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O café possui um aroma e sabor atrativo, o que justifica e estimula a grande aceitação e consumo desta bebida. Têm sido realizadas várias pesquisas para determinar componentes do café e suas respectivas funções na determinação de características sensoriais e de efeitos associados à saúde humana, bem como o desenvolvimento de produtos a partir destas substâncias. A cafeína esta associada a um aumento nos níveis de ácidos graxos livres no sangue, funcionando como uma substância capaz de mobilizar as gorduras. Portanto, nesta pesquisa, objetivou-se avaliar mediante testes “in vivo” em ratos Wistar, o efeito da ingestão da cafeina sobre a taxa de ganho de peso e os níveis glicose no sangue e na urina e também testar a palatabilidade da suplementação da ração padrão com cafeína. Os testes foram realizados com ratos Wistar recém desmamados, separados em grupos de quatro animais, acondicionados em gaiolas metabólicas. As dietas dos mesmos foram com ração suplementada com cafeína (20g ração/dia) perfazendo os seguintes tratamentos: Tratamento1- ração (Controle); tratamento 2- cafeina 0,5% + ração; tratamento 3 – cafeina 1,0% + ração; tratamento 4 – cafeina 1,5% + ração. Os animais foram pesados diariamente durante todo o período da pesquisa. No final do experimento, coletou-se urina e sangue para realização das análises clínicas, sendo em seguida sacrificados. Com relação aos resultados dos exames clínicos de urina e sangue observou-se que a glicose, tanto no sangue quanto na urina não houve diferenças significativas entre o tratamento controle e os demais tratamentos. O mesmo foi observado em relação ao peso inicial e o final, as diferenças também não foram significativas entre o tratamento controle e os demais tratamentos. Mas na variação da média diária do peso houve diferença significativa entre o grupo controle e os demais tratamentos, o grupo controle o qual não recebeu cafeína aumentou o peso, dando diferença significativa entre os grupos que receberam cafeína, conforme figura1, em relação suplementação da ração padrão com cafeína, pode-se constatar ótima aceitação pelos animais. Os dados percentuais obtidos foram comparados pelo teste de Tukey a 5% de probabilidade.
The coffee have an attractive flavor, just this justify and stimulate his great consumption and acceptation for people. Many researches have been conduced to determinate the coffee components and his respective functions, the sensorial characteristics and effects on human health, over their products development from these substances. The caffeine is associated to an increase on blood free lipids level, working like a fat mobilize substance. Therefore, this research aimed to to evaluate by “in vivo” tests on Wistar rats, the effect of the ingestion of caffeine on the weight gain tax and the blood and urine glucose levels, and test the pellets supplemented with caffeine acceptation. The tests had been carried on just weaned Wistar rats, separated in four groups, situated in metabolic cages. The diets had supplemented caffeine (pellets 20g/day) using the follow treatments: Treatment 1 – pellets (Control); Treatment 2 – caffeine 0,5% + pellets; Treatment 3 caffeine 1,0% + pellets; and Treatment 4 caffeine 1,5% + pellets. The animals were diary weighed during all research. On the experiment final, urine and blood was collected to observe glucose levels, and no have statistic significant difference between Control and other groups, the same was observed on initial and final weight. Although on diary mean weight variation we have difference on Treatment 1 in relation other Treatments; the Control group (no caffeine) had a high weight gain, with a statistics significant difference when compared with the groups that received caffeine (figure 1). In relation with pellets caffeine supplementation, we evidence a great acceptation for the animals. The percentage data was compared by the test of Tukey 5% of probability.
The coffee have an attractive flavor, just this justify and stimulate his great consumption and acceptation for people. Many researches have been conduced to determinate the coffee components and his respective functions, the sensorial characteristics and effects on human health, over their products development from these substances. The caffeine is associated to an increase on blood free lipids level, working like a fat mobilize substance. Therefore, this research aimed to to evaluate by “in vivo” tests on Wistar rats, the effect of the ingestion of caffeine on the weight gain tax and the blood and urine glucose levels, and test the pellets supplemented with caffeine acceptation. The tests had been carried on just weaned Wistar rats, separated in four groups, situated in metabolic cages. The diets had supplemented caffeine (pellets 20g/day) using the follow treatments: Treatment 1 – pellets (Control); Treatment 2 – caffeine 0,5% + pellets; Treatment 3 caffeine 1,0% + pellets; and Treatment 4 caffeine 1,5% + pellets. The animals were diary weighed during all research. On the experiment final, urine and blood was collected to observe glucose levels, and no have statistic significant difference between Control and other groups, the same was observed on initial and final weight. Although on diary mean weight variation we have difference on Treatment 1 in relation other Treatments; the Control group (no caffeine) had a high weight gain, with a statistics significant difference when compared with the groups that received caffeine (figure 1). In relation with pellets caffeine supplementation, we evidence a great acceptation for the animals. The percentage data was compared by the test of Tukey 5% of probability.
Trabalho apresentado no Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (6. : 2009 : Vitória, ES). Anais Brasília, D.F: Embrapa - Café, 2011
Café, Ganho de peso, Glicose, Coffee, Weight Gain, Glucose
Oliveira, Roseane M. E.; Goulart, Patrícia F. P.; Pereira, Carlos J.; Licas, Taíse A. C.; Reis, Tatiana A.; Abreu, Priscilla Silva; Rocha, Juliano Silva. Alterações no peso e no nível de glicose, com ingestão de cafeína, em ratos wistar. In: Simpósio de Pesquisa dos cafés do Brasil (6. : 2009 : Vitória, ES). Anais Brasília, D.F: Embrapa - Café, 2011 (1 CD-ROM), 4p.