Produção de biogás no tratamento dos efluentes líquidos de Coffea arabica L. em reator UASB para o potencial aproveitamento na secagem do café
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Universidade Federal de Lavras
Este trabalho teve como objetivo o estudo da produção de biogás no tratamento das águas residuárias do processamento por via úmida do café (ARC) em sistema de tratamento anaeróbio em escala de laboratório. O sistema utilizado era composto de um tanque de acidificação e equalização (TAE), um trocador de calor, um reator anaeróbio de manta de lodo e fluxo ascendente (UASB – UpFlow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket), uma lagoa aerada facultativa (LAF), um tanque de equalização e um gasômetro, localizado no Laboratório de Análise de Água (LAADEG), do Departamento de Engenharia da Universidade Federal de Lavras (UFLA). As ARC foram preparadas a partir do processamento por via úmida de café coco. O monitoramento do sistema foi realizado por meio de análises químicas e físico-químicas; pelo monitoramento dos parâmetros de funcionamento do processo; pela quantificação da produção de biogás no reator UASB e análise da porcentagem de metano, utilizando cromatografia gasosa e pelos cálculos dos poderes caloríficos e da permutabilidade do biogás. As análises de cromatografia gasosa foram realizadas na Central de Análises e Prospecção Química (CAPQ), do Departamento de Química, da UFLA. O tratamento foi realizado durante 190 dias e o pH foi controlado em alguns períodos de tempo, pela adição de hidróxido de sódio no TAE ou no reator UASB. Considerando apenas o reator UASB, os valores máximos e mínimos obtidos na entrada foram de 235 a 7.064 mg.L -1 para DQO; 200 a 3.913 mg.L -1 para DBO 5 , 500 a 11.153 mg.L -1 para STV e 4,5 a 7,8 para o pH. Na saída do reator UASB, os valores foram de 39 a 2.333 mg.L -1 para DQO; 15 a 1.300 mg.L -1 para DBO 5 , 272 a 2.749 mg.L -1 para STV e 6,16 a 7,93 para o pH. As eficiências de remoção de DQO, DBO 5 e STV no UASB foram de 32,7 a 93,1%, 44,7 a 94,6 e 24,2 a 90,2%, respectivamente. Considerando o sistema todo, os valores mínimos e máximos de DQO, DBO 5 , STV e pH na entrada foram de 305 a 7.233 mg.L -1 , 235 a 3.562 mg.L -1 , 665 a 4.873 mg.L -1 , 4,5 a 7,8, respectivamente. Os valores mínimos e máximos de DQO, DBO 5 , STV e pH, na saída do sistema, foram de 13 a 1.944 mg.L -1 , 10 a 580 mg.L -1 , 215 a 2.487 mg.L -1 , 6,6 a 8,7, respectivamente. Os valores mínimos e máximos de vazão foram de 0,0043 a 0,0374 m 3 .d -1 e de COV foram 0,14 a 20,29 kgDQO.m -3 d -1 . A eficiência de remoção da DQO, da DBO 5 e dos STV do sistema apresentou variações de 46,4 a 98,2%, 64,6 a 97,9% e 41,9 a 89,0%, respectivamente. A produção teórica de biogás no reator UASB apresentou valores entre 0,537 a 0,580 m 3 .kg -1 DQO e de 0,537 a de 0,580 m 3 .kg -1 DBO 5 . A porcentagem de metano no biogás variou de 48,60 a 68,14%, variações estas devido às diversas condições do processo de tratamento. A massa específica média encontrada para o biogás foi de 0,665 kg.m -3 . De uma maneira geral, os resultados obtidos foram satisfatórios e próximos dos valores de pesquisas referenciadas neste trabalho.
This work had the purpose of studying the biogas production in the treatment of the wet processing coffee wastewaters (ARC) in an anaerobic treatment system in laboratorial scale. The system used was composed of an acidification and equalization tank (TAE), a heat-exchanging, an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor (UASB), a facultative aerated pond (LAF), an equalization tank and a gas tank, assembled in the Water Analysis Laboratory (LAADEG), of the Engineering Department at the Federal University of Lavras (UFLA). The ARC were produced from the wet processing of the natural coffee. The system monitoring was carried out by chemical and physical-chemical analysis; by the process operating monitoring; by biogas production quantification in UASB reactor and methane percentage analysis by gas chromatography and by biogas calorific power and permutation calculations. The gas chromatography analysis was carried out in the Center of Chemical and Prospection Analysis (CAPQ), of the Chemistryl Department at UFLA. The treatment was carried out for a period of 190 days and the pH was controlled for some periods by adding sodium hydroxide into the TAE or the UASB. Considering only the UASB reactor the maximum and minimum values obtained in the affluent ranged from 235 to 7064 mg.L -1 for COD; 200 to 3913 mg.L -1 for BOD 5 , 500 to 11.153 mg.L -1 for TVS and 4,5 to 7,8 for pH. In the outlet of the UASB reactor, the values were 39 to 2333 mg.L -1 for COD; 15 to 1300 mg.L -1 for BOD 5 , 272 to 2749 mg.L -1 for TVS and 6,2 a 7,9 for pH. The efficiencies of removing COD, BOD 5 and TVS in the UASB varied from 32,7 to 93,1%, 44,7 to 94,6% and 24,2 a 90,2%, respectively. Considering the full system, the minimum and maximum values of COD, BOD 5 , TVS and pH in the inlet ranged from 305 to 7233 mg.L -1 , 235 to 3562 mg.L -1 , 665 to 4873 mg.L -1 and 4,5 to 7,8, respectively. The minimum and maximum values of COD, BOD 5 , TVS and pH in the system outlet varied from 13 to 1944 mg.L -1 , 10 to 580 mg.L -1 , 215 to 2487 mg.L -1 , 6,6 to 8,7, respectively. The minimum and maximum values of the flow rate were 0,0043 to 0,0374 m 3 .d -1 and to VLR were 0,14 to 20,29 KgCOD.m -3 d -1 . The efficiencies of removing COD, BOD 5 and TVS of the system presented variations ranging from 46,4 to 98,2%, 64,6 to 97,9% and 41,9 to 89,0%, respectively. The theoretical biogas production in the UASB reactor presented values ranging from 0,537 to 0,580 m 3 .Kg -1 COD and 0,537 to 0,580 m 3 .Kg -1 BOD 5 . The methane percentage in the biogas presented values varing from 48,60 to 68,14%, which were caused by several conditions of the treatment process. The biogas mean specific mass obtained was 0,665 Kg.m -3 . On a general view, the results obtained were satisfactory and close to the values of the researches mentioned in the theorectical reference of this work.
This work had the purpose of studying the biogas production in the treatment of the wet processing coffee wastewaters (ARC) in an anaerobic treatment system in laboratorial scale. The system used was composed of an acidification and equalization tank (TAE), a heat-exchanging, an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor (UASB), a facultative aerated pond (LAF), an equalization tank and a gas tank, assembled in the Water Analysis Laboratory (LAADEG), of the Engineering Department at the Federal University of Lavras (UFLA). The ARC were produced from the wet processing of the natural coffee. The system monitoring was carried out by chemical and physical-chemical analysis; by the process operating monitoring; by biogas production quantification in UASB reactor and methane percentage analysis by gas chromatography and by biogas calorific power and permutation calculations. The gas chromatography analysis was carried out in the Center of Chemical and Prospection Analysis (CAPQ), of the Chemistryl Department at UFLA. The treatment was carried out for a period of 190 days and the pH was controlled for some periods by adding sodium hydroxide into the TAE or the UASB. Considering only the UASB reactor the maximum and minimum values obtained in the affluent ranged from 235 to 7064 mg.L -1 for COD; 200 to 3913 mg.L -1 for BOD 5 , 500 to 11.153 mg.L -1 for TVS and 4,5 to 7,8 for pH. In the outlet of the UASB reactor, the values were 39 to 2333 mg.L -1 for COD; 15 to 1300 mg.L -1 for BOD 5 , 272 to 2749 mg.L -1 for TVS and 6,2 a 7,9 for pH. The efficiencies of removing COD, BOD 5 and TVS in the UASB varied from 32,7 to 93,1%, 44,7 to 94,6% and 24,2 a 90,2%, respectively. Considering the full system, the minimum and maximum values of COD, BOD 5 , TVS and pH in the inlet ranged from 305 to 7233 mg.L -1 , 235 to 3562 mg.L -1 , 665 to 4873 mg.L -1 and 4,5 to 7,8, respectively. The minimum and maximum values of COD, BOD 5 , TVS and pH in the system outlet varied from 13 to 1944 mg.L -1 , 10 to 580 mg.L -1 , 215 to 2487 mg.L -1 , 6,6 to 8,7, respectively. The minimum and maximum values of the flow rate were 0,0043 to 0,0374 m 3 .d -1 and to VLR were 0,14 to 20,29 KgCOD.m -3 d -1 . The efficiencies of removing COD, BOD 5 and TVS of the system presented variations ranging from 46,4 to 98,2%, 64,6 to 97,9% and 41,9 to 89,0%, respectively. The theoretical biogas production in the UASB reactor presented values ranging from 0,537 to 0,580 m 3 .Kg -1 COD and 0,537 to 0,580 m 3 .Kg -1 BOD 5 . The methane percentage in the biogas presented values varing from 48,60 to 68,14%, which were caused by several conditions of the treatment process. The biogas mean specific mass obtained was 0,665 Kg.m -3 . On a general view, the results obtained were satisfactory and close to the values of the researches mentioned in the theorectical reference of this work.
Dissertação de Mestrado defendida na Universidade Federal de Lavras
Águas residuárias, Reator UASB, Biogás, Metano
PRADO, M. A. C. Produção de biogás no tratamento dos efluentes líquidos de Coffea arabica L. em reator UASB para o potencial aproveitamento na secagem do café. 2006. 206 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia Agrícola) - Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras. 2006.