Avaliação dos diferentes tratamentos do controle químico da ferrugem e do bicho mineiro na difusão de tecnoliga através do sistema de tecnologia através do sistema de metodologia e treino e visita café.
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Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o desempenho técnico dos diferentes tratamentos no controle químico da Ferrugem e do Bicho Mineiro na variedade Mundo Novo, bem como organizar um sistema de informações que permita aos técnicos envolvidos nessa exploração, orientar os produtores nos ajustes necessários na recomendação técnica de controle e condução de suas propriedades. Foi desenvolvido no período compreendido entre novembro de 2005 e setembro de 2006 por meio de acompanhamentos semanais e do registro das ocorrências da infestação de Bicho Mineiro e ferrugem realizada em uma lavoura de café tradicional e em produção, no município de Assai Estado do Paraná. A ocorrência de Bicho Mineiro em todos os tratamentos inclusive a testemunha foi inferior a 20% portanto abaixo do nível de dano. A ocorrência da ferrugem nas áreas avaliadas ficou entre 5 e 40% nos tratamentos com controle químico e 70% na testemunha.
This work had as objective evaluates the technical acting of the different treatments in the chemical control of the Rust and of the Mining Bug in the variety New World, as well as to organize a system of information to allow to the technicians involved in that exploration, to guide the producers in the necessary adjustments in the technical recommendation of control and transport of their properties. It was developed in the period understood between November of 2005 and September of 2006 through weekly attendances and of the registration of the occurrences of the infestation of Mining Bug and rust accomplished in a farming of traditional coffee and in production, in the municipal district of you Roast State of Paraná. The occurrence of Mining Bug in all of the treatments besides the witness was inferior to 20% therefore below the damage level. The occurrence of the rust in the appraised areas was between 5 and 40% in the treatments with chemical control and 70% in the witness.
This work had as objective evaluates the technical acting of the different treatments in the chemical control of the Rust and of the Mining Bug in the variety New World, as well as to organize a system of information to allow to the technicians involved in that exploration, to guide the producers in the necessary adjustments in the technical recommendation of control and transport of their properties. It was developed in the period understood between November of 2005 and September of 2006 through weekly attendances and of the registration of the occurrences of the infestation of Mining Bug and rust accomplished in a farming of traditional coffee and in production, in the municipal district of you Roast State of Paraná. The occurrence of Mining Bug in all of the treatments besides the witness was inferior to 20% therefore below the damage level. The occurrence of the rust in the appraised areas was between 5 and 40% in the treatments with chemical control and 70% in the witness.
Trabalho apresentado no Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (5. : 2007 : Águas de Lindóia, SP). Anais. Brasília, D.F. : Embrapa Café, 2007.
Nível de Dano, controle químico, análise técnica, Level of Damage, chemical control, technical analysis
Valter Lúcio TEXEIRA; Cilésio Abel DEMONE; Paulo Sérgio BARBOSA. Avaliação dos diferentes tratamentos do controle químico da ferrugem e do bicho mineiro na difusão de tecnoliga através do sistema de tecnologia através do sistema de metodologia e treino e visita café. .In: Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (5. : Águas de Lindóia, SP : 2007). Anais. Brasília, D.F. : Embrapa - Café, 2007. (1 CD-ROM), 4p