Secagem e resfriamento de sementes de Coffea arabica L. visando à criopreservação
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Universidade Federal de Lavras
A criopreservação de sementes com características de recalcitrância intermediária, como as de café, é uma alternativa para garantir a conservação dos recursos por tempo indeterminado. Pesquisas sobre métodos de criopreservação clássicos e modernos contribuem para o entendimento do comportamento destas sementes em relação à sensibilidade à dessecação e ao congelamento. Neste contexto, quatro estudos foram realizados objetivando-se investigar os efeitos das etapas da criopreservação sobre a qualidade fisiológica, bioquímica e ultraestrutural de sementes de Coffea arabica L., e os efeitos da utilização da água catódica na recuperação de danos causados por estresses advindos destas etapas. No primeiro estudo foram investigados o teor de água e, velocidade e temperatura de pré-resfriamento mais adequados para criopreservar as sementes. O teor de água de 20% (bu) permitiu maior sobrevivência das sementes à criopreservação, quando estas foram resfriadas a velocidade de -1°C min. -1 até temperatura de -40°C. No segundo estudo foram avaliados diferentes métodos de secagem e o tratamento com água catódica. A secagem mais lenta causa redução do desempenho fisiológico e propicia o aumento da atividade das enzimas do sistema antioxidante. A secagem mais rápida ou mais lenta de sementes até 17% bu compromete a integridade ultraestrutural das células. No entanto, o tratamento com água catódica após a secagem rápida (17%) mantém a integridade das células. No terceiro estudo, diferentes procedimentos de pré- resfriamento e tratamento com água catódica foram avaliados. Melhores resultados são encontrados em sementes com teor de água mais baixo (17% bu), independentemente dos métodos de secagem e de pré-resfriamento utilizados. A ação antioxidante da água catódica é benéfica nas sementes com teor de água de 20% bu. Em sementes mais secas, a imersão em água catódica ativa o sistema enzimático antioxidante e melhora o aspecto ultraestrutural das células. Endospermas das sementes tem maior sensibilidade ao congelamento do que os embriões. No último estudo, foram investigados diferentes protocolos de criopreservação de sementes e tratamento com água catódica. Apenas os diferentes métodos de secagem e formas de pré-resfriamento influenciam consideravelmente a qualidade fisiológica e aspectos bioquímicos e ultraestruturais das sementes. As sementes criopreservadas com teor de água de 17% bu respondem melhor à criopreservação, quando comparadas àquelas com teor de água de 20% bu. Sementes de Coffea arabica L. secadas mais lentamente até 17% bu (75% ou 81% de umidade relativa) e, pré-resfriadas ou imersas diretamente em nitrogênio líquido, têm a qualidade preservada.
The cryopreservation of seeds that present intermediate recalcitrance characteristics, like coffee is an alternative to ensure the conservation of genetic resources for indetermined time. Research on the classic and modern methods contribute to the understanding of seeds response to desiccation and freezing. In this context, four studies were carried out aiming to investigate the effects of the steps of cryopreservation on the physiological, biochemical and ultrastructural characteristics of Coffea arabica L. seeds. In addition, the effects of cathodic water to overcome the damage caused by stresses arising from these steps were evaluated. In the first study, we investigated water content and rate and pre- cooling temperature before immersion in liquid nitrogen. The water content of 20% (wb) allowed higher survival of seeds after cryopreservation when they were pre-cooled at -1 ° C min -1 to the temperature of -40 °C. In the second study, we evaluated different drying methods and a treatment with cathodic water. Slower drying causes reduction in physiological performance and provides an increase in the antioxidant enzyme activity. Faster or slower drying of seeds to 17% wb compromises the ultrastructural cells integrity. However, the cathodic treatment after faster drying (17%) maintains the integrity of the cells. In the third study, different pre-cooling procedures and treatment with cathodic water were evaluated. The best results were found in seeds containing the lowest water content (17% wb) regardless of the drying and pre-cooling methods used. The antioxidant action of cathodic water is beneficial in seeds with the highest water content (20% wb). In the driest seeds, immersion in cathodic water activates the antioxidant enzyme system and improves the ultrastructural aspect of the cells. Endosperms has higher sensitivity to freezing than the embryos. In the last study, we investigated different protocols for cryopreservation of seeds and a treatment with cathodic water. Only different methods of drying and pre-cooling affect the physiological quality and modify biochemical and ultrastructural aspects of the seeds. The seeds cryopreserved with 17% water content (wb) have better quality than those with 20% water content (wb). Coffea arabica L. seeds dried to 17% wb (75% or 81% of relative humidity), pre-cooled or directly immersed in liquid nitrogen have their quality preserved.
The cryopreservation of seeds that present intermediate recalcitrance characteristics, like coffee is an alternative to ensure the conservation of genetic resources for indetermined time. Research on the classic and modern methods contribute to the understanding of seeds response to desiccation and freezing. In this context, four studies were carried out aiming to investigate the effects of the steps of cryopreservation on the physiological, biochemical and ultrastructural characteristics of Coffea arabica L. seeds. In addition, the effects of cathodic water to overcome the damage caused by stresses arising from these steps were evaluated. In the first study, we investigated water content and rate and pre- cooling temperature before immersion in liquid nitrogen. The water content of 20% (wb) allowed higher survival of seeds after cryopreservation when they were pre-cooled at -1 ° C min -1 to the temperature of -40 °C. In the second study, we evaluated different drying methods and a treatment with cathodic water. Slower drying causes reduction in physiological performance and provides an increase in the antioxidant enzyme activity. Faster or slower drying of seeds to 17% wb compromises the ultrastructural cells integrity. However, the cathodic treatment after faster drying (17%) maintains the integrity of the cells. In the third study, different pre-cooling procedures and treatment with cathodic water were evaluated. The best results were found in seeds containing the lowest water content (17% wb) regardless of the drying and pre-cooling methods used. The antioxidant action of cathodic water is beneficial in seeds with the highest water content (20% wb). In the driest seeds, immersion in cathodic water activates the antioxidant enzyme system and improves the ultrastructural aspect of the cells. Endosperms has higher sensitivity to freezing than the embryos. In the last study, we investigated different protocols for cryopreservation of seeds and a treatment with cathodic water. Only different methods of drying and pre-cooling affect the physiological quality and modify biochemical and ultrastructural aspects of the seeds. The seeds cryopreserved with 17% water content (wb) have better quality than those with 20% water content (wb). Coffea arabica L. seeds dried to 17% wb (75% or 81% of relative humidity), pre-cooled or directly immersed in liquid nitrogen have their quality preserved.
Tese de Doutorado defendida na Universidade Federal de Lavras
Secagem, Resfriamento, Reaquecimento, Água catódica
FIGUEIREDO, M. A. Secagem e resfriamento de sementes de Coffea arabica L. visando à criopreservaçã. 2016. 198 f. Tese (Doutorado em Agronomia/Fitotecnia) - Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras. 2016.