Potencial de qualidade do café produzido na microrregião de São Jerônimo da Serra - PR
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Estudos realizados revelaram que as condições climáticas da microrregião de São Jerônimo da Serra - PR são bastante favoráveis para a produção de café de qualidade. Com o objetivo de avaliar o potencial de qualidade do café produzido nesta microrregião, foram coletadas 40 amostras de café na safra de 2002/2003, após a colheita e práticas de secagem realizadas pelo produtor. O café coco foi beneficiado determinando-se umidade, densidade, granulometria, tipo e classificação da bebida através da prova de xícaras. Devido às condições edafoclimáticas apropriadas para a cultura, pode-se observar que o café da microrregião apresenta bom tamanho de grãos, que exceto uma amostra, as demais apresentam mais que 60% dos grãos retidos na peneira 16. Da mesma maneira a densidade dos grãos variou entre 0,64 a 0,67, com valores médios de 0,65. Em relação ao tipo, constatou-se que 67,5 % das amostras de café apresentavam tipo 6. Porém, a presença de grande número de grãos verdes foi o principal defeito encontrado entre as amostras, e como conseqüência a maioria das amostras (32) foram classificadas como bebida dura. Decorrente das condições de colheita e secagem, as características de gosto verde, fermentado, mofado e sujo apareceram em muitas amostras, diminuindo a qualidade final do café. Pode-se observar que os principais defeitos encontrados são resultados das práticas inadequadas de colheita e secagem, evidenciando a necessidade de treinamento e conscientização dos produtores para alcançar alta qualidade e a conseqüente agregação de valor ao seu produto.
Studies revealed that the climatic conditions of the microrregião of São Jerônimo da Serra - PR is favorable for the production of speciality coffee. The aim of this work was to evaluate the potential of quality of the coffee produced in this region. Fourty samples of coffee were collected in the crop of 2002/2003, after the crop and drying practices accomplished by the producer. The coffee was benefitted and humidity, density, sieving, type and classification of the drink were determinated in the coffee bean. It was possible to observe that the coffee this region has a suitable size of grains where more than 60% of the grains were retained in the sieve 16 mesh. In the same way the density of the grains varied among 0,64 to 0,67, with medium values of 0,65. In relation to the type, it was verified that 67,5% of the samples of coffee presented type 6. However, the presence of great number of immature grains was the principal defect found among the samples, and as consequence most of the samples (32) they were classified as pour quality . Due to the crop conditions and drying , the characteristics of herbal, fermented, moldy tastes appeared in a lot of samples, decreasing the final quality of the coffee. Also, It can be observed that the principal found defects are resulted of the inadequate practices of crop and post-harvest techiniques, evidencing the training of the producers to reach high quality and the consequent aggregation of value to product.
Studies revealed that the climatic conditions of the microrregião of São Jerônimo da Serra - PR is favorable for the production of speciality coffee. The aim of this work was to evaluate the potential of quality of the coffee produced in this region. Fourty samples of coffee were collected in the crop of 2002/2003, after the crop and drying practices accomplished by the producer. The coffee was benefitted and humidity, density, sieving, type and classification of the drink were determinated in the coffee bean. It was possible to observe that the coffee this region has a suitable size of grains where more than 60% of the grains were retained in the sieve 16 mesh. In the same way the density of the grains varied among 0,64 to 0,67, with medium values of 0,65. In relation to the type, it was verified that 67,5% of the samples of coffee presented type 6. However, the presence of great number of immature grains was the principal defect found among the samples, and as consequence most of the samples (32) they were classified as pour quality . Due to the crop conditions and drying , the characteristics of herbal, fermented, moldy tastes appeared in a lot of samples, decreasing the final quality of the coffee. Also, It can be observed that the principal found defects are resulted of the inadequate practices of crop and post-harvest techiniques, evidencing the training of the producers to reach high quality and the consequent aggregation of value to product.
Trabalho apresentado no Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (4. : 2005 : Londrina, PR). Anais. Brasília, D.F. : Embrapa Café, 2005.
Café gourmet Café especial Agregação de valor, Gourmet coffee Specialty coffee Value agregation
Machado, Fernando César; Scholz, Maria Brígida dos Santos; Bacceti, Marcos Aurélio. Potencial de qualidade do café produzido na microrregião de São Jerônimo da Serra - PR. In: Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (4. : Londrina, PR : 2005). Anais. Brasília, D.F. : Embrapa - Café, 2005. (1 CD-ROM), 5p.