vermelho’, line 99) for an inoculation access period of 48 h. Three repetitions of 10 inoculated seedlings were set up for each species. For each repetition, 13 or 33 seedlings not exposed to the insects were established as negative controls. As a positive control, 9 seedlings per repetition were needle inoculated with a suspension of the bacterium (10 8 CFU/ml). After a 6-month incubation period in a screenhouse, X. fastidiosa was detected by PCR and culture in 5 test plants inoculated by D. costalimai. None of the negative control plants were positive for the pathogen. The experiment shows that D. costalimai can transmit the coffee strain of X. fastidiosa to coffee plants. No transmission was detected for the other sharpshooter species tested, with 10 months after inoculation.
Trabalho apresentado no Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (2. : 2001 : Vitória, ES). Resumos. Brasília, D.F. : Embrapa Café, 2001. 181p. : il.
Xylella fastidiosa Transmissão por Dilobopterus costalimai Café Doenças, Coffea arabica Xylella fastidiosa Leafhopper vectors Transmisson Coffee strain.
Marucci, R. C.; Giustolin, T. A.; Miranda, M. P.; Ferraz, P. C.; Lopes, J. R. S. Transmissão de Xylella fastidiosa para café pela cigarrinha Dilobopterus costalimai. In: Simpósio Brasileiro de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (2. : 2001 : Vitória, ES). Anais. Brasília, D.F. : Embrapa Café, 2001. (CD-ROM), p. 1220-1227