Regimes hídricos e doses de fósforo em cafeeiro
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Instituto Agronômico (IAC)
O trabalho objetivou estudar os crescimentos vegetativo e reprodutivo e a produtividade de cafeeiro sob três regimes hídricos e quatro doses de adubação fosfatada, no segundo ano após a poda, em solo de Cerrado. A cultivar utilizada foi a Catuaí Rubi MG 1192, Coffea arabica L., com 7.143 plantas ha-1. Os regimes hídricos aplicados foram: sem suspensão da irrigação, feita o ano todo (I); e a partir de 24/6/07, com suspensão da irrigação por 70 dias (SI70); e com suspensão da irrigação por 109 dias (SI109). Os tratamentos SI70 e SI109 foram interrompidos por uma chuva de 12 mm (1.º/10/07), que visualmente induziu a floração. As quatro doses anuais de adubação fosfatada foram: 0 (P0), 100 (P100), 200 (P200) e 400 (P400) kg de P2O5 ha-1. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos completos ao acaso com o regime hídrico na parcela e a dose de fósforo na subparcela, com três repetições. As doses de fósforo (P200) e (P400) proporcionaram aumento no comprimento e área foliar de ramos, número de frutos e na produtividade de grãos. Os regimes hídricos SI70 e SI109 proporcionaram as maiores porcentagens de frutos cereja e a maior e menor produtividade de grãos respectivamente.
This work aimed to study the vegetative and reproductive growth and yield of coffee plants under three water regimes and four phosphorus fertilization doses, on second year after pruning on cerrado soil. The cultivar used was Catuai Rubi, MG 1192, Coffea arabica L. with 7,143 plants ha-1. Water regimes were: all year round irrigation (I); after June 24th, 2007, irrigation was stopped for 70 days (SI70) and for 109 days (SI109). Treatments SI70 e SI109 were interrupted with a rainfall of 12 mm (October 1st, 2007), which visually caused flowering initiation. The four phosphorus doses were: 0 (P0), 100 (P100), 200 (P200) e 400 (P400) kg of P2O5 ha-1. The experiment was arranged in randomized complete block design for water regime with phosphorus doses as split plot and three replications. The highest doses of phosphorus (P200) and (P400) provided increases in branch length, leaf area, number of fruits and grain yield. Water regimes SI70 and SI109 provided higher cherry fruit percentage and the highest and lowest grain yield, respectively.
This work aimed to study the vegetative and reproductive growth and yield of coffee plants under three water regimes and four phosphorus fertilization doses, on second year after pruning on cerrado soil. The cultivar used was Catuai Rubi, MG 1192, Coffea arabica L. with 7,143 plants ha-1. Water regimes were: all year round irrigation (I); after June 24th, 2007, irrigation was stopped for 70 days (SI70) and for 109 days (SI109). Treatments SI70 e SI109 were interrupted with a rainfall of 12 mm (October 1st, 2007), which visually caused flowering initiation. The four phosphorus doses were: 0 (P0), 100 (P100), 200 (P200) e 400 (P400) kg of P2O5 ha-1. The experiment was arranged in randomized complete block design for water regime with phosphorus doses as split plot and three replications. The highest doses of phosphorus (P200) and (P400) provided increases in branch length, leaf area, number of fruits and grain yield. Water regimes SI70 and SI109 provided higher cherry fruit percentage and the highest and lowest grain yield, respectively.
Crescimento, Déficit hídrico, Irrigação, Nutrição, Produtividade
MERA, A. C. et al. Regimes hídricos e doses de fósforo em cafeeiro. Bragantia, Campinas, v. 70, n. 2, p. 302-311, Abr./Jun. 2011.