Efeito do processamento pós-colheita sobre as frações polissacarídicas dos grãos de café (Coffea arabica) e suas bebidas
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Universidade Federal do Paraná
A bebida de café é consumida mundialmente e sua qualidade final depende da composição química dos grãos. Neste estudo, frutos frescos de C. arabica cultivar IAPAR 59 foram submetidos, em paralelo, a três diferentes tipos de processamento pós-colheita: frutos intactos foram processados utilizando o método natural (CN), frutos descascados foram processados utilizando o método semi-úmido (CD) e frutos despolpados foram processados pelo método úmido (CP). A extração dos polissacarídeos a partir do endosperma isolado dos frutos de café processados e não processados indicou que arabinogalactanas e (galacto)mananas foram os principais polissacarídeos dos grãos verdes de café. Entre os tratamentos, menores quantidades de galactomananas solúveis em água foram obtidas a partir dos grãos CN e CP. De acordo com os resultados, o tratamento pós-colheita pode causar alterações nos polissacarídeos dos grãos verdes. Bebidas foram preparadas por filtração usando os grãos CN, CD e CP e os polissacarídeos solúveis presentes foram precipitados. As frações polissacarídicas obtidas apresentaram diferenças no rendimento percentual e nos teores de carboidrato total e proteínas. Man, Gal e Ara foram os principais carboidratos, sugerindo que a maioria dos polissacarídeos presentes nas bebidas também foram (galacto)mananas e arabinogalactanas-AGPs (confirmado com o teste de difusão radial em gel com reagente Yariv -glucosyl). As galactomananas foram acetiladas, sendo o conteúdo acetil menor para a fração obtida a partir do café natural. Apesar das diferenças encontradas na composição química, não foram observadas diferenças na viscosidade ou na tensão superficial das bebidas de café. O café despolpado apresentou menor atividade seqüestrante de radicais DPPH que os cafés natural e descascado, sugerindo que agentes redutores também foram influenciados pelo método de processamento pós- colheita.
Coffee beverage is consumed worldwide and its final quality depends on the chemical composition of the beans. In this study, fresh fruits from Coffea arabica cultivar IAPAR 59 were subjected to three different types of post- harvest processing: intact fruits were processed using the dry method (CN), hulled fruits were processed using the semi-wet method (CD) and fruits were processed using the wet method (CP). The extraction of polysaccharides from the endosperm isolated from the coffee fruits unprocessed and processed indicated that arabinogalactans and (galacto)mannans were the main polysaccharides in green coffee beans. Among the treatments, lower amounts of water soluble galactomannans were obtained from coffee beans processed by dry and wet method. According to the results the post-harvest processing of coffee may cause changes in the polysaccharides from coffee beans. Coffee beverages were prepared by filtration using beans processed using beans of the CN, CD and CP methods. Soluble polysaccharides present in the beverages were precipitated. The polysaccharide fractions showed different yields and total carbohydrate and protein contents. The monosaccharide composition of the samples was similar. Man, Gal and Ara were the main monosaccharides, suggesting that the majority of the polysaccharides present in the coffee beverages were also galactomannans and arabinogalactans- AGPs (confirmed with the radial gel diffusion assay with -glucosyl Yariv reagent). Galactomannans from coffee infusions were acetylated being the acetyl content lower for fraction obtained from coffee processed by dry method. Although differences were found in the chemical compositions, no differences were observed in the viscosity or surface tension of coffee beverages from CN, CD and CP. The pulped coffee had lower DPPH radical scavenging activity of the natural coffees or pulled coffees, suggesting that reducing agents were also influenced by the method of post-harvest processing.
Coffee beverage is consumed worldwide and its final quality depends on the chemical composition of the beans. In this study, fresh fruits from Coffea arabica cultivar IAPAR 59 were subjected to three different types of post- harvest processing: intact fruits were processed using the dry method (CN), hulled fruits were processed using the semi-wet method (CD) and fruits were processed using the wet method (CP). The extraction of polysaccharides from the endosperm isolated from the coffee fruits unprocessed and processed indicated that arabinogalactans and (galacto)mannans were the main polysaccharides in green coffee beans. Among the treatments, lower amounts of water soluble galactomannans were obtained from coffee beans processed by dry and wet method. According to the results the post-harvest processing of coffee may cause changes in the polysaccharides from coffee beans. Coffee beverages were prepared by filtration using beans processed using beans of the CN, CD and CP methods. Soluble polysaccharides present in the beverages were precipitated. The polysaccharide fractions showed different yields and total carbohydrate and protein contents. The monosaccharide composition of the samples was similar. Man, Gal and Ara were the main monosaccharides, suggesting that the majority of the polysaccharides present in the coffee beverages were also galactomannans and arabinogalactans- AGPs (confirmed with the radial gel diffusion assay with -glucosyl Yariv reagent). Galactomannans from coffee infusions were acetylated being the acetyl content lower for fraction obtained from coffee processed by dry method. Although differences were found in the chemical compositions, no differences were observed in the viscosity or surface tension of coffee beverages from CN, CD and CP. The pulped coffee had lower DPPH radical scavenging activity of the natural coffees or pulled coffees, suggesting that reducing agents were also influenced by the method of post-harvest processing.
Tese de Doutorado defendida na Universidade Federal do Paraná.
Carboidratos, Coffea arábica, Viscosidade, Tensão superficial, Atividade antioxidante
TARZIA, A. Efeito do processamento pós-colheita sobre as frações polissacarídicas dos grãos de café (Coffea arabica) e suas bebidas. 2010. 103 f. Tese (Doutorado em Ciências) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba. 2010.