Eficiência de thiamethoxam no controle do bicho-mineiro do cafeeiro. I - Influência da modalidade de aplicação
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O bicho-mineiro Leucoptera coffeella (Guérin-Mèneville, 1842) (Lepidoptera: Lyonetiidae) é a principal praga do cafeeiro (Coffea arabica L.) no Brasil, e a redução da produção de café devida ao seu ataque pode alcançar 70%. Seu controle no período chuvoso, com inseticidas sistêmicos granulados, não tem apresentado uma boa constância de eficiência devido à distribuição irregular das chuvas. Já, a formulação de grânulos dispersíveis em água (WG) permite outras formas de aplicação e é menos dependente da presença de umidade no solo. Para conhecer a eficiência da formulação WG do thiamethoxam, instalou-se um experimento em cultura cafeeira no cerrado mineiro. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos casualizados com oito tratamentos e quatro repetições. Os tratamentos foram: thiamethoxam 250 WG em esguicho ( drench ) no colo do cafeeiro, na água de irrigação por gotejamento e em filete em dois sulcos na projeção da copa; imidacloprid 700 WG em esguicho no colo do cafeeiro e na água de irrigação por gotejamento; aldicarb 150 GR e thiamethoxam 10 GR em dois sulcos na projeção da copa, e uma testemunha sem inseticida. Os tratamentos foram aplicados em fevereiro, e o efeito no controle da praga foi avaliado mensalmente até julho. Alta eficiência foi encontrada onde o thiamethoxam 250 WG foi aplicado em esguicho ou gotejamento, num período de controle em torno de 130 dias. Nesses tratamentos as concentrações de thiamethoxam nas folhas foram maiores do que nas dos outros tratamentos com o inseticida.
The coffee leaf-miner Leucoptera coffeella (Guérin-Mèneville, 1842) (Lepidoptera: Lyonetiidae) is the most important insect pest of coffee (Coffea arabica L.) in Brazil, where reductions in the production can reach 70 %. Its control using granular formulations of systemic insecticides, which are soil-applied in the rainy season, has shown to be erratic over the last years, attributed to the irregular distribution of rainfall. As water-dispersible granules (WG) formulations of insecticides can be applied in different forms and are less dependent on the soil moisture, this work was carried out to assess the influence of the mode of application of thiamethoxam WG for the control of coffee leaf-miner in the cerrado region of Minas Gerais State. The experiment consisted of eight treatments and four replicates, in a randomized blocks statistical design. The treatments were: thiamethoxam 250 WG (applied as drench at the plant base, drench in soil furrows and drip irrigation), imidacloprid 700 WG (drench at the plant base and as drip irrigation), thiamethoxam 10 GR and aldicarb 150 GR (in soil furrows), and control. Application was performed in February, with monthly evaluations on pest control until July. Drench treatments at plant base as well as drip irrigation with thiamethoxam 250 WG provided high control efficiency for about 130 days. The thiamethoxam concentrations in the leaves from these treatments were higher than in leaves from other treatments with other modes of application of the insecticide.
The coffee leaf-miner Leucoptera coffeella (Guérin-Mèneville, 1842) (Lepidoptera: Lyonetiidae) is the most important insect pest of coffee (Coffea arabica L.) in Brazil, where reductions in the production can reach 70 %. Its control using granular formulations of systemic insecticides, which are soil-applied in the rainy season, has shown to be erratic over the last years, attributed to the irregular distribution of rainfall. As water-dispersible granules (WG) formulations of insecticides can be applied in different forms and are less dependent on the soil moisture, this work was carried out to assess the influence of the mode of application of thiamethoxam WG for the control of coffee leaf-miner in the cerrado region of Minas Gerais State. The experiment consisted of eight treatments and four replicates, in a randomized blocks statistical design. The treatments were: thiamethoxam 250 WG (applied as drench at the plant base, drench in soil furrows and drip irrigation), imidacloprid 700 WG (drench at the plant base and as drip irrigation), thiamethoxam 10 GR and aldicarb 150 GR (in soil furrows), and control. Application was performed in February, with monthly evaluations on pest control until July. Drench treatments at plant base as well as drip irrigation with thiamethoxam 250 WG provided high control efficiency for about 130 days. The thiamethoxam concentrations in the leaves from these treatments were higher than in leaves from other treatments with other modes of application of the insecticide.
Leucoptera coffeella, Controle químico, Coffea arabica, Irrigação por gotejamento, Esguicho no colo
SOUZA, J. C. et al. Eficiência de thiamethoxam no controle do bicho-mineiro do cafeeiro. I - Influência da modalidade de aplicação. Coffee Science, Lavras, v. 1, n. 2, p. 143-149, jul./dez. 2006.