Classificação do ciclo de desenvolvimento de cultivares de cafeeiro através da soma térmica
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A escolha das cultivares de cafeeiro adequadas a cada região é de grande importância, devido às diferenças de condições edafoclimáticas e de microclima. Com o intuito de facilitar a recomendação regional e local de cultivares para o escalonamento de colheita, neste trabalho objetivou-se avaliar as necessidades térmicas e classificar o ciclo de maturação de dez genótipos de Coffea arabica L., nas condições edafoclimáticas de Uberlândia, MG. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos casualizados com 10 tratamentos e quatro repetições, sendo cada parcela constituída por uma linha de oito plantas, das quais foram avaliadas as quatro plantas centrais. Durante o ano agrícola 2008/2009, observou-se para cada cultivar a data de ocorrência das fases fenológicas de florescimento a frutos verde cana, fruto verde cana a fruto cereja e florescimento a fruto cereja. Os valores de graus-dia foram analisados por meio da média, desvio padrão e o coeficiente de variação. Submeteram- se os dados de graus dias obtidos para o ciclo total à análise de variância e à aplicação do teste de Scott & Knott, a 5% de significância. O coeficiente de variação médio para o ciclo total mostrou-se baixo para maioria das cultivares, as cultivares Catuaí Vermelho IAC 99 e Topázio MG 1190 apresentaram valores altos.
The choice of coffee cultivars suitable for each region, is of great importance. The choice of coffee cultivars suitable for each region, is of great importance because of the differences in climate and soil conditions and microclimate. In order to facilitate the recommendation of regional and local cultivars for harvest scheduling, this study aimed to evaluate the thermal requirements for the different growth stages, as well as classify the maturity cycle of ten genotypes of Coffea arabica L. at conditions of Uberlândia, MG. The experimental design was a randomized complete block with 10 treatments and 4 replications, each plot consists of a row of eight plants, which were evaluated at 4 central plants. During the crop year 2008/2009, it was observed for each cultivar the date of occurrence of phenological stages of flowering to fruit green cane, cane fruit tree to fruit to fruit and flowering cherry. The degree-day values were analyzed using the mean, standard deviation and coefficient of variation. Underwent degree day data obtained for the total cycle analysis of variance and the application of Scott & Knott test at 5% significance. The average coefficient of variation for the total cycle proved to be low for most cultivars, cultivars IAC 99 and Topaz MG 1190 showed high values.
The choice of coffee cultivars suitable for each region, is of great importance. The choice of coffee cultivars suitable for each region, is of great importance because of the differences in climate and soil conditions and microclimate. In order to facilitate the recommendation of regional and local cultivars for harvest scheduling, this study aimed to evaluate the thermal requirements for the different growth stages, as well as classify the maturity cycle of ten genotypes of Coffea arabica L. at conditions of Uberlândia, MG. The experimental design was a randomized complete block with 10 treatments and 4 replications, each plot consists of a row of eight plants, which were evaluated at 4 central plants. During the crop year 2008/2009, it was observed for each cultivar the date of occurrence of phenological stages of flowering to fruit green cane, cane fruit tree to fruit to fruit and flowering cherry. The degree-day values were analyzed using the mean, standard deviation and coefficient of variation. Underwent degree day data obtained for the total cycle analysis of variance and the application of Scott & Knott test at 5% significance. The average coefficient of variation for the total cycle proved to be low for most cultivars, cultivars IAC 99 and Topaz MG 1190 showed high values.
Coffea arabica L., Graus-dia, Fenologia, Maturação dos frutos
CARVALHO, H. P. et al. Classificação do ciclo de desenvolvimento de cultivares de cafeeiro através da soma térmica. Coffee Science, Lavras, v. 9, n. 2, p. 237-244, abr./jun. 2014.