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A seca com temperatura alta, deficiência de água no solo e ar seco em freqüência e intensidade cada vez maiores, já vem provocando danos bem maiores do que a elevação da temperatura média e máxima decorrente do efeito estufa. Isto tem afetado o crescimento vegetativo e a produtividade de cafeeiros e um dos efeitos mensuráveis é a escaldadura de sol. Caracteriza-se por perda de coloração verde das folhas devido à ação do sol sobre os cloroplastos das folhas, amarelecendo e, em casos mais graves, ocorrendo queima das folhas, afetando significativamente a capacidade fotossintética e a produtividade dos cafeeiros. Esse trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito da estiagem ocorrida em Londrina - Paraná entre agosto e dezembro de 2008, com intensidade maior no último mês, sobre cultivares de cafeeiros arábicos resistentes à ferrugem em diferentes espaçamentos de plantio já lançadas para plantio comercial no Brasil. O ensaio de campo, implantado desde 2006 no Centro de Produção e Experimentação do IAPAR em Londrina - Paraná, em solo latossolo roxo distroférrico, altitude de 585m, temperatura média anual de 20,8o C, precipitação pluviométrica anual de 1610 mm. O delineamento experimental usado foi em blocos ao acaso com 32 tratamentos, três repetições e parcela de 10 covas de uma planta cada. O espaçamento de plantio usado foi de 2,5 m entre as filas por 0,5 m entre plantas na fila de plantio para a repetição 1, 0,75 m para a repetição 2 e 1,0 m para a repetição 3. A escaldadura foi avaliada do lado direito ou nascente do sol e do lado esquerdo ou poente do sol, correspondente a lado nascente e poente do sol. Os dados do índice de escaldadura foi obtido através de notas subjetivas dadas às folhas das plantas em ambos lados da planta na escala de 1 a 5, sendo nota 5 corresponde a danos mais severos. Os resultados obtidos indicaram: 1) quanto maior o espaçamento entre as plantas na linha, maior o índice de escaldadura, sendo 29% maior no lado nascente e 15% maior no lado poente; 2) todas as cultivares de diferentes germoplasmas sofrem influência do espaçamento na linha de plantio no dano da escaldadura mas cultivares do germoplasma Catimor + Sarchimor + Derivados sofrem mais influência; 3) reduções altas na escaldadura ocorrem nos menores espaçamentos para as cultivares Sabiá 398, Tupi IAC-1669/33, Obatã IAC-1669/20, Iapar-59 e IPR- 98, condizente com o porte compactos pequenos e menores ramificações. Assim, cultivares de porte compactos de diferentes tamanhos da copa e ramificação necessitam ser avaliadas em espaçamentos próprios para que não favoreçam e nem prejudiquem cultivares valiosos em ensaios comparativos de espaçamento único.
The drought, with high temperature, deficiency of soil water and dry air in frequency and increasing intensity has causing damage greater than the increase of average and maximum temperature due to the global warming. This has affected the growth and productivity of coffee and one of alternative to measure is sun scald evaluation. It is characterized by loss of green color of leaves due to the action of sunlight on the chloroplasts of leaves, yellowing and in severe cases, with burning of leaves, significantly affecting the photosynthetic capacity and productivity of coffee. This research aimed to evaluate the effect of drought occurred in Londrina - Paraná between august and December, 2008, more intense in last month, on arabic coffee cultivars, resistant to rust at different planting densities already released for commercial planting in Brazil. The field test, planted since 2006 at the Production and Experimentation Center of IAPAR in Londrina - Paraná, in purple latosol distroferric soil, 585m altitude, 20.8o C average annual temperature and 1610 mm annual rainfall. The experimental design used was in randomized blocks with 32 treatments, three replications and plot with 10 plants. The planting spacing used were 2.5 m between rows and 0.5 m between plants within rows for repetition 1, 0.75 m for repetition 2 and 1.0 m for repetition 3. The sun scald was evaluated on the right or east side and the left or west side. Data from scald index was obtained through subjective notes given to the leaves of the plants on both sides of the plant on a scale from 1 to 5, with 5 note as the most severe damage. The results showed: 1) the greater the spacing between the plants on line, the higher the rate of scald, being 29% higher at the west and 15% higher in the east side of sun; 2) all cultivars of different germplasms are influenced by spacing among plants in the planting row on damage to scald but cultivars ofgermplasm Catimor + Sarchimor + Derivatives are more affected; 3) reductions in high scald occur in smaller spacing for he varieties Sabiá 398, Tupi IAC-1669/33, Obatã IAC-1669/20 , Iapar and IPR-59-98, consistent with the small compact size and lower branches of these cultivars. Thus, compact cultivars with different sizes of the canopy and branching should be evaluated in appropriated spacing to avoid increasing or decreasing valuable cultivars in comparative trials evaluated in single spacing.
The drought, with high temperature, deficiency of soil water and dry air in frequency and increasing intensity has causing damage greater than the increase of average and maximum temperature due to the global warming. This has affected the growth and productivity of coffee and one of alternative to measure is sun scald evaluation. It is characterized by loss of green color of leaves due to the action of sunlight on the chloroplasts of leaves, yellowing and in severe cases, with burning of leaves, significantly affecting the photosynthetic capacity and productivity of coffee. This research aimed to evaluate the effect of drought occurred in Londrina - Paraná between august and December, 2008, more intense in last month, on arabic coffee cultivars, resistant to rust at different planting densities already released for commercial planting in Brazil. The field test, planted since 2006 at the Production and Experimentation Center of IAPAR in Londrina - Paraná, in purple latosol distroferric soil, 585m altitude, 20.8o C average annual temperature and 1610 mm annual rainfall. The experimental design used was in randomized blocks with 32 treatments, three replications and plot with 10 plants. The planting spacing used were 2.5 m between rows and 0.5 m between plants within rows for repetition 1, 0.75 m for repetition 2 and 1.0 m for repetition 3. The sun scald was evaluated on the right or east side and the left or west side. Data from scald index was obtained through subjective notes given to the leaves of the plants on both sides of the plant on a scale from 1 to 5, with 5 note as the most severe damage. The results showed: 1) the greater the spacing between the plants on line, the higher the rate of scald, being 29% higher at the west and 15% higher in the east side of sun; 2) all cultivars of different germplasms are influenced by spacing among plants in the planting row on damage to scald but cultivars ofgermplasm Catimor + Sarchimor + Derivatives are more affected; 3) reductions in high scald occur in smaller spacing for he varieties Sabiá 398, Tupi IAC-1669/33, Obatã IAC-1669/20 , Iapar and IPR-59-98, consistent with the small compact size and lower branches of these cultivars. Thus, compact cultivars with different sizes of the canopy and branching should be evaluated in appropriated spacing to avoid increasing or decreasing valuable cultivars in comparative trials evaluated in single spacing.
Trabalho apresentado no Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (6. : 2009 : Vitória, ES). Anais Brasília, D.F: Embrapa - Café, 2011
melhoramento, Coffea arabica, seca, resistência à ferrugem, espaçamento de plantio, breeding, Coffea arabica, drought, rust resistance, planting spacing
Rocha, Vanesca Priscila Camargo; Ribeiro Filho, Claudionor; Shigueoka, Luciana Harumi Alegre, Clayton Ribeiro Colombo, Larissa Abgariani; Del Grossi, Leandro; Azevedo, José Alves de; Sera, Tumoru; Bosquesi, Everton Paulo. Avaliação da escaldadura de sol em cultivares de café plantado em diferentes espaçamentos. In: Simpósio de Pesquisa dos cafés do Brasil (6. : 2009 : Vitória, ES). Anais Brasília, D.F: Embrapa - Café, 2011 (1 CD-ROM), 5p.