Embriogênese somática indireta em explantes foliares de Coffea arabica L. cv. Obatã
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Objetivou-se, com este trabalho, estudar a embriogênese somática indireta em Coffea arabica L. cv. Obatã, incluindo as etapas de indução de calos, diferenciação, regeneração e formação de embriões. Segmentos foliares retirados de plantas em condições de campo foram desinfestados com álcool 70% por 1 e hipoclorito de sódio 1% durante 15 e inoculados em meio IC (indução de calos) suplementado de 2,4-D (0, 1, 2 e 4 mg.L -1) e Cinetina (0, 2, 4 e 8 mg.L -1). Posteriormente, os calos foram transferidos para o meio DC (diferenciação de calos), adicionado de diferentes concentrações de 2,4-D (0, 1, 2 e 4 mg.L -1) e BAP (0, 2, 4 e 8 mg.L -1); em seguida, durante a etapa de regeneração, os calos embriogênicos friáveis foram inoculados em meio R suplementado de BAP (0, 2, 4 e 6 mg.L -1 ) e sacarose (0, 15, 30, 45 e 60 g.L -1). Os meios de cultura utilizados tiveram pH ajustado para 5,6 1 antes de serem autoclavados. Os experimentos foram mantidos em sala de crescimento a 26 1 0 C. Durante as etapas de indução e diferenciação de calos, os experimentos ficaram em condições de obscuridade, e na etapa de regeneração, os experimentos foram mantidos sob fotoperíodo de 16 horas e intensidade luminosa de 35 mol.m -2 .s -1 . Concluiu-se que a combinação entre 4 mg.L -1 de 2,4-D e 2 mg.L -1 de cinetina favoreceu a indução de calos primá- rios mistos. Maior freqüência de calos embriogênicos friáveis ocorreu na presença de BAP (8 mg.L -1), associado ou não ao 2,4-D, e maior número de embriões por explante foram obtidos quando utilizou-se sacarose (30 g.L -1 ) e BAP (3 mg.L -1).
It was aimed with this work to study the indirect somatic embryogenesis in Coffea arabica L. cv. 'Obatã', including the steps of induction, differentiation and regeneration of plants. Leaf segments withdrawn from plants under field conditions were disinfected with 70% alcohol for 1 , 1% sodium hypochlorite for 15 and inoculated in 'CI' medium (callus induction) supplemented with 2,4 D (0, 1, 2 and 4 mg.L -1) and kinetin (0, 2, 4 and 8 mg.L -1 ). Later, the callus were transferred to the 'CD' medium (callus differentiation) to which was added 2,4-D (0, 1, 2 and 4 mg.L -1 ) and BAP (0, 2, 4 and 8 mg.L -1 ). During the regeneration step, friable embryogenic callus were inoculated in 'R' medium supplemented with BAP (0, 2, 4 and 6 mg.L -1) and sucrose (0, 15, 30, 45 and 60 g.L -1). The culture media utilized had their pH adjusted to 5.6 ± 1 before being autoclaved. The experiments were kept in growth room at 26 ± 1 oC. Over the steps of callus induction and differentiation, the experiments were carried out in dark conditions and at the regeneration step the experiments were carried out under 16-hour photoperiod and light intensity of 35 mol.m-2 .s-1 . It was observed that the combination of 2,4-D and kinetin favors the induction of primary callus. High frequency of friable embryogenic callus was observed with BAP (8 mg.L -1 ), combined or not with 2,4-D, and greater number of embryos per explant, when sucrose (30g.L -1) and BAP (3 mg.L-1) was utilized.
It was aimed with this work to study the indirect somatic embryogenesis in Coffea arabica L. cv. 'Obatã', including the steps of induction, differentiation and regeneration of plants. Leaf segments withdrawn from plants under field conditions were disinfected with 70% alcohol for 1 , 1% sodium hypochlorite for 15 and inoculated in 'CI' medium (callus induction) supplemented with 2,4 D (0, 1, 2 and 4 mg.L -1) and kinetin (0, 2, 4 and 8 mg.L -1 ). Later, the callus were transferred to the 'CD' medium (callus differentiation) to which was added 2,4-D (0, 1, 2 and 4 mg.L -1 ) and BAP (0, 2, 4 and 8 mg.L -1 ). During the regeneration step, friable embryogenic callus were inoculated in 'R' medium supplemented with BAP (0, 2, 4 and 6 mg.L -1) and sucrose (0, 15, 30, 45 and 60 g.L -1). The culture media utilized had their pH adjusted to 5.6 ± 1 before being autoclaved. The experiments were kept in growth room at 26 ± 1 oC. Over the steps of callus induction and differentiation, the experiments were carried out in dark conditions and at the regeneration step the experiments were carried out under 16-hour photoperiod and light intensity of 35 mol.m-2 .s-1 . It was observed that the combination of 2,4-D and kinetin favors the induction of primary callus. High frequency of friable embryogenic callus was observed with BAP (8 mg.L -1 ), combined or not with 2,4-D, and greater number of embryos per explant, when sucrose (30g.L -1) and BAP (3 mg.L-1) was utilized.
Calos, Embriões somáticos, Cultura de tecidos
MACIEL, A. L. R. et al. Embriogênese somática indireta em explantes foliares de Coffea arabica L. cv. Obatã. Ciência e Agrotecnologia, Lavras, v. 27, n. 1, p. 107-116, jan./fev. 2003.