Crescimento vegetativo e acúmulo de nutrientes em frutos de cafeeiro conilon irrigado e não irrigado, na região atlântica da Bahia, Brasil
Covre, André Monzoli
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
Compreender as variações sazonais do crescimento vegetativo e a dinâmica de formação dos frutos de café Conilon em lavouras de sequeiro e, sobretudo, em condições irrigadas, relacionando-as com as condições climáticas, é uma importante ferramenta, com implicações diretas no manejo da lavoura. Objetivou-se avaliar o crescimento vegetativo de ramos ortotrópicos e plagiotrópicos, o acúmulo de matéria seca em frutos, folhas e ramos produtivos, a concentração de nutrientes em frutos e folhas e, o acúmulo de nutrientes em frutos de cafeeiro Conilon irrigado e não irrigado. O experimento foi conduzido por dois anos no município de Itabela, região Atlântica do Estado da Bahia, Brasil. Foram utilizadas plantas de café Conilon, da variedade clonal Emcapa 8111 „genótipo 02‟ com três anos de idade. O delineamento foi o inteiramente casualizado, em arranjo de parcela subdividida, com 14 repetições. Os tratamentos consistiram de irrigação e não irrigação dos cafeeiros nas parcelas e nas subparcelas de distintas épocas de avaliação (mensuração dos ramos e coletas de frutos e folhas). A taxa de crescimento dos ramos ortotrópicos e plagiotrópicos com carga pendente é superior nas plantas irrigadas em comparação às não irrigadas. A taxa de crescimento dos ramos de C. canephora não é limitada pela temperatura mínima média do ar. As curvas de acúmulo de matéria seca e nutrientes nos frutos de café Conilon irrigado e não irrigado foram similares, ajustando-se ao modelo sigmoidal. O acúmulo de matéria seca nos frutos é superior nas plantas irrigadas em comparação às não irrigadas. O nitrogênio, potássio, cálcio, ferro e boro foram os nutrientes mais encontrados em frutos e folhas de café Conilon, na região Atlântica da Bahia.
Understanding the seasonal variations of the vegetative growth and the dynamics of formation of Conilon coffee fruits in non-irrigated crops and especially in irrigated conditions, relating them to the climatic conditions, it is an important tool, with direct implications for the management of the crop. The objective was to evaluate the vegetative growth of orthotropic and reproductive branches, the dry matter accumulation in fruits, leaves and branches of production, the concentration of nutrients in fruits and leaves, and the accumulation of nutrients in fruits of irrigated and non-irrigated coffee Conilon plants. The experiment was conducted for two years in the municipality of Itabela, Atlantic region of State Bahia, Brazil. Three-year-old Conilon coffee plants of the genotype 02 were used. A completely randomised split- plot experimental design was employed, with 14 replicates. The treatments consisted of irrigation and no irrigation of coffee plants in the plots, and subplots of different evaluation times (measurement of branches and fruit collecting and leaves). The growth rate of orthotropic and reproductive branches pending charge is higher in irrigated plants compared to non-irrigated. The maximum growth rates occur in the spring and minimum during graining and, or, during periods of drought, high temperature and low relative humidity. The growth rate of C. canephora branches is not limited by the average minimum air temperature. The dry matter accumulation curves and nutrients in irrigated Conilon coffee fruits and without irrigation were similar, adjusting to the sigmoidal model. The accumulation of dry matter in the fruit is higher in irrigated plants compared to non-irrigated. Nitrogen, potassium, calcium, iron and boron were the most nutrients found in fruits and Conilon coffee leaves in Bahia Atlantic region.
Understanding the seasonal variations of the vegetative growth and the dynamics of formation of Conilon coffee fruits in non-irrigated crops and especially in irrigated conditions, relating them to the climatic conditions, it is an important tool, with direct implications for the management of the crop. The objective was to evaluate the vegetative growth of orthotropic and reproductive branches, the dry matter accumulation in fruits, leaves and branches of production, the concentration of nutrients in fruits and leaves, and the accumulation of nutrients in fruits of irrigated and non-irrigated coffee Conilon plants. The experiment was conducted for two years in the municipality of Itabela, Atlantic region of State Bahia, Brazil. Three-year-old Conilon coffee plants of the genotype 02 were used. A completely randomised split- plot experimental design was employed, with 14 replicates. The treatments consisted of irrigation and no irrigation of coffee plants in the plots, and subplots of different evaluation times (measurement of branches and fruit collecting and leaves). The growth rate of orthotropic and reproductive branches pending charge is higher in irrigated plants compared to non-irrigated. The maximum growth rates occur in the spring and minimum during graining and, or, during periods of drought, high temperature and low relative humidity. The growth rate of C. canephora branches is not limited by the average minimum air temperature. The dry matter accumulation curves and nutrients in irrigated Conilon coffee fruits and without irrigation were similar, adjusting to the sigmoidal model. The accumulation of dry matter in the fruit is higher in irrigated plants compared to non-irrigated. Nitrogen, potassium, calcium, iron and boron were the most nutrients found in fruits and Conilon coffee leaves in Bahia Atlantic region.
Dissertação de mestrado defendida na Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo.
Coffea canephora, Déficit hídrico
COVRE, A. M. Crescimento vegetativo e acúmulo de nutrientes em frutos de cafeeiro conilon irrigado e não irrigado, na região atlântica da Bahia, Brasil. 2016. 132 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Agricultura Tropical) - Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, São Mateus. 2016.