O agronegócio do café em Vitória da Conquista - BA: agricultura capitalista mundializada e reprodução fictícia de capital
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Universidade Federal da Paraíba
Esta dissertação teve como propósito compreender os mecanismos da reprodução capitalista no agronegócio do café em Vitória da Conquista-BA. Essa tarefa nos colocou diante do desafio de entender, em primeiro lugar, as bases que permitiram a consolidação desse setor aos moldes de uma agricultura capitalista mundializada. Para isso, debruçamo-nos na análise acerca da geografia histórica do capitalismo na formação do agronegócio do café em Conquista, com recorte temporal de 1960-1990, período marcado pelo avanço do capital no campo brasileiro e expansão espacial da cafeicultura no país sob o projeto de consolidação de um modelo agroexportador de commodities. Modelo este, resultado da expansão geográfica do capital dos países do centro para a periferia capitalista, diante da sua própria crise- acumulação. A partir dos anos de 1990, o agronegócio do café firma-se enquanto um modelo de agricultura capitalista mundializada e foi analisado como um processo intercambiado da extensão das práticas neoliberais e da mundialização do capital. Nesse contexto, o mercado mundial de café que antes era controlado pelo Estado de diferentes países, ficou nas mãos das tradings e das indústrias de torrefação e moagem que são grupos de multinacionais que promoveram a concentração e monopolização do setor em escala global. Não poderíamos deixar de assinalar que um dos principais pilares dessa agricultura capitalista mundializada é a produção de alimentos em forma de commodities, que tem seus preços regulados nas bolsas de valores e mercados futuros. Desse modo, urgiu a necessidade de entender a reprodução fictícia de capital nesse setor e, nesse aspecto, verificamos a determinação da lógica especulativa do capital fictício na produção capitalista do espaço no agronegócio do café, impondo o ritmo dessa produção a tempos futuros e, com isso, intensificando a concorrência capitalista. Essa dinâmica vem aprofundando a crise-acumulação, ampliando a superexploração do trabalho, promovendo o aumento substancial da produção e produtividade para suprir a lógica do capital fictício em se apropriar da mais-valia real produzida pelo capital produtivo. Esse atual cenário do agronegócio do café, em tempos neoliberais e sob o domínio das finanças, coloca em evidência, dentre outras coisas, a produção de alimentos em forma de commodities como uma prática dessa agricultura de negócio que está preocupada em atender as necessidades da acumulação fictícia e, portanto, não está à serviço da produção de comida para satisfazer as necessidades humanas.
This dissertation aimed to understand the mechanisms of capitalist reproduction in coffee agribusiness in Vitória da Conquista-BA. This task put us before the challenge of understanding, in the first place, the bases that allowed the consolidation of this sector to the molds of a globalized capitalist agriculture. To that end, we analyze the historical geography of capitalism in the formation of coffee agribusiness in Conquista, with a temporal cut of 1960-1990, a period marked by the advance of capital in the Brazilian countryside and the spatial expansion of coffee cultivation in the country under the project consolidation of a commodity agroexport model. This model, the result of the geographic expansion of capital from the countries of the center to the capitalist periphery, in the face of its own crisis- accumulation. Since the 1990s, coffee agribusiness has established itself as a model of globalized capitalist agriculture and has been analyzed as an interchange of the extension of neoliberal practices and the globalization of capital. In this context, the world coffee market that was previously controlled by the State of different countries, was in the hands of the tradings and roasting and grinding industries that are groups of multinationals that promoted the concentration and monopolization of the sector on a global scale. We could not fail to point out that one of the main pillars of this globalized capitalist agriculture is the production of food in the form of commodities, which has its prices regulated in the stock exchanges and futures markets. In this way, we urged the need to understand the fictitious reproduction of capital in this sector and, in this regard, we verify the determination of the speculative logic of fictitious capital in the capitalist production of space in the coffee agribusiness, imposing the rhythm of this production in future times and, with increasing capitalist competition. This dynamics has deepened the crisis-accumulation, expanding the superexploitation of labor, promoting a substantial increase in production and productivity to supply the logic of fictitious capital in appropriating the real surplus value produced by productive capital. This current scenario of coffee agribusiness in neoliberal times and under the dominance of finance highlights, among other things, the production of food in the form of commodities as a practice of this business agriculture that is concerned with meeting the needs of accumulation fictitious and therefore is not at the service of food production to meet human needs.
This dissertation aimed to understand the mechanisms of capitalist reproduction in coffee agribusiness in Vitória da Conquista-BA. This task put us before the challenge of understanding, in the first place, the bases that allowed the consolidation of this sector to the molds of a globalized capitalist agriculture. To that end, we analyze the historical geography of capitalism in the formation of coffee agribusiness in Conquista, with a temporal cut of 1960-1990, a period marked by the advance of capital in the Brazilian countryside and the spatial expansion of coffee cultivation in the country under the project consolidation of a commodity agroexport model. This model, the result of the geographic expansion of capital from the countries of the center to the capitalist periphery, in the face of its own crisis- accumulation. Since the 1990s, coffee agribusiness has established itself as a model of globalized capitalist agriculture and has been analyzed as an interchange of the extension of neoliberal practices and the globalization of capital. In this context, the world coffee market that was previously controlled by the State of different countries, was in the hands of the tradings and roasting and grinding industries that are groups of multinationals that promoted the concentration and monopolization of the sector on a global scale. We could not fail to point out that one of the main pillars of this globalized capitalist agriculture is the production of food in the form of commodities, which has its prices regulated in the stock exchanges and futures markets. In this way, we urged the need to understand the fictitious reproduction of capital in this sector and, in this regard, we verify the determination of the speculative logic of fictitious capital in the capitalist production of space in the coffee agribusiness, imposing the rhythm of this production in future times and, with increasing capitalist competition. This dynamics has deepened the crisis-accumulation, expanding the superexploitation of labor, promoting a substantial increase in production and productivity to supply the logic of fictitious capital in appropriating the real surplus value produced by productive capital. This current scenario of coffee agribusiness in neoliberal times and under the dominance of finance highlights, among other things, the production of food in the form of commodities as a practice of this business agriculture that is concerned with meeting the needs of accumulation fictitious and therefore is not at the service of food production to meet human needs.
Dissertação de mestrado defendida na Universidade Federal da Paraíba.
Agronegócio do café, Agricultura capitalista mundializada, Capital fictício, Commodities
NOVAIS, W. P. S. O agronegócio do café em Vitória da Conquista - BA: agricultura capitalista mundializada e reprodução fictícia de capital. 2018. 156 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Geografia) - Universidade Federal da Paraíba, João Pessoa. 2018.