Seletividade de herbicidas e controle de plantas daninhas em lavouras de café arábica
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
As plantas daninhas podem afetar o crescimento do cafeeiro e por isso devem ser manejadas, tanto na linha como na entrelinha. Todavia, os métodos de controle empregados podem também ter efeito negativo sobre o cafeeiro. Neste trabalho os objetivos foram avaliar, a médio prazo, o crescimento de mudas de café em resposta ao controle químico de plantas daninhas na linha de plantio; a eficácia de controle de Digitaria insularis e a seletividade ao cafeeiro de misturas em tanque de inibidores da ACCase e ALS; e testar associações de métodos de controle no manejo na entrelinha de lavouras adultas. Foram conduzidos quatro experimentos no delineamento em blocos ao acaso, sendo dois em lavouras comerciais na Região do Cerrado Mineiro e os outros dois em casa de vegetação no Campus UFV - Florestal. No primeiro experimento foram testados os principais controles químicos de plantas daninhas atualmente adotados na linha de plantio durante os seis meses de implantação da lavoura, e seus efeitos no crescimento do cafeeiro, avaliados por dois anos consecutivos. Verificou-se que o herbicida oxifluorfem, aplicado em jato dirigido, proporcionou o maior desempenho em crescimento, enquanto o glifosato, o pior (p<0,05). O cafeeiro apresentou intoxicação decorrente dos diferentes tratamentos, mas recuperou-se 530 dias após o transplantio (DAT). Não houve efeito dos tratamentos na catação do café (p>0,05). No segundo experimento, os herbicidas cletodim, haloxifope-p-metílico e clorimurom-etílico isolados, e os dois últimos também em mistura em tanque e em aplicação sequencial, em doses de 0, 50, 100, 200 e 400% da dose recomendada, foram aplicados no topo de mudas, aos 42 DAT, em vasos em casa de vegetação. Foram avaliados o crescimento das mudas, as trocas gasosas e a morfologia radicular. Verificou-se que os graminicidas não causaram intoxicação e não afetaram (p>0,05) o crescimento nas mudas em nenhuma dose. Os tratamentos contendo clorimurom-etílico causaram intoxicação nas mudas, porém, até a dose recomendada pelo fabricante apresentaram seletividade. As plantas tratadas com clorimurom-etílico tiveram crescimento reduzido com aumento da dose (p<0,05). Os tratamentos não afetaram as trocas gasosas (p>0,05). O volume radicular reduziu-se com as doses de clorimurom-etílico. No terceiro experimento, os herbicidas cletodim, haloxifope-p-metílico, fluazifope-p-butílico e clorimurom-etílico, isolados e associados, foram aplicados sobre D. insularis, em três estádios de desenvolvimento (dois a três, quatro a cinco e seis a sete perfilhos), avaliando-se, em seguida, a interação dessas moléculas no controle da espécie. Observou-se que todos os graminicidas controlaram de forma eficaz o capim-amargoso, independentemente do estádio (p<0,05). A mistura em tanque do clorimurom-etílico com fluazifope-p-butílico foi antagônica quando aplicada em estádios mais tardios do capim-amargoso. Por fim, no quarto experimento, ao se testarem a trincha, roçadora e dessecação química (glifosato 0,72 kg ha-1 e. a.), associando-os a diferentes larguras de faixa de controle a partir da projeção da copa, verificou-se que o manejo da entrelinha com glifosato promoveu menor diversidade de plantas daninhas, todavia reduziu em 20% o número de operações ao longo do ano, gerou menor quantidade de palhada, reciclando menores conteúdos de nutrientes. Não houve efeito das diferentes larguras de faixas de controle a partir da projeção da copa sobre o crescimento e produtividade do cafeeiro no biênio avaliado. Concluiu-se que o herbicida oxifluorfem apresentou melhor desempenho de seletividade até os 530 DAT em lavouras jovens, enquanto o glifosato, o pior, mesmo em aplicação em jato dirigido, devendo essas, portanto, serem realizadas com cautela. O uso de clorimurom-etílico sobre a copa do cafeeiro apresentou seletividade nas doses recomendadas, mas não em doses superiores. Aplicações de herbicidas inibidores da ACCase foram eficientes no controle de capim-amargoso e seletivas ao cafeeiro, mas mistura em tanque de fluazifope-p-butílico com clorimurom-etílico foi antagônica, quando aplicada em estádios tardios. As faixas de controle não afetaram o crescimento e a produtividade, a curto prazo, independentemente do manejo na entrelinha. O manejo do glifosato reduziu as operações ao longo do ano. Não houve efeito dos manejos de entrelinha sobre a produção de café no biênio avaliado.
Weeds can affect the growth of coffee tree crops; therefore, they must be managed in both intra and inter-rows. However, the control methods employed can also have a negative effect on coffee tree. In this work, the objectives were to evaluate, in a medium term, the growth of coffee seedlings in response to intra-row weeds chemical control; the effectiveness of tank mixtures of ACCase and ALS inhibitor in Digitaria insularis control and its selectivity to coffee plants; and to test the association of weed control methods in inter-row weed management. For this purpose, a total of four randomized complete block design experiments were performed, in which, two on-farm experiments were performed on Cerrado Mineiro region, and two greenhouse experiments were performed at UFV Campus Florestal. In the first experiment, there were evaluated the main weed chemical controls adopted on the intra-row control of weed on the first six months after planting, and its effects on coffee trees growth were evaluated during two consecutives years. It was verified that oxyfluorfen herbicide, applied as a directed spray, resulted in the greater growth of coffee plants, while glyphosate, the lowest (p<0,05). The coffee plants showed some levels of intoxication due to different herbicide treatment, however recovered themselves after 530 days from plants transplanting. There was no significant effect on coffee first harvest (p>0,05). In the second experiment, the herbicides: clethodim, haloxyfop-p-methyl and chlorimuronethyl, including the last two also in tank mix and sequential application, in doses of 0, 50, 100, 200 and 400% of the recommended dose, were applied on the top of coffee seedlings, at 42 days after transplant in pot. Seedlings growth, gas exchange and root morphology were evaluated. It was found that the graminicides, in any dose, did not cause any intoxication or had any significant affect (p>0,05) on seedlings growth. High doses of chlorimuron-ethyl resulted in some levels of plants intoxication, however, using the recommend dose, no significant affects were observed. Plants treated with chlorimuron-ethyl resulted in reduced growth while increasing the herbicides doses (p<0,05). The herbicide treatments had no affects on gas exchange (p>0,05). Roots volume decreased when chlorimuron-ethyl was applied. In the third experiment, the herbicides: clethodim, haloxyfop-p-methyl, fluazifop-p-butyl and chlorimuron-ethyl were applied, isolated or associated, over D. insularis plant in three growth stages (two to three, four to five and six to seven tillers). There was evaluated the interaction of those molecules on chemical control of D. insularis. All herbicides were effective on the chemical control of the this weed in any growth stage (p<0,05) The tank mixture of chlorimuron-ethyl with fluazifop-p-butyl was antagonistic when applied in later stages of bitter grass. In the fourth experiment, while testing mowing, brush-shredding and chemical desiccation (glyphosate 0,72 kg ha-1 e. a.) methods, associated to different weed control strip widths from coffee tree canopy projection, it was verified that the inter-row chemical weed control promoted a smaller weed diversity, as well as a reduction in about 20% of the number of operations over the year, smaller straw amount, higher levels of nutrients, even though there was no significant effect on nutrients content (p>0,05). The different weed control strip widths did not affect either plants growth nor yielding of coffee trees. As a conclusion, the herbicide oxyfluorfen resulted in a better selectivity performance until 530 after plantation transplanting, while glyphosate resulted in the worst performance even when applied as a directed spray, which requires caution. The first harvest suffered no effects from herbicides treatments. The use of chlorimuron-ethyl over coffee tree canopy presents potential selectivity. Applications of ACCase inhibitor herbicides were both efficient to control of D. insularis and selective to coffee trees. Fluazifop-p-butyl and chlorimuronethyl tank mix presented antagonistic effect when applied in late stages. In a short term, the weed control strip widths did not affect plants growth or yielding. The use of glyphosate reduced the number of operations over the year and higher levels of nutrients recycling. There was no evidence of inter-row weed control effects over coffee trees yielding during the two evaluated years, even though higher yields were achieved.
Weeds can affect the growth of coffee tree crops; therefore, they must be managed in both intra and inter-rows. However, the control methods employed can also have a negative effect on coffee tree. In this work, the objectives were to evaluate, in a medium term, the growth of coffee seedlings in response to intra-row weeds chemical control; the effectiveness of tank mixtures of ACCase and ALS inhibitor in Digitaria insularis control and its selectivity to coffee plants; and to test the association of weed control methods in inter-row weed management. For this purpose, a total of four randomized complete block design experiments were performed, in which, two on-farm experiments were performed on Cerrado Mineiro region, and two greenhouse experiments were performed at UFV Campus Florestal. In the first experiment, there were evaluated the main weed chemical controls adopted on the intra-row control of weed on the first six months after planting, and its effects on coffee trees growth were evaluated during two consecutives years. It was verified that oxyfluorfen herbicide, applied as a directed spray, resulted in the greater growth of coffee plants, while glyphosate, the lowest (p<0,05). The coffee plants showed some levels of intoxication due to different herbicide treatment, however recovered themselves after 530 days from plants transplanting. There was no significant effect on coffee first harvest (p>0,05). In the second experiment, the herbicides: clethodim, haloxyfop-p-methyl and chlorimuronethyl, including the last two also in tank mix and sequential application, in doses of 0, 50, 100, 200 and 400% of the recommended dose, were applied on the top of coffee seedlings, at 42 days after transplant in pot. Seedlings growth, gas exchange and root morphology were evaluated. It was found that the graminicides, in any dose, did not cause any intoxication or had any significant affect (p>0,05) on seedlings growth. High doses of chlorimuron-ethyl resulted in some levels of plants intoxication, however, using the recommend dose, no significant affects were observed. Plants treated with chlorimuron-ethyl resulted in reduced growth while increasing the herbicides doses (p<0,05). The herbicide treatments had no affects on gas exchange (p>0,05). Roots volume decreased when chlorimuron-ethyl was applied. In the third experiment, the herbicides: clethodim, haloxyfop-p-methyl, fluazifop-p-butyl and chlorimuron-ethyl were applied, isolated or associated, over D. insularis plant in three growth stages (two to three, four to five and six to seven tillers). There was evaluated the interaction of those molecules on chemical control of D. insularis. All herbicides were effective on the chemical control of the this weed in any growth stage (p<0,05) The tank mixture of chlorimuron-ethyl with fluazifop-p-butyl was antagonistic when applied in later stages of bitter grass. In the fourth experiment, while testing mowing, brush-shredding and chemical desiccation (glyphosate 0,72 kg ha-1 e. a.) methods, associated to different weed control strip widths from coffee tree canopy projection, it was verified that the inter-row chemical weed control promoted a smaller weed diversity, as well as a reduction in about 20% of the number of operations over the year, smaller straw amount, higher levels of nutrients, even though there was no significant effect on nutrients content (p>0,05). The different weed control strip widths did not affect either plants growth nor yielding of coffee trees. As a conclusion, the herbicide oxyfluorfen resulted in a better selectivity performance until 530 after plantation transplanting, while glyphosate resulted in the worst performance even when applied as a directed spray, which requires caution. The first harvest suffered no effects from herbicides treatments. The use of chlorimuron-ethyl over coffee tree canopy presents potential selectivity. Applications of ACCase inhibitor herbicides were both efficient to control of D. insularis and selective to coffee trees. Fluazifop-p-butyl and chlorimuronethyl tank mix presented antagonistic effect when applied in late stages. In a short term, the weed control strip widths did not affect plants growth or yielding. The use of glyphosate reduced the number of operations over the year and higher levels of nutrients recycling. There was no evidence of inter-row weed control effects over coffee trees yielding during the two evaluated years, even though higher yields were achieved.
Dissertação de mestrado defendida na Universidade Federal de Viçosa.
Antagonismo, Coffea arabica, Digitaria insularis, Manejo integrado, Mistura em tanque, Tecnologia de aplicação
CAMPOS, A. A. V. Seletividade de herbicidas e controle de plantas daninhas em lavouras de café arábica. 2020. 111 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Manejo e Conservação de Ecossistemas Naturais e Agrários) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa-MG. 2020.